King's Business - 1925-04

April 1925



THIRTY-NINE LESSONS ON THE FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES OF THE WORD OF GOD The lessons chosen by the Lesson Committee of the Chris­ tian Fundam entals Association for nine months (April 5-~-: December 27, 1925, inclusive), are designed to stabilize the faith of both teachers and scholars in th e GREAT FUNDA­ MENTAL DOCTRINES of the Bible, upon which th e evan­ gelical church is founded. The period assigned for lesson study, of course, is lim ited, b u t the lessons suggested will create a desire for fu rth e r study along th is line. The need was never so g reat in our land t© magnify th e verbal inspi­ ration .of the Word of God and the essential doctrines contained therein, as it is today. THE BIBLE (Th ree L essons). P roving th a t th e B ible is ou r final au tho rity . Our a ttitu d e in controversy should be “W hat saith the Scriptures?” Our ready conclusion: “ It is w ritten .” (This phrase occurs about 75 times in the New T estam ent). Our final reso rt is “To the law and th e testimony.” (Isa. 8 :2 0 ). Apr. 5gS-The Bible: The Word of God (Psa. 19), Golden Text (Heb. 1 :1 ,2 ). Apr. 12— The Bible: Inspired of God (2 P eter 1), G. T. (Psalm 4 5 :1 ). Apr. 19— The Bible: Its.Subject and Purpose (2 Timothy 3 ), G. T. (2 Cor. 3 :1 8 ). THE DOCTRINE OF GOD (Twelve Lessons). Showing His Existence, H is N ature, His A ttributes, H is Tri-Unity. Apr. 26— God th e T rinity: His Power and Deity (Acts 17: 24-31), G. T. (John 14 :16 ). May 3-rtGod the F a th e r (John 8:33 -44 ), G. T. (John 14: 23). May 10— God th e Son: His Pre-existence (John 1 :1-18), G. T. (John 8 :5 8 ). May 1®—God the Son: His Incarnation (Jilatt. 1:18-25), G. T. (1 Tim. 3 :1 6 ). May 24— God the Son: His Substitutionary Sacrifice (Heb. 10:1-25), G. T. (1 Pet. 3 :1 8 ). May 31— God the Son: His Resurrection and Ascension (1 Cor. 15:1 -20 ), G. T. (Rom. 8:34, R. V .). Jun e 7— God th e Son: His P riestly Ministry (Heb. 7:11-28), G. T. (Heb. 9 :2 4 ). June 14— God the Son: His Coming for His Saints (Rev. 19:11-21), G. T. (2 Thess. 1 :1 0 ). Jun e 28—REV IEW (John 14:1 -17 ), G. T. (John 11 :40 ). Ju ly 5-—God the Holy Spirit: His P ersonality (John 16:7- 15), G. T. (Eph. 4 :3 0 ). Ju ly 12— God th e Holy Spirit: His Advent (Acts 2:1 -21 ), G. T. (Gal. 4 :6 ). Ju ly 19— God the Holy Spirit: The Anointing (John 2:18- 28), G. T. (Gal. 3 :2 ). Ju ly 26— God th e Holy Spirit: His M inistry (Rom. 8:1- 27 ), G. T. (Jo h n 16:13-15). THE DOCTRINE OF MAN (Two L essons). H is C reation an d H is F all. (The Subject of “The New C reation of Man” is studied und er th e them e of “Salvation” in th e Lesson fo r October 4.) Aug. 2—Man: His Creation (Gen. 1:26-31; 2:6, 18-25), G. T. (1 Cor. 1 1 :7 ). Aug. 9—Man: H is F all (Gen. 3:1-24; Rom. 5 :12-14), G. T. (Rom. 5 :1 2 ). THE DOCTRINE OF SATAN (Two Lessons). Showing' H is R eality and H is Personality. Aug. 16— Satan: His P ersonality and Power (Matt. 4 :1-11), G. T. (Rev. 1 2 :9 ). Aug. 23-—-Satan: His Work and Destiny (Eph. 6:10-10; Rev. 20:1 -10 ), G. T. (Matt. 2 5 :41 ). THE DOCTRINE OF ANGELS (One L esson). Aug. 30—Angels: Their N ature and M inistry (Heb. 1:1-2: 4), G. T. (Psalm 34 :7 ). THE DOCTRINE OF SIN (Two Lessons). Its Revelation and Remedy. Sept. 6B-Sin: Its Character and Universality (Jam es 1:13- 15; Rom. 3:10 -18 ), G. T. (Rom. 3 :2 3 ). Sept. 13— Sin: God’s Remedy for It (Rom. 3:19-31), G. T. (Eph. 2 :4 ).

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B I O L A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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