King's Business - 1925-04


a t His Inauguration

It is a signif­ ic a n t fact in t h e s e d a y s w hen th e doc­

trin e s of th e In sp iratio n of th e W ord of God a n d th e D eity of th e L o rd Jesus C h rist a re being b ro u g h t into question by those in a u th o rity in c h u rch and

This Gospel Was Written for a Definite,

school, th a t o u r P resid en t should have chosen th e first c h a p te r of th e Gospel of John as his favorite p o rtio n of S crip tu re, a n d th at this w as the p o rtio n to w hich he pressed his lips on th e old fam ily Bible w hen h e to o k th e o a th of allegiance to th e solem n obligations resting u p o n him as P resid en t of these U nited States.

Specific Purpose

“B ut these a re w ritten , th a t ye m ight believe th a t Jesu s is th e C hrist, th e Son of God; a n d th a t believing ye m ig h t have life th ro u g h H is nam e.” (Jo h n 20:31.) W e could w ish th a t every citizen could read this Gospel, and h eartily comm end th e Special E dition illu strated above for g en ­ eral distribution. THE SOUL-WINNER’S EQUIPMENT ----- = COD'S PLAN MADE PLAIN IN THE GOSPEL OF JOHN — = = —

CHA PT ER TITLES a n d DIVISIONS m ake it easy to com prehend. T he HELPS a re designed to ASSIST CHR ISTIAN WORKERS in th eir perso n al en d eav o r to W IN SOULS, by using this Gospel w ith th em ; an d also to m ake it possible fo r any one into w hose hands this G ospel falls to find God’s p lan of salvation stated in th e term s of the Gospel itself. A ll NECESSARY INFORMATION for dealing w ith th e UNSAVED is given, and the passages cited a re all from th e GOSPEL O F JOHN YOU CAN HAVE THE JOY OF WINNING SOULS if you so desire. Do you desire th a t joy? T h en secu re a Gospel an d go to w ork. Send fo r a Sam ple accom panying w hich will b e sen t y o u Suggestions on “H ow to p rom o te a R eal Revival“ in school an d ch u rch .— A lso th e leaflet, “T h e M essage of th e K ing.“ Single copies, 5c; 100 copies, $4.00 p o stp a id ; 1000 copies, $30.00 n o t prep aid , i.e., D elivery E x tra B I O L A B OOK ROOM 536-558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

HOW TO DEFEND th e FUNDAMEN­ TALS of o u r FA ITH . U se th is edition of th e Gospel of John. Some of th e d octrines given are: INSPIRATION O F GOD'S WORD Jo h n 6:63; 8:26; 12:50 DEITY OF JESU S CHRIST One w ith th e F ath er, 14:9 God m anifest, 1:18 God in hum an form , 1:14 God w orshipped, 9:35, 36 JESU S CHRIST E ternal God, Jo h n 1:12 Om nipotent, 5:25 Om niscient, 2:24, 25 O m nipresent, 3:13 C reator, 1:3 ATONEMENT OF Jo h n 1:29; 12:24; 6:51 RESURRECTION O F JESU S CHRIST Jo h n 20:19, 20; 20:26-29 ASCENSION OF JESU S CHRIST Jo h n 16:7; 14:12 SECOND COMING OF JESUS Jo h n 14:3; 21:22,23 Also, th e D octrines of th e E ternal Life of B elievers, th e P erso n ality of S atan, E ternal Punishm ent.

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