King's Business - 1925-04

April 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


known Will Morehouse as perhaps no o ther person did, and he had loved him more dearly th an most men love another. Will had always been popular, always standing for what was rig h t and good, and had tru ly a wonderful personality and influence; bu t he lacked moral courage. He could not go against the concentrated opinions of his friends and companions. Jack Harmon had many times taken his friend to ta sk for it, and W ill had really m eant to con­ quer. Jack was delighted to note th a t he failed to see the same tr a it in Billie Bob; “He is more like Myrtle was,” he mused. “When he wants a thing, he goes afte r it till he gets it, and it ’s up to me to tra in him to always want the rig h t.”;! p The Harmon lib rary was a large one, and Billie Bob began to love books. Children learn to appreciate books and th e ir contents very much in proportion as they see th e ir elders do. Jack Harmon loved good books and good magazines, and Billie Bob, seeing his Uncle’s evident pleas­ u re in them , began to investigate and then to love them too. He pored over the books he found th ere and soon read widely and well. When he was twelve Billie Bob attended, during the day, a boy’s school a few blocks from his home. He soon became a favorite and entered into the school activities w ith zeal. He became passionately fond of athletics as boys of th a t age are ap t to do. But his happiest times were spent w ith Uncle Jack in the library. F o r the most p art Jack Harmon found Billie Bob easy to lead into rig h t path s; he was firm w ithout being severe, and the boy adored him. Only once was, th e re a cloud between them , and th a t occurred shortly afte r Billie Bob began to attend school. He was told he must always re tu rn home promptly afte r school was out unless he had obtained perm ission otherw ise, bu t one evening he was an hou r and a half late, and Aunt F anny became alarm ed and telephoned Jack. Billie Bob reached home about the tim e Uncle Jack did, and gave a boy’s careless answer to the anxious ques­ tions; the boys had persuaded him to rem ain for a practice game, although he told them he must go home. It was th e first tim e Jack Harmon had seen a tendency in- Billie Bob to let others over-persuade him to do what he felt was no t the thing he should do; but then he had not mixed very freely w ith children in th e past few years, and the occasions had not been numerous when such a th ing could occur. Jack Harmon punished him severely, ■ for th e first time, and added ra th e r a severe list of penalties beside. Billie Bob, enjoying the school companions and activities so keenly, felt th a t Uncle Jack was very unjust. He was grumpy for a week, when th e penalties had for th e most p art been accomplished, and then little Billie Bob forgave Uncle Jack and sued for the old friendly footing, which Uncle Jack was only too g lad to accord. However, he increased his vigilance, bu t Billie Bob had received a severe lesson, and did no t soon forget. (To be continued) Take The K. B. When You Go Calling “ I have ju st been visiting a friend and took my last Copy of The K ing’s Business w ith me for her to read. She enjoyed it so much th a t she wished me to sub­ scribe for h er, and I am enciosing subscription here­ with. It certainly is a wonderful magazine. It is a com fort in these perilous times to find a religious paper like yours. I th a n k God th a t th e re are some who still ‘keep the fa ith ’ and are w illing to ‘contend’ for it.” (Mrs. H. A. B., Penna.)

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B I OL A B O OK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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