King's Business - 1932-10

“Make a Pulpit of Your Circumstances” D r . W. P. W hite

Can you say with the Apostle Paul, " But 1 w ould ye should un­ derstand, brethren, that the things which happened unto m e have fallen out rather unto the furtherance o f the gospel” ? You can, if you will make a pulpit of your circumstances, as he did. One way to accomplish this is by making the distribution of T he K ing ’ s B usiness one of your “circumstances.” The magazine will preach for you. It is uniformly true to the whole Word of God. Every article leads the reader to the very foot of the cross A re your circumstances hopeless, unproduc- i tive P Are they desperate, challenging ? N o matter! Mount the steps with unwavering faith, and you will find yourself—unconscious­ ly, no doubt—preaching a sermon that hearts are hungry for, and men are waiting for, and that will react in immeasurable blessing upon you.

more than twenty years, its illuminating articles and editorials, comprehensive Sunday School Lesson and Christian Endeavor Notes, deep de­ votional suggestions, and other features, have become a part o f the life o f thousands o f readers the world around.

Let: The King’ s Business Help You Mount Your Pulpit Stairs Become a sponsor for T he K ing ' s B usiness . A t once you will be assured o f two things: (1 ) You will have a sanely spiritual, always attractive, all­ round family magazine. And readers want it! It is no new product on the market. For

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M. J. W . Did It In one month, M. J. W., of Los Angeles, sold 136 subscriptions to T he K ing ' s B usiness , to people whom he had never seen before, by going from house to house; and in so doing made many people happy, and netted himself a fine income. You Can Do It Many Sunday Schools subscribe for T he K ing ' s B usiness for all their teachers. You can easily in­ terest your superintendent in it. Christian people everywhere wel­ come it because of its loyalty to the whole Word of God.

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