King's Business - 1960-04

BOOK ENDS (coni.) BEVERLY'S QUEST by Dorothy Haskins. 85 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.75. The subtitle of this bock i , "A Modern Girl's Search for Truth and Happi­ ness." A teenoger is sincere in her search and wanders through many possible paths without finding it. It is of course only in Christ that she finds the real answer, and it is pointed out in the book how Christ is the answer to all the cults and other devices of Satan to en­ snare the searching heart. THE YIELDED HEART by Irene Murray. 151 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Ropids; $2.50. Problems of conflict between the will of God and the opportunity to love a bril­ liant young man make up the central theme of this story. As usual, the complete surrender to that will is the only way to happiness. THE HAPPY LIFE by F. B. Meyer. 63 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; $.50. UNDERSTANDING THE HOLY SPIRIT by Harold Barker. 63 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago $.50. This and the above are "One FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL by Clarence H. Benson, revised by D. K. Reisinger. 93 pages; paper; Evangelical Teocher Training Association, Wheaton, III.; $1.25. One of the units in the ETTA certificate course. STORIES ABOUT BIBLE PEOPLE FOR LITTLE PEOPLE by Dora Dene Philippe. Unpaged; paper over boards; Cowan Publications, Los Angeles; $1.00. For children between the ages of 2 and 5. Illustrated in black and color. CALLED TO MATURITY by Myron S. Augs- burger. xi, 132 poges; cloth; Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa.; $2.50. The believer is carried on here to a spiritual maturity that will in­ vigorate and enliven a person and make him both more cognizant of the will of God and more fruitful in doing it. Sixteen chapters deol with as many aspects of the Christian life in which maturity is to be ochieved, and in which it is so frequently not acquired. NO MORE A STRANGER by Orville Steggerda. 184 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids;$2.50. A Christian novel in which there is much of disappointment and bitterness in the life of a young man, but where victory is found in a further development of the spiritual life under the leadership of the Lord. GOD OF THE HILLS (Mountain Meditations) by Elsie Milligan. 86 poges; cloth; B. McCall Barbour, Edinburgh, Scotland; 8/3. Devotional studies of some of the more famous mountains of the Bible. Literary illustrations are used freely. God so often manifested Himself in some outstanding way on mountains. The book will strengthen faith. THE UNDERSTANDING HEART by C. De Ruischer. 119 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids; $2.00. A love story with the usual Christian life problems. This time it is the matter of witnessing to the faith in Christ that he had that caused the difficulty in the life of our hero. Tragedy in the life of his sweetheart brought him to a more basic relationship to the Lord and he became a useful chonnel for the Lord's grace. THAT FAMILY ON ARCHER STREET by Craig Massey. 217 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $2.50 This story of some of the family problems in a typicol American home won the 5th Zondervan Christian Fiction Contest. Both porents and children ran into personality problems leading them away from each other until they found the solution to their own lack of love in the love of God. ROYAL SACRAMENT: THE PREACHER AND HIS MESSAGE by Ronald A. Ward. 192 pages; cloth; Marshall, Morgan & Scott, London, 12/6. There is no end, or course, to the maxing of books on preaching. In each new one we look for some distinctive feature. Since the author is a professor of New Testament in Wycliffe College, Toronto, the school where W. H. Griffith Thomas taught before he passed away, one is not surprised to find a section here that is not found in many books of this kind. The discus­ sion of the preacher and his relation to the New Testament, to theology, to generol litera­ ture, to scholarly problems, and to other matters makes a stimulating and instructive contribu­ tion. The title indicates the reverent approach of the author. SONGS FOR WORSHIP compiled by Robert J. Hughes. 281 number; cloth; Zondervan Music Publishers, Grand Rapids; $1.20. An all-purpose hymnal, heavy on the older familiar songs. WESTERN STYLE SONGS compiled by Robert J. Hughes. 49 numbers; paper; Zondervan Music Publishers, Grond Rapids; 60c. Solos, duets, and group numbers make up this collection of somewhat different music for informal religious gatherings and radio work. Evening Condensed Books." TEACHING TECHNIQUES

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