April 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
A NIGHT OF PRAYER-WHY NOT IN OUR DAY? S H A L L IT B E A P R I L 4 , 1925 ? In the A ustralian revivals of 1902, two hundred souls were saved in one church in one day. Why? Two hundred believers had prayed all night! WHY NOT IN OUR DAY? In 1741, under the preaching of Jo n ath an Edwards, “ a thoughtless, v a in ,.irreligious assembly became suddenly so overwhelmed w ith sobs and cries— some clutching the pews as though already sliding into hell— th a t a m inister seized th e preacher by his dress, exclaiming: ‘Mr. Edwards, Mr. Edwards, is no t God a God of m ercy?’ ” H undreds of Christians had been p ro strate before God th e whole night pleading in behalf of th is assembly. WHY NOT IN OUR DAY? In th e Scotch revival of 1630, five hundred conversions took place under a single sermon by John Livingstone. A vast assembly had spent all night in prayer and praise. WHY NOT IN OUR DAY? E arly Methodism flourished sp iritually on its all night meetings and its days of fasting and prayer. WHY NOT IN OUR DAY? ' Let th e days and nights of prayer re tu rn to the Church, and th e days and nights of revival will retu rn . The Baptist Bible Union of North America is calling the whole evangelical world to “th ree days of concerted p ray er” th e first th ree days in April. Will you not ask God w hat response TO HIM He would have YOU make to th is appeal? P R A Y F O R R E V I V A L ! ■ 1 “ A L I T T L E W H I L E ” (John 16:16) He who died on th e cross, because God loved them so T hat He gave His own Son th a t all men m ight know— M ight know th a t He loved them ! Oh, wonderful thought! M ight know He redeemed them— poor sinners, blood- bought! T hat all through life’s journey He’ll stay by th e ir side, And though all else changes, H e’ll ever abide. A little while longer! N aught here can divide The redeemed of th e Lord from th a t wounded side, Where th e h ea rt th a t was broken for me and for you Still clings to His own. P raise His name! It is true! A little while longer to work for my Lord; A little while longer to give out His Word; A little while longer His cross h ere to hear— Then— up to th e Homeland, His glory to share. A little while longer here, lost ones to win To Jesus th e ir Savior, from d ark paths of sin;
Biola “Best”Booklets Each with a message on present day themes The Apostasy Sweeping over the Churches By Dr. A. C. Gaebelein D r. G aebelein w as n ev er know n to m ince w ords a n d w hen he says an A p ostasy is sw eeping over th e churches, he m eans ju st w h at he says, an d we th in k he proves his point. It will do you good to get his view point. H is aim is to check th e m om entum of this A p ostasy if p o s sible. Paper 10c
Divorce and Re-mar riage as Taught by Jesus By D r. A. C. Dixon In these day s of in c re a s ingly easy divorce and quick re-m arriag e it is refreshing indeed to read such clear statem en ts of w h at th e Bible teaches, yes, w h at Jesu s h im self ta u g h t, on th ese im p o rt a n t subjects. Y ou m ay no t need th is teaching fo r y o u r self, b u t you undoubtedly have friends who need it. 5c each; 50c p er doz.; $4.00 p er 10 0
Things That Cannot Be Shaken By D r. C ortland M yers These are indeed try in g days— days in w hich ev ery thing seem s to be in upheaval —b u t Dr. M yers a ssu re s us in th is b o o k le t. th a t th ere are th ree th in g s w hich will stan d unshaken. The th ro n e of God, The W ord of God a n d th e C hurch of God. T his booklet will do m uch to estab lish your faith. 5c each; 12 fo r 50c
Destructive Criticism vs. Christianity By Dr. A. C. Dixon A n able p re sen ta tio n of th e fu n d am en tal claim s of C hristianity, com p ared w ith w h a t so-called “ h ig h er c riti cism ” has to offer m ankind. 10c; $1.00 per doz.
Reconstruction— The Facts Against Evolution By A. C. Dixon 1 T he a u th o r says,— “ The first th ree v erses of Genesis give us co n stru ctio n , d e stru c tio n and reco n stru ctio n .” It is w ith th e la tte r su b ject of th e re-form ing of th e earth an d m aking it a h ab itab le place for m ankind, th a t th is booklet deals. By th e tim e you have finished reading it you w onder / how you ever could have th o u g h t th a t evo lutio n m ig h t hav e h ad some p a rt in th is reconstruction. 15c
The Exact Truth Re garding an Eternal Hell By D r. R. A. T orrey The tru th contained in th is booklet is m uch needed to d ay to c o u n te ra ct th e fallacious teaching in reg ard to “no hell,” “ hell no t a place,” “ eternal punishm ent n o t being ev erlastin g ,” etc. It m eets every arg um en t fairly, sq u are ly, convincingly. L o ts of. folks say th a t it is w rong to scare people in to heaven.— b u t don’t be a fra id to p u t th is splendid tra c t in to th e hands of your u nsaved friends. 10c each; 75c p er dozen
The Jesus Paul Preached
By Dr. Lincoln A. Ferris Few m en exalt Jesus in th e ir p re ac h in g as D r. F erris does. In this serm on he p re sen ts a p re-ex isten t Jesus, a divine Jesus, a hum iliated Jesus, a h um an Jesus, a c ru ci fied Jesus, a re su rrec ted Jesus, an exalted Jesus, a Jesus w ho tak es aw ay th e fe ar of death, a Jesus w ho shall com e in H is glory. Paper 5c Sophie’s Sermon o r C alled to Scrub an d P reach By H. B. G ibbud Sermonizing Sophie Sophie’s Second Serm on By H . B. G ibbud “ I w as called to scru b and preach.” Shows how God’ uses a w illing serv an t of H is. A fter fifteen years the a u th o r w rites again a b o u t “Sophie” an d tells of th e w onderful w ay God used th e first booklet, thereby giving a rem arkable te s ti m ony of th e tru th of 1 Cor. 1:27-28. “God h a th chosen th e foolish th in g s of th e w orld to confound th e wise, God h a th chosen th e w eak things of th e w orld to confound the th in g s w hich a re m ighty.” Stiff p ap er cover, 5c; 50c p er doz. If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail add 1 0 % fo r postage. Shows how Sophie Lichen- felter, a p o o r ig n o ra n t German scrub w om an, w ith h er broken E nglish language, becam e the channel of blessing to m any— w orking, w itnessing for C hrist, earning only a trifle y et deny in g herself, edu catin g a m is sio n ary an d sending a teach er to th e South. W h at a rebuke to m any of us. Stiff p ap er cover, 5c; 50c p er doz.
—Marion A. Abell.
T . C. HORTON , E ditor-in-C hief T h e K ing’s Business
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