King's Business - 1925-04

April 1925



THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN DAW AND GRACE (One Besson). Sept. 20—Difference Between Law and Gospel (2 Cor. 3), G. T. (Heb. 7 :1 9 ). Sept. 27— REVIEW (Gal. 3 ), G. T. (Rom. 4 :1 6 ). DOCTRINE OF SALVATION (Two Lessons). Oct. 4— Salvation from the Penalty and Guilt of Sin (Rom. 4 :1 -25 ), G. T. (Eph. 2:8, 9). Oct. 11— Salvation from the Power of Sin (Romans 6:1- 23), G. T. (G al. 1 :4 ). THE CHURCH (Two Lessons). (Jew an d Gentile in One Body). Oct. 18— The Church: H er Membership (Ephesians 2 ), G. T. (Eph. 4 :1 6 ). Oct. 25— The Church: Her Mission (Acts 1:1-11; 15:13- 18), G. T. (John 17 :18 ). THE MANIFESTATION OF THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIR IT IN THE L IFE OF THE BELIEVER (F ou r Lessons). Nov. lS -L ov e (1 Cor. 13), G. T. (Rom. 13 :10 ). Nov. 8H -Prayer (John 15:7; 16:24-27; 1 John 3 :2 1 ,2 2 ; 5 :1 4 ,1 5 ), G. T. (Eph. 6 :1 8 ). Nov. 15— Service (1 Thess. 1; Eph. 2 :1 0 ), G. T. (Eph. 6: 18). Nov. 22—-Thanksgiving (Eph. 5:18-21; Phil. 4 :1 -20 ), G. T. . (Gal. 5 :1 3 ). THE JUDGMENTS (Three Lessons). Nov. 29— Judgm en t of Believers’ Works (1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5 :10 ; Rev. 4 ), G. T. (Rom. 14 :10 ). Dec. 6— Judgm ent of th e Nations (Matt. 25:31-46), G. T. (Rom. 11 :12 ). Dec. 13— Judgm ent of the Wicked (Rev. 20:5, 11-15), G. T. (Rom. 2:5, 6). THE ETERNAL STATE (One Lesson). Dec. 20— E tern al S tate of the Redeemed (Rev. 21:1-3; 22: 1-5), G. T, (Matt. 1 3 :43 ). Dec. 27— REVIEW (Rev. 1 ), G. T. (John 5:22, 27). THE BEST WE HAVE Christ w ants th e best. He in the far-off ages Once claimed the firstling of the flock, th e finest of the wheat; And still He asks His own w ith gentlest pleading To lay th eir highest hopes and b righ test talen ts a t His feet. ■ He’ll not forget th e feeblest service, humblest love, He only asks th a t of our store we give Him The best we have. And is our best too much? 0 friends, let us remember How once our Lord poured ou t His blood for us, And in the prime of His mysterious manhood Gave up His precious life upon th e cross! The Lord of lords, by whom th e worlds were made. Through b itter grief and tears gave us The best He had. — Selected.

Biola “Best” Booklets Carefully study this list—there is something

here to meet your needs The Man Without a Soul

By M rs. L au ra C . Evans T h e sto ry of th e very rem ark ab le conversion of H en ry Spencer, th e m an w ho w as executed for m u rd er of M rs. M ildred A lison R exroat, a C hicago dancing-teacher, de­ clarin g his in nocence of th e crim e, on th e scaffold. T h e b o o k let has been used of God to th e salvation of m any souls a n d h a s had a very larg e sale. 10c; 12 fo r $1 .0 0

What Has a Church a Right to Expect of Its Pastor? By V ernon E. Schontz Send and get a copy of th is for yourself a n d fo r every m em ber of th e official b oard of y o u r chu rch an d a copy fo r y o u r p a sto r if you w ish to quickly see rig h t relationships established betw een all d e p a rt­ m ents of y o u r church. P a p e r 15c

The Second Coming of Christ By D r. R. A. T orrey T h is booklet w as w ritten for th e pu rp o se of g ettin g people in terested in th e com ing of th e L ord a n d if you know anyone th a t is n o t definitely e sta b ­ lished in th e tru th th a t Jesus is com ing again, th is is th e booklet to p u t in to his hands. It tells th e sto ry plainly, y et sim ply, convincingly, sa tisfa c ­ torily. 10c each; $1.00 p er doz.

We Drew the Fire

By J . J. Sim s T he sto ry of th e 9th L ancers a t Mons briefly to ld to g eth er w ith o th er sto ries th a t w ill lead m en to see th e ir need of a Saviour. The Gospel plan of salv atio n th ro u g h fa ith in C h rist is set fo rth also m aking a very effective booklet for d istrib u tio n am ong men. 5c ea.; 50c p er doz.; $4.00 p er 100

The Four Great Essentials

By D r. R. A . T orrey F our g re a t them es p resen ted as only D r. T orrey can p resen t such su b jects an d do full ju stice to them— The Final A u th o r of th e W ord; The Priceless V alue of th e B lood; T h e Irresistib le Pow er of- th e H oly S p irit an d th e Infinite Efficacy of P ray er. Is splendid m aterial to p u t in to th e hands of young people— in to th e hands of new C hristians. 5c each


A Bird’s Eye View of the Old Testament By D r. T. C. H orton All th e p rincipal persons, places, an d events of th e ten periods of th e Old T estam en t H isto ry are ta b u la ted in c h a rt form so th a t from it you can place every prom inent c h a ra c ­ te r an d event in th e ir pro p er period. P laces an d doctrines are show n in connection w ith th e p ro p er p erso n s an d events. The w hole com piled so as to be easily com m itted to m em ­ ory. 10c each

By D r. A. C. Dixon T he C h ristian 's privilege of living an alw ays victorious life is v ery clearly se t forth. If you w ish to know how to have v icto ry over th in g s th a t pursue— th a t w eaken; o v e r things t h a t trouble— th a t th re a te n ; over th in g s th a t hinder— th a t d e s t r o y , th is booklet will tell you all th a t a n d m ore. 10 c each; $1.00 p er dozen.

T . C. H orton,

536 S. H ope Street,

Los A ngeles, Calif.

Simple Studies for Bible Beginners By K eith L. B rooks

D ear F riend: Please enroll m y nam e as a “D efender of th e F a ith ” to fight th e d estructive deniers of th e W ord of God, and send m e suggestions for c arry in g on th e b a ttle in defense of the h o n o r of o u r Lord, o u r hom es a n d o u r children.

A series of sim ple easy lessons on th e F undam ental D octrines of th e C hristian faith for use w ith th e new an d u n ta u g h t C hris­ tian s. T hese studies are all arran g ed w ith th e idea of teaching th e stu d en t how to stu d y the Bible fo r him self in such a w ay th a t the g re a t lessons a re deeply im pressed on his m ind. P aper, 15c If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to copie by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage.

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B I O L A B OOK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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