King's Business - 1925-04

April 1925


THE , K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

A CHRISTIAN COLLEGE By P resid en t Charles A. B lanchard, W heaton College, Wheaton, Illinois

You can easily solve

Your Mother's Day and


Program Problem by ordering a copy of The Paramount Special Day Book—two books in one—with more than enough material for both. Tou will not find a dull or com­ monplace number in this publication. The recita­ tions, dialogues, exercises and songs are fresh and sparkling. The most tender tributes of reverence and love to Mother. Full of heart throbs, smiles and tears. The new Missionary material for Children and grown-ups includes a Playlet, “The Spirit of Mis­ sions," that will prove wonderfully effective. Price 25 cents. Write to your supply house or send direct to Meyer & Brother S 6 c“ hS [ ,sSt' Free Sample Package Gospel Literature T racts, M ottoes, S tatio n ery , P o st C ards, G ospel Stam ps, B read Boxes, etc. SERVICE PTG . CO. 2809 N. 13 St., Phila.

(Many inquiries come to the editor of The K ing’s Business regarding a reliable college to which paren ts may send th e ir young people w ithout fear of th e ir faith being underm ined, and th erefo re we take pleasure in giving th e following notice of W heaton Col­ lege, and commending its unbiased, fundam ental position. As an educa­ tional in stitu tion it is safe, sound, satisfacto ry .) I am constantly hearing about “ Christian education” and “ Christian colleges.” All colleges now wish to be called “ C hristian.” Not long since a large university advertised th a t the m ajority of th e ir teaching force were now members of churches, and the article said, “No one can now deny us th e name of Christian. We are a Christian in stitu tion .” In th is day when all people wish to be considered Christian th ere is no way in which one can know the facts in th e case w ithou t specifications. Our method of carrying on a Christian in stitu tion is, in a word, this: We do no t select tru stees who are no t con­ fessed Christians. Every one of our tru stees are requested to sign a p lat­ form which specifies belief in th e fun­ dam ental doctrines of the historic Christian faith, as follows: The Verbal Inspiration of th e Bible. The T rin ity of the Godhead. The V irgin B irth and Deity of Jesus Christ. The Necessity o f-th e Substitution­ ary A tonement and th e New B irth. The Bodily Resurrection, Ascension and Prem illennial Coming of Jesus Christ. . The Bodily R esurrection of the Ju s t and Unjust, the Everlasting Blessed­ ness of the Saved, and th e Everlasting Punishm ent of the Lost. The reason fo r th is is th a t we wish to not only have tru stees who once w ere’ Christians, b u t Christians who are alive, Christian men, carrying on the Lord’s work. We select our teachers in the same manner. Our teachers also are requested each year to subscribe to th e platform of the college. In this m anner we keep our knowledge of th e ir faith up to date. We do not con­ sider for teaching positions persons who are not in agreem ent w ith our platform . The following questionnaire is sent to possible teachers: “ (1 ). Áre you a C h ristian?............. If so, how long have you been saved? ................(2 ). Of w hat church are you a m ember?......................... (3 ). Are you connected w ith any secret society? ............. (4 ). Do you believe th a t the account of creation given in Genesis is l th e h a r v e s t t r u l y i s p l e n t e o u s In v ario u s p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rained C h ristian m ay be su p p o rted in th e w ork of God fo r an en tire y e ar for from $15. to $600. W ill you p ra y a b o u t th is? L iteratu re free. PAU L H . TABER, Sec., Box K, 2007 F o ster A ve., B rooklyn, N. Y.

tru e ? ............. (5 ). Do you use tobacco or other narcotic drugs in any form to any ex ten t?.................. (6 ). Do you dance, play cards, atten d th eaters, attend movies, or associate w ith worldly people in other amusements such as are indicated above?................ (7 ). W hat do you understand the proper relation of a teacher to the moral and sp iritual lives of his pupils to be?............................ ................ As to students, we do not require those who are en tering to have made a profession of religion. We believe th a t th e college ought to help students who are not Christians to become so, and we tru s t th a t th is will be the resu lt of th e ir stay w ith us. Persons who actively oppose Christian faith are not perm itted to rem ain as stu ­ dents.

U S E D I N O V E R O N E M I L L I O N C H R I S T I A N H O M E S HURLBUTS STORY"™BIBLE BY JESSE LYMAN HURLBUT, D.D# Recommended by all denominations for Its freshness and accuracy, for its simplicity of language, for its freedom from doctrinal discussion. A COMPANION VOLUME TO THE BIBLE FOR TEACHERS—STUDENTS— FOR THE HOME AND SCHOOL One hundred and sixty-eight stories each complete in itself, yet forming a continuous narrative of th e Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Tne world old stones rendered vitally interesting by the noted author’s fresh and realistic treatment. The Biggest and Best Illustrated Book for the Price. Octavo, 757 pages, 16 color plates. 250 illustrations. PRICE $2.00 On sale at all Booksellers . Representatives Wanted. THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., Book and Bible Publishers, 299Winston Bldg., Philadelphia

Is He “Master” or “Teacher”?

In all ages, m ore so now th a n ever, m en have recognized th e Son of God as th e g re a t T ea ch e r. A lth o u g h H e w as b o th T ea ch e r a n d M aster— to th e D isciples H e w as p r i­ m arily a te a c h e r an d th ro u g h th em H is teach in g s have re g en e rated th e civilized w orld. A n d y e t un til th e ad v en t of th e A m erican S tan d ard version o u r Bibles re fe rre d to H im alm ost exclusively a s M aster instead of T eacher, w h ereas H e w as bo th . H ow im p o rtan t, th erefo re, to have for y o u r Bible read in g an d study th e su p rem ely a c c u ra te

(Edited by Ameria&a Revision Committee) The American Standard Bible text has been adopted by all leading Colleges, Theolegical Seminaries, T.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., and Bible Sohoola throughout the United States and is used bv ever 13,M9,tM soholars tram which to study the International, graded or ether Bible lessons. A Nelson Bible is a guarantee of the best character of printing, binding, paper as well as of the latest and beat translation. Two hundred styles of binding and ton sixes of type.

NELSON BIBLES in all sizes, types and styles of binding are obtainable wherever Bibles are sold. F R E E B O O K L E T A charming 36-page booklet entitled, “The Wonderful Story,” published at 10c per copy, telling how the Bible came down through the ages, and containing many facts of vital interest, will be sent FREE on re­ quest to anyone mentioning THE KING'S BUSINESS.


385D Fourth Ave., New York Cl*

(Authorized Publishers for the American Revision Committee) D ear S irs : Please send me FREE copy of your bookentitled,“TheWonderful Story-” This does not obligate me in any way. N ame .................................................................................................................................. S treet ........................................................................................1........................................................................ C ixt ...............................................................................S tate ............................................................................

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