King's Business - 1960-04


Aunt Betty

Your Speeches More Effective! THE SPEAKER’S SOURCEBOOK By ELEANOR DOAN MEETS EVERY SPEAKER’S NEED 4 ,0 0 0 u sa b le illu stra tio n s • q u o ta tio n s • s a y in g s • a n e cd o te s • p o e m s • se n te n ce - se rm o n s • atte n tion -ge tte rs 5 0 0 subjects, classified, a n d a lp h a b e tic a lly a rra n g e d 3 0 4 d o u b le -co lu m n p a g e s, a big b o o k .........$ 3 . 9 5 S o m e th in g a p p ro p ria te fo r e v e ry o cc a sio n Order from your Bookseller or ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE GRAND RAPIDS 6, MICHIGAN

Talks with Teenagers

RULES: You must be 13-19; you must give name, cddress and ages, but only first name and city will be used. Letters will be regarded as confidential. Send to this column in care of The King's Business. Dear Aunt Betty: M ine is a very serious problem. Can you help me? I am the only Christian in my fam ily and I am wondering if I should leave home. / am a Junior in High School and this winter at a Youth for Christ meeting I was saved. When I came home and told my mother and father I was going to live for the Lard, they made fun of me. But God has done so much for me I wouldn’t think of trying to live with­ out Him now. I thank the ILord for the food at the table; I go to church and young people’s meetings; 1 tithe my allowance; and I read my Bible and pray each day. They don’t inter­ fere with these things, but here is the problem : There is constant fighting in my home. M y father drinks a great deal and my mother nags at him, and between the two of them I think some­ times l cannot stand it. I keep out of the way as much as I can, but we are all very unhappy. They fight about everything. Sometimes it begin on Sunday morning, and L get out of the house as fast as I can and spend most of the day in church and with Chris­ tian friends. I would like to leave and never come back. But I would have to get a fob and wouldn’t get to finish High School. I pray all the time about it and certainly pray for my family. What should I do? Joe Name of town withheld My dear Joe: I think you should stick it out until you finish High School and then if the conditions do not change, get a job and live elsewhere. Don’t cripple your­ self for life by not finishing this phase of your education. Ask some of your Christian friends, whom you can trust, to join you in prayer for the salvation of your parents. Can you not request your pastor to call at your home and talk to them about the claims of Christ upon their lives? The Lord will lead you, Joe. “ Be strong and of a good courage.” Don’t run away. Try speak­ ing with love to your parents individ­ ually.

know y o u r p i p < 3 M

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APRIL, 1960


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