April 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
THE SCRIPTURES ARE UNITED IN THE IR TESTIMONY (Continued from page 156) ■ The clean animal redeem ing the unclean (Ex. 13:13; Col. 1:13-14). The ransom money securing the Israelite (Ex. 30:13; 1 P eter 1:18-19). The b u rn t offering accepted for the offerer (Lev. 1:3,4; Eph. 5 :2 ). The sin offering answering for th e sin of the sinner (Lev. 4:4-12; 2 Cor. 5 :2 1 ). The trespass offering was the basis of forgiveness (Lev. 5 :6 ; Eph. 1:7, R. V .). The peace offering was the ground of communion (Lev. 7:11-34; Col. 1 :2 0 ). The slain bird was th e cause of the leper’s cleansing (Lev. 14:5-7; 1 John 1 :7 ). The uplifted serpent was the bringer of life (Num. 21:8; John 3 :1 ). The offerings on th e Day of A tonement were th e makers of expiation (Lev. 3:16; Heb. 9:13-14). . The ram of consecration was th e inductor to the p riest hood (Lev. 8:22-24; Heb. 9 :1 2 ). 1 This is hu t a. passing glance a t w hat m ight be multiplied, but this goes to prove th a t I close th is section by giving, a b ird ’s eye view of the completeness of the Bible by a parallelism which demon strates beyond all question th e design of a perfect plan. 1. The original creation in its beauty and perfection (Gen. 1 : 1 ). 2. C reation ruined by sin (Gen. 1 :2 ; see Isa. 45:18, - R. Y.) . 3. The earth blessed in th e six days of creation and then cursed because of m an’s sin (Gen. 3 :1 7 ). 4. Mankind dealt w ith as a' whole from Adam to Abram. 5. The chosen nation called and blessed (Gen. 12 : 1 ). 6. Christ’s first appearing (Heb. 9 :2 6 ). 7. The Church taken out of th e world (Acts 1 5 :14 ). . When the Church is completed (Eph. 2 :1 5 ), and Christ retu rn s for the restitu tion of all things (Acts 3 :2 1 ), then the reverse order will be followed: 7. The Church taken up to be w ith Christ (1 Thess. 4:13-18). 6. Christ’s second appearing on earth (Heb. 9 :28 ; Zech. 14 :4 ). 5. The chosen nation blessed (Rom. 11:25; Acts 15 :16 ). 4. Mankind dealt w ith as a whole (Acts 15 :17 ). 3. The curse removed and the earth blessed and beau tified (Amos 9:13-15; Isa. 35 :1 ; Psa. 6 7 :7 ). 2. S atan ’s final rebellion (Rev. 20:7 -10 ). 1. The new heavens and the new earth (Rev. 2 1 :1 ). (The fifth article in th is series will appear in th e May Issue) A Splendid Example of “How to Do I t ” “ I am enclosing a lis t of twelve names, and would like it very much if you would send a sample copy of The K ing’s Business to each. As th is is equivalent in qu an tity to a y ear’s subscription, I am enclosing a money order fo r $1.25 to help defray the expense. I will w rite to these people personally, and am praying earnestly th a t they may sub scribe, and th a t the magazine may be as much of a blessing to them as it has been to me.” (H. J. H., P en n a,) “The New is in the Old contained, The Old is by the New explained.”
The “Best” New Books on Evolution The Absurdities of Evolution By Guy F itch Phelps T h e A u th o r literally show s how incredible m any things a re th a t evolutionists assert, how c o n trad icto ry , how little th ey w ould be listened to in any o th e r field of study o r experience. H e indicates n um ero u s difficulties th a t evolution has to face, n um berless gaps th a t have to be filled by som e th in g m o re th an hypothesis. H e show s how lead in g sci entists disbelieve evolution, how evolutionists differ ra d ically am ong them selves, a n d g enerally how cau tio u s one ou g h t to be b e fo re sw allow ing all th a t is claim ed fo r th e theory. E volutionists n ev er m ention such things in th e ir o n e sided w ritings. C loth, $1.25
Fact and Fiction About Evolution By R. L. F o ste r
The Evolution Issue By T. T. M artin The a u th o r him self h as been a teach er of science, b u t for y e ars h as been a fisher of m en; because of th is he sees th e “octo p u s” of E volution th reaten in g an d alread y d es tro y in g o u r young Preachers. School teachers, p aren ts, p a t rons and tru ste e s of o u r public schools o u g h t to read th is booklet. P a p e r 40c
T he m ethod of dealing w ith the evolutionary hypothesis em ployed in th is book is u n like th a t of o th e r a u th o rs who oppose th e do ctrin e of evolu tion. Mr. F o ster m eets the evolutionary cham pions in th e ir ow n field a n d show s th a t th e ir conclusions a re u n w arran ted . The b asic arg um en ts of ev olutionists a re considered in such a w ay a s to give a clear u n d erstan d in g of th e entire subject.____________ C loth $1.00
Questions Evolution Does Not Answer By D r. Jo h n D. H e rg et T his is one of th e books w hose value is o u t of all p ro p o rtio n to th eir size. It is show n th a t fo u r of th e m ost vital questions of life a re no t answ ered by m o d ern th eo ry of evolution. T h e w o rk is adm irab ly done, a n d th e book should b e in th e h an d s of all y o u n g people, especially those w ho a re being ta u g h t a d o ctrin e of evolution, fo r w hich th e re is n o scientific w a rra n t, to say n o th in g of its S crip tu ral baselessness. C lo th 85c “Atheism in Our Universities” By A lfred F airh u rst Work Days of God By H . W . M orris
T he w riter has w ritten a t length on th è first ch ap ter of G enesis. L oyal to th e W ord he rejects evolution, an d finds in th e w onders of creatio n the d irect to u ch of th è C reator. He accep ts an original perfect creation, finding all of the g re a t geological periods sum m ed up in th e first verse of Genesis. Following s o m.e g re a t c atastro p h e, w hich ren dered th e e a rth a chaotic m ass, he describes th e w ork of reco n stru ctio n an d reh ab il ita tio n in six literal days. _________________ Cloth, $1.5C
T his book should be in the hands of every one who is in terested in the refu tatio n of th e th eo ry of evolution. The questionnaire sen t to p re si d en ts of colleges an d th e w ay in w hich th e a u th o r m eets th eir objections to his p o si tion are w o rth th e price of th e book. P u t it on y o u r shelves b y all m eans. C loth, $1.50
The Phantom of Organic Evolution By P ro f. G eorge M cC ready P ric e T his book is pro b ab ly th e m ost scientific an d search in g w o rk on th e anti-evolution side th a t has b een publisrhed. P o in t by p o in t th e a u th o r canvasses th e clim ax of th e evolutionists an d exposes th eir guessing, th e ir begging of th e question, an d th eir freq u e n t n o n -q u itters. T h e re is no w ay, he holds, of acco u n tin g fo r th e orig in of m atter, life, o rg an ic types a n d hum an k in d save by d irec t divine creation, a n d th a t does assign a n a d e q u a te cause. If you desire to know ju st how im possible th e th e o ry of evolu tion is, read this book— a n d be convinced. C loth, $ 1 .5 0 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail a d d 1 0 % fo r postage.
B I OL A B O OK R O OM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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