King's Business - 1932-10

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


October 1932

croached upon time needed for the study of God’s Word. The mind must be disciplined, and its loins girded up, to use Peter’s fig­ ure; otherwise there will be great mental slackness.—M antle . P N orth —E ast —W est —S outh The four points o f the compass contain the letters used in spelling “news.” If only the glory of the Lord covered the earth as the waters cover the sea, all “ news” would be glorious, but because iniquity still abounds, “news” is of the same kind. God’s W ord says, “ The wicked are like the trour bled sea, . . . whose waters cast up mire and dirt.” The front page of our great newspapers is often filled with the ‘“mire and dirt” o f the sea o f humanity. When our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, 'is reigning over this earth, we can “ Publish glad tidings, Hymn— “ Come, Ye Thankful People.” Hymn— “For the Beauty of the Earth.” Hymn—“A ll Hail, Immanuel.” Scripture Lesson. Prayer. Leader’s Message. My Greatest Blessing—Testimonies by each Endeavorer. Hymn— “ Count Your Blessings.” Benediction—Jude 24, 25. Meditation on the Lesson When we think of thanksgiving or praise, our minds instinctively turn to the Psalms, for they are preeminently messages o f gra­ titude. David, “the sweet singer o f Israel,” “the man after God’s own heart,” had a heart overflowing with praise to God for His many benefits. Moreover, the note that dominates the Psalter is personal, and while the Psalms were written for long- ago generations, and in circumstances which can scarcely arise in our modern world, “yet they appeal to the experiences o f all ages, and fit into the circumstances o f all mankind and, after thirty centuries, are as living today as when they were first written.” Paul tells us, in Ephesians 5 :19, to speak unto ourselves “in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” ; and James says, “ Is any merry? > let him sing psalms.” Luther points out that in the Psalms, “the Scriptures are collected into a beautiful manual of wonderful and at­ tractive brevity.” Psalm 145, our lesson for today, is a beautiful song o f praise to God for His mighty, righteous, ,and gracious govern­ ment of all men, and o f His humble and suffering people in particular. It is a joy to meditate upon it. David begins in the first person singular. Four times in the first two verses, he uses “ I”— “ 1 will ex­ tol,” “ I will bless,” “Will I bless,” “ I will praise.” But in the fourth verse, his horizon widens, and he declares that “ one genera­ tion shall praise thy works to another.” On he goes till, in the tenth verse, he tri­ umphantly exclaims, "All thy works shall praise thee.” To “extol” is to “praise greatly,” to Tidings o f peace,' Tidings o f Jesus, Redemption, and release.” NOVEMBER 20, 1932 OUR BLESSINGS P salm 145 Suggestions for the Meeting

SERVING and WAITING 1721 Spring Garden St. Philadelphia, Pa. A BIBLE STUDENTS MONTH LY— $1.50 PER YEAR In the October issue “Why the Church Cannot Pass Through the Tribulation*' By William R. Newell 2-Way Treatment Sunday School Lessons Rev. Walter F. McMillin Mrs. E. C. Bardwell A Foreign Letter, Live Editorials, Special Articles on Bible Doctrine, Studies in The Revelation By William R. Newell SIN G LE COPIES 15c— GET A CQ U A IN T E D OFFER— 4 M O N T H S FOR 50c Official Organ PHILADELPHIA SC H O O L OF THE BIBLE 1721 SPR IN G G A RD EN STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

HAVE YOU READ? "Glimpses o f Bible Climaxes” BY JAMES E. ELY, GARDEN CITY. KANSAS CHAPTERS INCLUDE: The Bible— Christ Crucified— Prophets and Prophecies—Unmask­ ing of Modernism—Creation— Evolution Ex­ posed—Christ Crowned King—Contrasts and Contradictions between Evolution and the Bi­ ble, etc., etc. Combats negative scholarship. 300 pages of facts on which to base your convictions and faith. Every child of God should fortify himself in these tremendous days of apos­ tasy. Used by many groups as study-book in conjunction with God's Word. Endorsed by outstanding Bible teach­ ers and Christian leaders. Paper . . . 85c Cloth . . . $1.25 BUSINESSMAN’S GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Garden City, Kansas

hers was Hot a religious duty. She an­ swered, “ ‘Oh, no, it cannot be; because that brings me such joy, and it is the delight o f my heart to serve my father.’ ” So there are tens o f thousands o f duties and liberties which are juicy and delicious, and we are to enjoy these “lovely” things. “I f there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” In a story from London, England, it was stated that a boy o f nineteen had been sen­ tenced to receive twelve lashes, despite the plea of his counsel that crime stories were responsible for his condition. It is thus that the minds o f many boys and girls are becoming perverted. Their whole view o f life becomes distorted and takes on the color of the matter they take into their minds daily. Reading is one of the greatest blessings for which humanity has to be thankful. It may be the magic door that leads into realms more golden than gold, if wisely used and judiciously applied. On the other hand, it may lead to the sewers of life. It may elevate, or it may degrade. It opens the way to converse with kings and queens or with hostlers and stable boys; and men and women inevitably grow like the company they habitually keep. One o f the great apostles o f the New Testament urged upon the church to “give attention to reading.” The admonition is badly needed today.^ T oronto G lobe . Discussion Material I. P utting G od ’ s W ord F irst , Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 9:25 to 27, “And every man that striveth for the mas­ tery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beat- eth the a ir: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.” I f we are to know the blessed secret of making use of Jesus as He reigns in our life, we will take care to do always the things that please Him. W ill He be pleased if we spend our early morning leisure moments over the newspaper to the neglect o f His W ord? One of the greatest preach­ ers o f the age resolutely refuses to look at his newspaper until the afternoon. He does this as a matter o f discipline, because he found that the reading o f the news en­ Illustration T he I nfluence of R eading

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5000 WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books and hand­ some velvet Scripture mottoes. Good commission. Send fo r Free Catalog and P rice List GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISHER Dept. 7C, Monon Bldg., Chicago, III. S S 8 8 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S » 1 ,170 ,000 Gideon Bibles In Hotel Bedrooms for the Benefit o f Those Who Travel The Gideon Association asks the assistance of all Christians to supply Bibles for Commercial hotels. $1.00 each covers cost. Eligibility For Membership The field of the work having now surrounded the globe, has caused the opening of membership to All Christian Business Men The Gideon Magazine, $1:00 per year. Write for particulars to THE GIDEONS The Christian Commercial Travelers* Association of America, International 140 S. Dearborn Street :: Chicago, Illinois 1 Indivìdua! Cups Does \\j\jt K urarcn use cnis cieaniy method? Send for SPECIAL OFFER at low prices. Tray and 3$ best glasses 1 Cover $9-00. Glasses$1.00 dozen. and Collection and Bread Plates. THOMAS COMMUNION SERVICE CO., Box 356Lima, O

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