King's Business - 1925-04

April 1925

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


THE ANTI-CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT IN CHINA (Continued from page 159) day. P reparation s were made for a large procession on the streets and le tte rs had already been sent to two of th e prom ­ inent Chinese pastors intim idating th e ir lives, also th rea ten ­ ing to bu rn th e ir churches. The Governor, realizing the alarm ing situation, issued an order prohibiting th e demon­ stratio n and w arning against any incendiarism or attack upon hum an life. This outbreak was to have taken place particu larly on Christmas day as an in su lt to Jesus Christ. H indered by th e Governor from public dem onstration, th e Association prepared leaflets, calling upon th e public to resist the foreign invasion of th e ir country by Christianity. The newspapers gave prom inence to articles opposing the Christian church. The leading newspaper', called the “ Hsiang Pao,” published th e Anti-imperialism Association’s twenty-one articles, a so rt of constitution fo r the organiza­ tion. We give a free tran slation of Section Two: “ Section Two—Our special reasons for opposing Chris­ tianity. “A. T hat inasmuch as we are opposed to all religion because it hinders th e progress of science and education, we are therefo re opposed to Christianity. “ B. Because th e teaching of Christianity is th a t of fables, such as the C reation of man—man having an eternal sp irit — Expiation of sin by sacrifice. They also promulgate tra d i­ tional doctrines- as opposed to th e tru th of biology, evolution and psychology. “ C. Because Christianity is imperialistic in its doctrines and is the fo rerunn er for the destruction of our country. This is instanced in th e fact th a t we have to pay heavy indemnities and have lost portions of our country, through th e Joss of m issionary lives and destruction1 of church property.” The defection th a t th is movement has brought among the students of the mission schools is by no means small. The read er can easily see th a t th e sole object is opposition to the teaching of th e Bible in th e schools. One of th e ou tstand ­ ing demands of th e strik ing studen ts is th a t all m ission schools shall be registered under th e Provincial Board of Education. A t p resen t th is would involve a num ber of difficulties, th e g reatest being, th a t all such schools would be forced to accept government school studen ts according to the ratin g given them there, which is m iserably below p ar as compared w ith th e mission schools, and also the Bible could be ta u g h t only as an elective study. This would n atu ra lly mean, of course, th a t perhaps more th a n half the students would refuse to tak e it. The problem th a t is before th e m issionary body is, shall or shall not th e Bible be ta u g h t in th e regu lar curriculum ? Even in conservative circles th ere are those who advocate th a t in order to preserve th e unity Of th e body as a whole, one should not over emphasize Bible doctrines th a t are not popular. This a ttitu d e has greatly hindered th e power of God, and is fru stra tin g th e very cause fo r which we came. There can be no longer any compromise. E ith e r we m u st proceed on the au tho rity and inspiration of His Word, or fall in line w ith those who are socializing th e ir Gospel and eventually see the faith of our fath ers lost. How shall we proceed? There is a glorious fu tu re, however, fo r us, and th a n k God, those of evangelical faith find in the p resen t crisis an opportunity to be seized. This is th e hour of national unrest. It is also a challenge to our evangelistic forces to go forward, for China’s u n rest will only find its solution in th e acceptance of the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ. And so, w ith this conviction, we tak e courage and go forward, tru s t­ ing in His Word.

C R I T I C I S M Something Good to Come! We are delighted to be able to tell The King’s Business Family that they are to have— beginning with the May issue— the privilege of reading a splendid series of articles, on the theme “Satan’s Triangle” Evolution — Philosophy — Criticism BY S. / . Bole Professor of Biology, Wheaton College P ro fesso r Bole says: *1 have g re a t sym p ath y w ith this class of m en (ev o lu tio n ists) fo r I w as of them a n d w ith them for years, h aving b een ta u g h t E volution, P ag an P hilosophy an d D estructive B iblical C riticism in H igh School, C ollege an d U niversities. But, finally, on a n o th e r "D am ascus R oad” God w onderfully a n d m iraculously saved m e w hile teach in g in th e U niversity, th o u g h I had been a c h u rch m em ber a n d Bible C lass T e a c h e r for years. I w as b ro u g h t o u t of th e ‘valley of th e shadow ’ into the ‘p eace th a t p asseth all u n d e rstan d in g ’ and m y h u n g ry soul w as satisfied.’’ T h e articles a re w ritte n especially fo r th e th o u san d s of y o u n g m en a n d w om en in o u r H igh Schools an d Colleges w ho a re p re p a rin g fo r th eir life w ork, p ro v in g to them th a t th e EVIDENCE IS GREATER AGA INST TH A N FOR ORGAN IC EVOLUT ION fortifying th eir faith a n d helping th em to realize th a t a college d egree does n o t aid them in solving th e fa r-re a c h ­ in g a n d e te rn a l problem s w hich c o n fro n t them .

R e m e m b e r 1 B eginning w ith th e M ay Issue “S A T A N ' S T R I A N G L E ”

S pread th e new s as fa r and as fast as possible am ong y o u r ‘friends in H igh Schools, C ollege and Universities, a n d get this series of articles into th eir hands.

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