King's Business - 1925-04

April 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



Mr. and Mrs. Anderson sailed early in Ja n u ary for C entral America under the Central American Mission Board. E v erett F . H arrison and A llan Mac- Rae, Bible In stitu te students, 1923- 1924, are a t Princeton Theological Seminary. Mr. H arrison w rites: “P rinceton is really a fine place, tru e to its trad ition s and staunch in its support of historical Christianity. The faculty is thoroughly orthodox and the stud en t body almost en tirely so. . . . . The very n atu re of th e work makes the Sem inary a different so rt of place from B. I., and th e work is of course more difficult. Both Allan and myself count ourselves fo rtun ate in having had a year a t B. I., and realize the value of th a t train ing as a complement to th e Sem inary equipm ent.”

Miss E d ith P inch, ’22, is in the Indian work a t Ganado, Ariz. W. H. South is pastor of a church a t G raham Station, near Los Angeles. H al Reed, ’23, is pastor of th e F lo r­ ence Heights Methodist Church, Los Angeles. Miss P e a rl Weeks, ’13, sailed in November from Vancouver, retu rn ing to China. Mr. an d Mrs. R. Floyd P ierson are retu rn in g to the Belgian Congo afte r furlough. P h ilip C. Hanson, ’22, is pastor of the Evangelical Mission Church a t San Pedro, Calif. Miss T eresa W alker, ’20, is a t Gan­ ado, Arizona, working under the P resby terian board. Mr. and Mrs. F . H. McKenrick, who are on furlough from Africa, recently arrived in Los Angeles. Miss N arsa White, ’23, recently left Los Angeles for Belgium, to tak e up work w ith the Belgian Gospel Mission. M artin L u th e r Thomas, ’18, was installed into th e pastorship of th e F irs t P resbyterian Church of San Pedro, Calif., on the evening of Octo­ ber 30, last. Miss M artha Leal, ’24, w ith her parents, arrived in Egypt in Novem­ ber, and has been engaged in language study a t Zeitoun, in preparation for m issionary work. E. Edw in Paulson, ’23, is pastor of a small P resbyterian church near Bat­ tle Lake, Minn. He w rites th a t th e Lord is blessing th e work and th a t he is enjoying th e quiet of the country afte r the city life of Los Angeles. He would be glad to h ear from B. I. friends. Rev. E rn e st G. Hansell, ’20, P asto r of W estbourne B aptist Church, Cal­ gary, Canada, has a Sunday School of two hundred and thirty-five, and a 1 Young People’s Society of about fifty. “A num ber of these have formed a lit­ tle club for th e in te rest of those who have felt th e call of God into a life service.” Rev. A ltabelle H eller, ’19, has resigned from the pasto rate a t W al­ ker, Iowa, where she has been for th e past year and where th e Lord has abundantly blessed, and is now a t home in Marengo, Iowa, caring for her invalid mother, who has been strick en w ith paralysis. She covets your prayers. Ju liu s Raplee, ’24, w rites of his th re e weeks’ trip home to Bellingham, Wash., stating th a t he spent two weeks w ith Mr. T rue H. Maxfield (C entral Point, O re.), w ith whom he had a wonderful tim e of fellowship and prayer. Mr. Raplee had spoken in his home church and hoped to be able to serve th ere as supply. He is look­ ing forw ard to going to South America before long. L eonard D. Stokely, ’21, is working w ith boys among the foreign popula­ tion of Los Angeles, under th e Los Angeles B aptist City Mission Society. O rganizing them into clubs for Bible study and all around development, as exemplified in Luke 2:52, is th e pro­

gram , following th e “ P ioneer” plan, in p art. Mr. Stokely says: “The boys are abundant, bu t th e leaders are few.” Mr. Stokely has been attending Redlands University for almost th ree years. W!ord comes from Stanley Nicholls, ’23, a t Xenia Seminary, th a t A. J. Anderson, ’23, who recently left Los Angeles, spent a happy day w ith B. I. stud en ts a t the Sem inary on December 9 and in th e evening spoke a t the Gos­ pel Center Mission Hall. The follow­ ing day he left for Dallas, Texas, where he was ordained on Sunday evening, the 14th. On Tuesday, the 15th, Mr. Anderson and Miss Marie Mack, ’23, were united in m arriage.

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