King's Business - 1932-10


T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

October 1932

T L e ALPHABET of SCIENCE (¡Ulk TT n our last article, we pointed out the fact that science is so marvelously organized in this day and age, that it is possible to find one branch of science for almost every let­ ter of the English alphabet. We purposed to begin a new “ Primer of Science and Revelation,” and show how each field of specialized knowledge may be used by men today to test the accuracy of the Word of God. W e began our primer with the line, “ A is for Archaeology.” We continue, in this installment, by saying: “ B is for Biology, the science of life.” Since the revelation that God has given to man begins with the story of the origin and creation of life, it is self- evident that in this science there must be almost unlimited opportunity to check the facts of that Book for their accur­ acy and value. Realizing the impossibility of exhausting the subject in so brief a paper, we will content ourselves with a simple summary of some of the more salient points. First, the Word of God offers to the student of biology the only possible explanation of the first beginning of life. There is no suggestion of uncertainty here, no supposition or guessing, but a certain satisfying assertion that God created! Not once does Moses say, “W e may well suppose.” Never does he use the famous phrase, “ It-is highly prob­ able,” nor does he find refuge in the familiar sentence, “ It is reasonable to presume.” For the nebulous uncertainties of human philosophy, Moses simply states, “ Thus saith the Lord,” and calmly leaves it to us to accept the statement or disprove the evidence. No R eliance on H uman P hilosophy In the dogmatic assertion of Moses, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, there is a wide range of pos­ sible error. In the ignorance o f the age in which Moses lived, he could have made his writing ridiculous to our age, if he had relied on that human philosophy of which he was a master. Learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, it would have been very natural for him to have included some of the common beliefs of his day in the record he wrote. But the Spirit of God was writing for our day, more than for the day of Moses, and He saw fit to keep the record free of those ancient errors. So Moses begins with a dogmatic assertion o f the origin of life and tells the story in one word— creation. Some thirty-five hundred years have gone by since that day, and not one proved fact has ever been discovered in the field of biology that ques­ tions the accuracy of this trenchant observation. Philoso­ phies have come and gone, theories have sprouted only to wither away, hypotheses have soared with the brilliance of meteors across the intellectual heavens, but no fact has even taken permanent form which could call into question the record of the first chapter of the first book of Moses. No L ife W ithout V ital A ncestry The second fact Moses records is still accepted by all

an J ihe INSPIRATION o f ike BIBLE* By H ARRY RIMMER, Los Angelas, Calif. Copyright by Research Science Bureau, Inc.

biologists today ; namely, that there can be no life without vital ancestry. This law Moses notes when he states that God blessed each pair in creation, and gave them the com­ mand to multiply. The scientific truth in this matter is observed by the very tyro in biology. For every metazoan there are parents, male and female. For every bird, there is the egg that came from the female, and that was fertile only with the cooperation of the male. For the new plants, there are seeds from the parent plant, or root clumps, bulbs, spores, or “ slips.” Nothing alive ever comes without vital ancestry. For three and a half thousand years, this truth has held in the face o f investigation, until the biologist who questioned it today would be written down as mad. A fter I ts O wn K ind Folldwing this line of inquiry, we see next that Moses observes another immutable law in creation, recognized by this science today. This is the law that makes the earth and its teeming population a sane environment instead of a madhouse. “ Let each produce after its own kind” are the exact words that the inspired writer indited, and there is not, nor has there ever been, an exception to this biological law. If this law did not prevail, no farmer could ever plant a crop and have the assurance that he would reap what he sowed'; no animal husbandman could ever breed with certainty that the resultant progeny would be what he desired, and the weird monstrosities that peopled the earth would make life insuperable to the human race. But the law is effective ; and every living biologist grants the fact—not only acknowledges it, but acquiesces. Its neces­ sity is so clearly apparent that supernatural wisdom is seen in thé enactment of this particular statute of God. L ife in T he B lood T o go a bit farther in our inquiry, we see the Mosaic in­ spiration once more in the famous paragraph in the seven­ teenth chapter of Leviticus, where Moses states four sep­ arate 'times, “ The life of the flesh is the blood thereof.” This writer could not have known this recently demon­ strated biological fact by human reason, knowledge, investi­ gation, or research, for in the ignorance of his day this great physiological fact was as yet undreamed of by men. All the argument and discussion of centuries as yet unborn had to point the path for the halting footsteps of man’s slow approach to truth and understanding, before this great biological fact should burst in splendor upon the screen of human wisdom. But when, in the twentieth century after Christ, biology made this great discovery, lo, it had been anticipated by the writer, Moses, thirty-five centuries be­ fore human reason and research achieved the conception. This is not an unusual situation, however, for many, many times Dame Biology has painfully won her way to a great discovery, to find the Revelation of Moses sitting in pa- [Contimied on page 436]

*Second in a series.

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