
E conomic D evelopment

Real Estate Journal — January 29 - February 11, 2016 — 9A


M id A tlantic

P ennsylvania Greetings: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR It is my pleasure to extend my appreciation to the real estate professionals of the Mid-Atlantic Region for their dedication to a more prosperous future for Pennsylvania and our neighbors. The Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Journal plays a critical role in making Pennsylvania an attractive place for businesses to grow and succeed. Through the Support of new businesses and well-paying jobs, we can rebuild Pennsylvania’s middle class. I am confident that the commercial real estate professionals of our commonwealth share my pas- sion for creating economic growth and allowing our GREETINGS: It is my pleasure to extend my appreciati n to the real estate professional of th Mid-Atl ntic Region for their dedication to a more prosperous future for Pennsylvania and our neighbors. The Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Journal plays a critical role in making Pennsylvania an attractive place for businesses to grow and succeed. Through the support of new businesses and well-paying jobs, we can rebuild Pennsylvania’s middle class. I am confident that the commercial real estate professionals of our commonwealth share my passion for creating economic growth and allowing our communities to thrive and prosper. I thank you for your contributions to the vitality of the commonwealth as e work to build a tronger Pennsylvania. As Governor, and on behalf of all the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I commend our local commercial real estate profes ionals for their commitment to the Commonwealth. Please accept my best wishes for continued success. Governor Wolf communities to thrive and prosper. I thank you for your contributions to the vitality of the commonwealth as we work to build a stronger Pennsylvania. As Governor, and on behalf of all the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I commend our local comercial real estate profession- als for their commitment to the Commonwealth. Please accept my best wishes for continued success.

D elaware

Home of tax-free shopping, five-star beaches, and acres of preserved natural beauty, Delaware has proven time and again that we are the “right size, right place” for business— fromfinancial services, life sciences and aerospace to tech firms and agribusinesses — we work hard to help enterprises of all kinds develop and thrive. Located in the heart of the Northeast Corridor, Dela- ware offers one of the best tax climates and a highly educatedworkforce. Often referred to as the “Corporate Capital of the World,” we are dedicated to cultivating a business-friendly environment that encourages inge- nuity and innovation. In fact, Delaware’s largest city, Wilmington, was recently named one of the top five

Governor Markell

cities in the nation outside of Silicon Valley to launch a start-up by Datafox. The shifting business landscape demands that we be adaptive and flexible to remain competitive in a global market; keeping current with the latest technologies is essential. Just this past year, the Delaware Economic Devel- opment Office launched a new, user-friendly website and an interactive site locator that provides easy access to database of available properties, as well as information on our labor market, infrastructure, demographics and more. Please take a moment to visit www.dedo.delaware.gov and check out the site locator by clicking “Relocate/Expand Here” at the top of the page. Delaware is a place for businesses of all sizes to grow and build a future. Iwould like to extendmybestwishes to the commercial real estateprofessionals ofNewJersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia,MarylandandDelaware. I look forward to your continued success and to working with you to grow our nation’s economies. Sincerely, Jack A. Markell, Governor

TOM WOLF Governor 2016

N ew J ersey Dear Friends:

V irginia

225 Main Capitol Building | Harrisburg, PA 17120 | 717.787.2500 | Fax 717.772.8284 | www.pa.gov

Virginia: Open for Business The Commonwealth of Virginia was founded as a business venture more than 400 years ago, and that legacy continues today as Virginia remains the top state in which to do business, as rated by several independent industry publications. Virginia continues to earn accolades and attract businesses from around the county and around the world because of our pro-business environment that offers lower operating costs, a stable six percent cor- porate income tax that hasn’t increased since 1972, property tax exemptions, a highly skilled and avail- able workforce, strategic location at the heart of the

On behalf of the State of New Jersey, I am pleased to address commercial real estate professionals throughout the Mid Atlantic States in this issue of the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal. From the onset, our Administration has pursued an aggressive strategy to expand economic growth, foster job creation and encourage investment. This strategy focuses on creating a business-friendly environment that provides the business commu- nity and job creators with the policies and support neccessary to invest and grow throughout New Jersey. Our State has attracted new business and helped existing businesses thrive by focusing on relationaship building and person to person outreach, promoting the State’s incentives and resources, developing pro-growth policies and assisting businesses in navigating state government and programs. Our workforce is among the best educated and our diverse range of industries makes New Jersey a destination for all business sectors. This publication serves as an excel- lent opportunity to recognize all commercial real estate professionals for their impact on New Jersey, and I commend all of you for your work in furthering the advancement in our State’s economic development. Best wishes for continued success. Governor Christie

Governor McAuliffe

East Coast, and one of the lowest combined state/local/use taxes at 5%. Virginia also offers a variety of performance-based incentives that it uses to attract and retain business investments and to attract new jobs to the Commonwealth. From tax credits to tax exemptions, Virginia continues to demonstrate its willingness to invest in those who invest and reinvest in the Commonwealth. Virginia has one of the country’s most technically advanced, online site selection search tools—VirginiaScan. VirginiaScan allows companies to search a database of more than 1,800 qualified sites and buildings across the Commonwealth. In addition to site and building specifications, Virgi- niaScan enables companies to search for an ideal business location using Virginia workforce statistics, existing business data and a host of other information that is driving today’s business site-selection process. Sincerely, Terry McAuliffe, Governor

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