King's Business - 1925-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1925

SQKHUXiSJlXtJJJMJlUljrxiXBLTXm&XlßßXIJß} W INSTON-INTERNATIONAL TEACHERS'BIBLES SELF-PRONOUNCING Containing References, a Concordance and th e most authoritative Aids to Bible Study. Printed in Black Face Type« B eautiful Bindings. SendforIlustratedCatalog THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., Publishers American Bible Headquarters 299 WINSTON BUILDING PHILADELPHIA Pease Publications Post Cards and Envelope Greetings Bible T exts, a n d M e s s a g e s for E aster, B irthday, C heer-up, C onval­ escent, Sym pathy, etc. A lso, SUNDAY SCHOOL SPECIALS, (A ids to T eachers) Special O ffering C oin Boxes Send fo r C atalog an d P a rticu la rs, o r send 25c for One Dozen P o st C ards or $1.25 fo r 100. MRS. L. F. PEASE 260 L aurel S t. D ept. K Buffalo, N. Y.

Hugh P . Andrews w rites as follows: “I always like to h ear about the doings of the B. I. fam ily and feel a certain responsibility for sending in news regarding our own activities. I have been in the field of evangelism since last summer and am laboring most of the tim e w ith David F. Nygren, a very able evangelist. We have had campaigns in southern Idaho and western W ashington; a t th is tim e we are about to close here in Belling­ ham, Wash. Our tim e is engaged up to March. I would like to hear from you B. I. people who are following evangelism in America. We can help one ano th er w ith suggestions and inform ation.” Mr. K enneth M. Monroe, a K ing’s Business subscriber, who is a stud en t a t Xenia Theological Seminary, w rites as follows: “ I am glad to say I take ‘The K ing’s Business’ and like it very much, especially the way you stand foursquare on the Word of God when so many are denying it from cover to cover. You are keeping many a soul in th e p ath of Christ du ring th is apostate age. There will be many added to your ranks, as upholders of th e Word, from th is school. There

are eleven here from Southern Cali­ fornia, four of whom are B.I.O.L.A. graduates, and one (my wife) who attended for one year. We have a studen t prayer meeting in our room every Thursday evening a t 9:30 and we always remember the B. I. We are also praying very earnestly for a revival in St; Louis when Dr. Torrey comes here in F eb ru ary .” ^ M arried Philip C. Hanson, ’22, and Ingeborg Anderson, ’23, November 7, a t Reed- ley, Calif. A t home a t San Pedro, Calif. A. J. Anderson, ’23, and Marie Mack, ’23, December 16th, a t Dallas, Texas. At home a t Guatemala City, Guatemala. Born To Mr. an d Mrs. H. H. N ikkei, In May, a daughter, Miriam E leanor. Dai- meny, Sask., Canada. To Mr. I. J . Hazelton, ’22, and Mrs. Hazelton, (M argaret F u lle r), ’22, a son, Irving Graham. S trathm ore, Calif. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION Our meetings for th e month of F eb ru ary have been especially in ter­ esting and varied. On F eb ru ary 5th Mr. W. A. (Daddy) Hillis, F ield Rep­ resentative of B.I.O.L.A., gave to us a call for daily Home M issionary Ser­ vice, showing us th e deep need in th e lives of men and women, boys and girls, w ith whom we come in daily contact, as well as a view of w hat may well be term ed the “Foreign F ields,” of the United States— the work among the Indians of the W estern States. The following week we had w ith us Miss Lucia Dunn, who fo r 35 years h as been endeavoring, w ith others, to bring those Jews who are now re tu rn in g to th e City of Jerusalem and th e su r­ rounding country, to recognize Jesus * as the Messiah for whom th e ir h earts are yearning. F rom Mr. L. L. Legters we learned of th e almost untouched field of labor among th e m illions of Indians of th e mountain regions of South and C entral America and Mex­ ico. Our h earts were stirred as we heard the call for a Saviour from these people of L atin America. On Feb. 26th we listened to a message from Japan, through Miss Mary J. Hall, B. I. grad­ uate of the Class of 1917, who has been working w ith th e Congregational Missionary Society in Tam akura, Japan. ****4«* W ill you pray th a t our h earts may be open to receive th e messages God sends to us th rough these speakers? Continue in prayer for th e June g raduating class—may th e ir lives he fully surrendered to th e will of our Heavenly F ath er. Miss Christine F rand sen , 1921 graduate, accepted for service by the Africa Inland Mission, having com­ pleted her course in medical train ing in England, wishes us to join her in prayer th a t if it be the Lord’s w ill the way will soon be opened for her to go to Africa.

Practical and Efficient Equipment FOR THE CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Church Hymn Boards

HYMN BOARD NO . 11 Slides a n d N um erals Included A ll D elivery C harges E x tra Size, 29x39 inches No. 11 A . L ight O a k ..$ 3 0 .0 0 No. 11D. D ark O a k __ 3 0 .0 0 N o .llW . W alnut ....... 4 5 .0 0

Seven o th e r designed H ym n B oards in th re e styles, light and d a rk oak, also w alnut, ra n g in g in p rice from $12.00 to $45.00. W rite fo r illustrative c irc u ­ la r w ith p ric e list.

No. 11 Tables and Chairs for All Departments

T he tab les range from th e sm all class tab le to th e dep artm en tal table (w ith com p artm en ts fo r every p u rp o se ). T he prices are quite reasonable a n d quick deliv­ ery can be made.

C om fortable, w ell-built chairs, ran g in g in size an d sty le from th e sm all ch air fo r B eginners to th e com bination chapel (w ith h a t and bookrack) illu stra te d above, found popular and serviceable b y Sun­ day schools everyw here. For additional material write for our new Sunday School and Church Supply Catalog Illustrations and price list upon application PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT PRESBYTERIAN BOARD O F CHR ISTIAN EDUCATION (TH E WESTM INSTER PRESS) H ead q u arters: PH ILAD ELPH IA , W itherspoon Building New Y ork, 156 Fifth Ave. C incinnati, 420 Elm St. St. Louis, 914 Pine St. Chicago, 125 N. W abash Ave. N ashville, 71 1 C hurch St. San Francisco, 278 P o st St. A tla n ta , 200 A uburn Ave. P ittsb u rg h , G ran ite B uilding

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