CHRIST IS RISEN! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!; He hath bu rst His bonds in twain! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Alleluia! Swell th e strain! F o r our gain He suffered loss By Divine decree. He h ath died upon th e cross, But our God is He. Christ is risen! Christ is risen! He h ath bu rst His bonds in twain! 6 h rist is risen! Christ is risen!* Alleluia! Swell th e strain ! See, the chains of death are broken; E arth below and Heaven above jo y in each amazing token Of His rising, Lord of love; He forevermore shall reign By th e F a th e r’s side; T ill He comes to earth again, Comes to claim His bride. Christ is risen! Christ is risen! He h ath bu rst His bonds In twain! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!' Alleluia! Swell th e strain! Glorious angels downward thronging Hail the Lord of all the skies; Heaven, w ith holy joy and longing For th e Word incarnate, cries, “Christ is risen! E arth , rejoice Gleam, ye starry train! All creation, find a voice, He o ’er all shall reign .” Christ is risen! Christ is risen! ■He h ath bu rst H is bonds in tw ain; Christ is risen! Christ is risen! O’er th e universe to, reign. — A. T. Gurney (1862) •
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