King's Business - 1925-04


April 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

F INE GOLD (Continued from page 158)

The Best theNew Books Is the Kingdom Age at Hand? By E. M. M illigan In this book th e a u th o r d irects a tte n tio n to an d dem on­ stra te s c ertain p rin cip les w hich a re necessary for th e c o r­ re c t in te rp re ta tio n of difficult passages of S crip tu re. H e supplies an in te rp re ta tio n of c ertain im p o rta n t p ro p h e ­ cies w hich w ill afford a c le are r u n d e rstan d in g of w h a t God has revealed, calling a tte n tio n to th e very im p o rta n t fact th a t w e a re rig h t now living a t th e very end-tim e of this p re sen t age. A valuable addition to th e study a n d in te rp re ta tio n of p ro p h e cy in its relatio n to o u r own tim es a n d problem s. C loth, $2 .2 5 The Ten Great Christian Doctrines By J . C. M assee Why I Believe in The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ By W illiam E vans

One day she asked to be propped up in bed, and to have w riting m aterial brought to her. She w rote a letter, and then fell back exhausted. It was a le tte r to Jack Harmon, begging him for the love and friendship he had had for her husband, to come to her a t once. She did not tell her fath er what she had w ritten, b u t feverishly she waited for an answer. The very first moment an answer could be expected, Jack Harmon him self walked into the house. She begged to see him alone, and th en she told him she could not get well. The fath e r had already given him this news, and he found th a t Myrtle Morehouse had guessed th e ir secret. “ I w ant you to tak e Billie Bob, please, Jack ,” she pleaded. “ I realize too late th a t I have been a w retched and selfish mother. There is no one else to tak e him. You know W ill’s p aren ts are both dead, and my old fath e r cannot have the care of th e child. I am sorry th ere isn’t much money for him. You probably know W ill’s fath e r and mother left him only th e summer home on the bay in tru s t for him. It brings in something, and while he is small will help support him, bu t I w ant you to adopt him, please Jack, take him as your own child. I know W ill would have liked it.” Jack Harmon silently listened while the mother talked rapidly. He knew some things th a t she was igno ran t of. He knew why the child’s grandparen ts had left so little for th eir only grandchild. He knew, as the wife did not, th a t it took everything th e g rand fath er owned, to make good the church money. The house was th e g randm o ther’s and it was passed on to Billie Bob. Jack Harmon and W ill’s fath e r were th e only ones who did know exactly how th a t money was paid over. It killed th e old fath e r; the whole affair had so broken him th a t his business went to wreck, and w ithin six months afte r th e drowning of his son he passed away. Three months later, •W ill’s mother too was gone. They did no t leave th e fo rtune they had expected to leave to Will and his child, b u t Myrtle More­ house did not know what had become of it. She only knew th a t W ill's fath er did not tru st her enough to place the property left to Billie Bob in her hands. Myrtle More­ house did not know th a t Jack Harmon knew all th is as she eagerly awaited his answer. “Well, Myrtle, I shall tak e Billie Bob and care for him as a son. I have always loved th e little fellow, and I shall do the best I can for him ,” was his quiet and' satisfying reply. Myrtle Morehouse died th a t night. ■The day afte r the funeral, Jack Harmon and Billie Bob started back to Phila­ delphia, where Jack Harmon lived. He had never m arried, but had a lovely home presided over by his m other’s sister, his best loved aunt, who was left a widow years ago, and who was happily g ratefu l for a home w ith Jack. She gave Billie Bob a warm welcome, and more care th a n th e lit­ tle lad ever had in his sho rt life. It was wonderful how he developed in the new atmos­ phere, and how soon forgotten his old life seemed to be. From the first Jack Harmon, whom Billie Bob called “Uncle Jack ,” gave him much attention. W ith these two loving friends, and in the beautiful home, Billie Bob spent the w inter. He did not attend school, bu t had his lessons at home w ith his uncle in the evenings, which were delightful lessons to Billie Bob, for Uncle Jack was so en tertaining even when acting as a teacher. Jack Harmon, knowing as he did so well the tra its of Billie Bob’s father, carefully watched the little boy th a t he m ight learn his strong points and his weaknesses. He had

In th is ad d ed volum e to his “Ten G reat” Series, th is d is­ tin g u ish ed m in ister convinc­ ingly expounds th e following g re a t fundam ental d octrines of th e C h ristian fa ith : God, M an, R evelation, Sin, F orgive­ ness, E tern al Life, H oliness, The G reat Comm ission, T he C hurch, T he R etu rn of th e L ord. W hile especially a d ­ dressed to laym en, m inisters will find in th is book valuable su ggestions fo r a series of lec­ tu re s o r serm ons on th e p ri­ m ary C h ristian beliefs. __________________ C loth, $1.50

In giving th e reasons for believing in th e V irgin B irth D r. E vans found it n ecessary to exam ine every alleged reaso n th a t could be raised a g ain st believing and has answ ered every objection in a v ery c lear an d concise m an ­ ner, y e t a s com prehensively a s is required fo r a c o rrect u n d erstan d in g of w hy Jesu s m u st have been b o rn of a virgin. A v ery satisfa c to ry book indeed. P aper, 60 c en ts; Cloth, $1.00

Fine Gold

A M issionary R om ance of S o u th A m erica By Jo sep h in e H o p e W estervelt T his m issionary sto ry , is especially in te restin g and valuable ju st now w hen th e re is such a decided revival of in te rest in m issionary w o rk in L atin Am erica. M rs. W estervelt has given us in this book an exceed­ ingly e n te rta in in g sto ry first of all, and alo n g w ith th e telling of th e sto ry th e re is a vivid p o rtra y a l of m issionary life a n d lab o r in th e R om e-controlled, p riest-rid d en sec­ tions of S ou th A m erica. You will like th e b o o k fo r th e sto ry itself b u t you will like it all th e b e tte r because it gives y o u a tru e vision of m o d ern m issionary w o rk in th a t g re a t land of o p p o rtu n ity . C loth, $1 .2 5 Modem Evangelistic Movements By D. P . T hom son Life in the Heights By J . H . Jo w ett

One of th e a ttra c tiv e fe a t­ u res of th e p reach in g of Dr. Jo w ett, w hich endeared him to his g re a t A m erican audiences, w as his rem arkable skill in the exposition of th e Bible. How earn estly a n d clearly he m ade his unique p o in ts I In th is vo l­ um e on th e E p istles you have th a t sp iritu a l lig h t w hich can only be given by a g reat scholar, believing th e whole Bible, an d living close to God. C loth, $1.50

A deeply in te re stin g and inform ing exam ination of the p rincipal evangelistic agencies, giving th e ir origin, m ethods, p ro g ress an d achievem ents, p re sen t condition a n d p ro s­ p ects. A volum e rich in sp ir­ itu al significance, im pressing th e read er w ith th e g reatness of th e field, an d w ith a d m ira­ tio n fo r th e w ay g re a t leaders have applied them selves to ta sk s a p p aren tly im possible. C loth, $1.75 The Lord We Love

By C h arles R. E rdm an T his is a book of devotional studies in th e life of C hrist. T h ey cen ter a ro u n d th e crucial experiences in th a t w onderful life, b eg inning w ith T h e H ym ns of th e N ativity an d ending w ith T h e A scension. W ith deep sp iritu al insight th e a u th o r en ters in to th e m eaning of C h rist’s exp erien ce a n d glories in H im as th e divine Sav­ iour of m en. In these days of do u b t a n d denial it is refresh in g to have this stro n g and joyful w itness to th e reality of C h rist’s saving pow er. C loth, $ 1 .5 0 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be ■ sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books a re to com e by m ail a d d 1 0 % fo r postage. B I OL A B O OK R O OM

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