April 1925
The Modernist denies the literal, personal, visible coming again of Christ. He denies th e necessity for the resu rrection of th e body. He denies predictive prophecy, especially when it predicts and pledges God’s inviolable Word th a t a t some tim e yet in th e fu tu re th e bodies of th e blessed dead shall be raised. In passing, it is significant to note th a t Modernism denies th a t we of today need th e same foundation for our faith th a t those of th e first century needed. Dr. Abbott, for example, said: “The proof to P au l and his contemporaries th a t Jesus was the Messiah was furnished by His resurrec tion. If He had no t risen from th e dead, they m ight have been fascinated by His teaching, b u t they would not have believed in His power and His au tho rity . The evidence to u s th a t He is th e Messiah is furnished by w hat has been accomplished through His influence in nineteen hundred years of Christian progress. We have not to go back to find ground for our faith in a disputed histo rical event.” Dr. Abbott does not agree w ith Paul, who w rote by inspi ration th a t “ ye are saved, if ye keep in memory w hat I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. F o r I delivered unto you first of all th a t which I also received, how th a t Christ died for our sins according to th e scrip tu res; and th a t he was buried, and th a t he arose again the th ird day according to th e scriptures.” (1 Cor. 15:2-4). Believe in w hat has been accomplished through Christ’s influence, and th a t is enough, says Dr. Abbott. But God says, “T h at if thou shalt confess w ith thy mouth th e Lord Jesus, and sh alt believe in thine h e a rt th a t God h ath raised him from th e dead, thou sh alt be saved” (Rom. 1 0 :9 ). The attack s upon Bible prophecy today are subtle, insid ious, plausible, or again they are ruthless, openly defiant, scornful and shocking. B u t back of either line of attack is th e basic position of Modernism: its denial of God’s Word, its denial of th e sup ernatu ral, its denial of God’s power or will to reveal to inspired men coming events and thus, through hum an agents, to w rite history in advance; and fin ally, its denial of any necessity for God to intervene in hum an events and the course of n atu re, by any such sud den and cataclysm ic action as is involved in both th e re tu rn Science Now Bows to the BIBLE! A t Last Higher Criticism Has Met Its Waterloo!
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