April 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
have gone for bread.' A man of small means can hardly afford to die in one of our g reat cities! F un eral pageantry is no t necessary. No one was ever more lovingly, tenderly pu t into th e grave th an Christ, bu t th ere were only fou r present. Standing in this place where the Lord lay, I am impressed w ith the fact th a t you cannot keep the dead down. The seal of the Sanhedrim , a regim ent of soldiers from the Tower of Antonio to stand guard, floor of rock, roof of rock, wall of rock, niche of rock, cannot keep Christ in th e crypt. Come out and come up He must. Come out and come up He did, the F irstfru its of them th a t sleep. J u s t as cer tainly as you and I go down into th e grave, ju st so certainly we will come up again. Though you pile up on the top of us all the boulders of th e mountains, you cannot keep us down. Though we he buried under the coral of the deepest cavern of th e A tlantic Ocean, we will rise to the surface. Various Scriptural accounts say th a t the work of grave breaking will begin w ith th e blast of trum pets and shout ings; whence I take it th a t th e first intim ation of the day will be a sound from heaven such as has never before been heard. It may not be so very loud, bu t it will be p en etrat ing. There áre mausoleum s so deep th a t undisturbed silence has slept th e re ever since the day when the sleepers were left in them . The g reat noise shall strik e through them. Among the corals of the sea, miles deep, where the shipwrecked rest, the sound will strike. No one will mis tak e it for thund er, or th e b last of earth ly m instrelsy. There will be heard th e voice of the uncounted m illions of th e dead, rushing out of th e gates of eternity, flying toward the tomb, crying,. “Make way! O, grave, give us back our body! We gave it to you in corruption; su rrend er it now in in corruption.” Myriads of spirits arising from the fields of Sedan, and from th e rocks of Gettysburg, and from among th e passes of South Mountains. The country grave yard will look like a rough ploughed field as the mould breaks open. All the kings of th e earth, all th e senators, all th e g reat men, all th e beggars, all th e arm ies, victor’s and vanquished, all th e ages, barbaric and civilized, all those who were chopped by guillotine, or simmered in the fire, or ro tted in dungeons, all the in fan ts of a day, all the octogenarians— all! all! Not one stragg ler left behind. All! all! Those who were born blind shall have eyes Divinely kindled; those who were lame shall have a limb substituted. In all th e hosts of th e resurrected not one eye m issing; not one arm palsied; no t one tongue dumb; not one ear deaf. If I understand this day, it means peace tow ard heaven and peace toward earth. B ring more flowers. Strew all th e earth w ith E aster garlands, for the resu rrection we cele b rate th is week implies many kinds of resurrection, a score of resurrections. Resurrection of apostolic faith. R esur rection of commercial integrity. Resurrection of national honor. Resurrection of everything th a t is good and kind and generous and ju st and holy and beautiful. Nothing to stay down, to stay buried, b u t sin and darkness and pain and disease and revenge and death. L et those ta rry in the grave for ever. “ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,' good-will to men.” “ ‘Christ the Lord is risen today !’ Sons of men and angels say.
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Raise your songs and trium phs high, Sing, ye heavens! Ye earth , reply! Love’s redeem ing work is done, Fough t th e fight, the battle won. Lo, th e sun’s eclipse is o’er; Lo, he sets in blood no more.”
B I O L A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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