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The weather Saturday morning was sunny and frosty and just perfect for the ASD United Snowmobile Ride for Autism. The annual recreational snowmobiling event raises both funds and awareness for programs that support individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their families in the Prescott-Russell region. The annual snowmobile rally is the winter equivalent of UIF"4%6OJUFE'MPUJMMBGPS"VUJTNUIBUUBLFT place during the summer. This year’s snowmobile event was ori- HJOBMMZTDIFEVMFEGPS'FCSVBSZCVUUIF warm and rainy weather prior to the date had reduced the amount of snow cover on the trail route. Organizers rescheduled the FWFOUUP'FCSVBSZJOBOUJDJQBUJPOPGDPMEFS weather and more snowfall to improve trail conditions. .PSFUIBOBEP[FOTOPXNPCJMFSTDPOHSF - HBUFEBUUIFQBSLJOHMPUPGUIF1MBDF restaurant and motel in Plantagenet for the morning start of the rally. They all returned by 4 p.m. to celebrate an enjoyable tour around Prescott-Russell and a successful campaign for autism awareness.

Le drapeau à damier multicolore est prêt à être largué pour la randonnée en motoneige ASD United Snowmobile Ride for Autism. -Photo Gregg Chamberlain

Tout le monde est prêt à prendre la piste samedi matin pour la course annuelle de motoneige ASD United pour l’autisme. -Photo Gregg Chamberlain

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For a couple of local OPP officers Saturday weekend duty was a pleasure because it meant they got assigned to be safety patrol chaperones during the annual ASD United Snowmobile Ride for Autism. —photo Gregg Chamberlain



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