King's Business - 1925-04

April 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



For progressive Bible study a good Bible dictionary is indispensable M any Bible stu d en ts reg retfu lly find th eir tim e alm o st entirely occupied w ith the necessary p u rsu its of daily living; little tim e rem ains for self-developm ent o r m ental im provem ent, especially th a t of a religious n atu re. A s a result, Bible stu d y fo r m any falls in to an a d ju n c t in te re st in stead of a first consideration. If th e av erag e Bible stu d en t is com pelled b y his force of circum stan ces to do his stu d y ­ in g su b o rd in ately to his o th e r duties an d in terests, th en a d ictio n ary of brief b u t essential form should ap p eal to him . Such a d ictio n ary is th is one by P ro fesso r D avis.

The National Convention of Ortho­ dox Colleges held recently a t Moody Bible In stitu te, Chicago, proved to be successful beyond th e expectations of its promoters. More th an twenty Col­ leges were represented a t th e Conven­ tion, and as many as twelve different religious denom inations are known to have been represented by delegates. Doctor C. B. W idmeyer, P residen t of P asadena College, Pasadena, Califor­ nia, not only represented his own In ­ stitu tion , bu t also th e Association of Orthodox Colleges of California. At th is Convention, th e foundation was laid for th e establishing of a per­ m anent organization to be known as the Association of Conservative P ro­ te sta n t Colleges. As a basis for th eir common purpose, th e following sta te ­ ment of faith was agreed upon and subscribed to by all th e paticipating In stitu tio n s: S tatem ent of F a ith 1. We believe in th e Holy Scriptures as the sup ern atu ral and a u th o rita­ tive revelation of God’s will to man. 2. We believe in th e deity and virgin b irth of Christ, and in the person­ ality of th e Holy Spirit. ■3. We believe th a t God created the physical universe by a separate act of divine power, and th a t He cre­ ated man in His own image, deny­ ing th e modern hypothesis of evo­ lu tion ; nor do we believe th a t man is a product of such evolution. 4. We believe in th e fall of man through transgression, and in the sub stitu tionary a t o n e m e n t of Christ. 5. We believe in th e necessity of the new b irth , and in pu rity of h ea rt and life. 6. We believe in th e resu rrection of th e body. 7. We believe in th e second coming of Christ, .and in fu tu re rew ards and punishments. Among th e o ther prom inent speak­ ers present were: Professor S. J. Boles, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois; Professor P. J. Wiebe, Upland, Cali­ fo rn ia; Professor G. R. Pease and W.. R. Reed of John F letcher College, Os- kaloosa, Iowa; Doctor R. A. Young, P residen t of Bryson College, F ayette­ ville, Tennessee; Reverend E. J. Gerig, of th e Mennonite Board of Education; Reverend M. G. Stanley, of C incinnati Bible School; Reverend C. G. Taylor, P resid en t of Kingswood C o l l e g e , Kingswood, K entucky; Reverend E. E. Hess, of G rantham College, Pennsyl­ vania; Doctor S. C. Yoder, P resident of Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana; Doctor C. E. Hardy, P residen t of Tre- vecca College, Nashville, Tennessee; Doctor W. Bode, P residen t of Grundy College, Grundy Center, Iowa; and Reverend R. L. W arnock, of the Unit­ ed P resbyterian Church. “THE POINT OP CONTACT” is E ssential in Soul-winning. Our P resid en t has furnished one. (See page 146)

♦ Building Attendance \ Records with Pictures • Sunday School teach ers a n d su p erin ten ­ dents a re finding a new ally in D aylight P ro jectio n of lan tern slides. W ith th e Spencer D elineascope a n d T ran s Lux Screen, you can tell y o u r B ible Stories in p ictu res in b ro a d daylight. The ch il­ dren like it a n d th ey b rin g th e ir friends. SPENCER LENS COMPANY 4 4 2 N iag ara St., Buffalo, N. Y. SPENCER LENS COMPANY Buffalo, New York Please tell me about Daylight' Projection for Sunday Schools N a m e ........................................ ....................................... A ddress . . . . ......................................

A D ICT IO NARY OF THE B IBLE Fourth Edition: Thoroughly Revised By JOHN D. DAVIS, P h .D .,D .D ., LL.D. D elightful c h aracterizatio n s of B iblical persons an d clear, b rief resum es of doc­ trin e a re herein contained. F ull-page p ic­ tu re s have been ad d ed to th is revision, w hich a d d v ery m aterially to th e value of th e book. D octor D avis claim s th a t th ey a re m ore th a n p ictu res. T hey in ­ stru c t. Special atte n tio n is given to th e spelling an d p ro n u n ciatio n of pro p er nam es. W e do n o t believe a b e tte r d ictio n ary of th e Bible can be found anyw here fo r th e m oney C h ristian w orkers an d m inisters who do n o t c are to in v est larg e sum s of m oney in w orks of several volum es will find th is d ictio n ary all-sufficient fo r th e ir needs. “ E ver since its original publication o u r fav o rite one-volum e d ictio n ary h as been th a t b y P ro fesso r Jo h n D. D avis, D. D., P rin ceto n Theological Sem inary. W e now w elcom e th e fo u rth edition, a n d are glad to n o te th a t fo rty th o u san d copies of th e book have alread y been sold. C loth $4.00; h alf leath er $5.00; full leath er $ 8.00 p o stp aid O rder a copy to d ay from o u r n earest depository. If necessary, th e book will be sen t on ap proval P u b licatio n D epartm ent Presbyterian Board of Christian Education W itherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. (TH E W ESTM INSTER PRESS) New Y ork, 156 F ifth Ave. Chicago, 125 N. W abash Ave. A tlanta, 200 A uburn Ave. C incinnati, 420 Elm St. N ashville, 711 C hurch St. St. Louis, 914 P ine St. San Francisco, 2 78 P o st St. P ittsb u rg h , G ranite Building

a s a ssist­ a n t p a sto rs, speed u p c h u r c h w ork. O ur co -o p erativ e p lan p ro ­ vides y o u r ch urch w ith a p arish p aper a t n o expense. N ational R eligious P ress, G rand R apids, M ich. Send m e free p a rtic u la rs and sam ples w ith o u t an y obligation on m y p a rt. Name .............

S treet .... C ity ....... K. B.----APR.

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