King's Business - 1960-04


LEN JOHNSON Teacher of Accordion & Piano. Musical Instru­ ment Sales — Accordion Rentals Discount to Christian Workers. Ample free off-street park­ ing. Open 10 A.M. - 10 P.M. Monday through Saturday. Other times by appointment. POplar 1-9550 11020 Ventura Blvd., North Hollywood

U L T R A - D I S P E N S A T I O N A L I S M For a new FREE tract on the ULTRA CULT, write:

Rev. Harry A. McGimsey, P.O. Box 1311 Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.

John '4 0 and Mary Jane (David '40) Dedrick, Mexico: “During t h e s e p a s t months, the most important business pos­ sible had been going on — the steady day by day revision of the Yaqui New Testa­ ment . . . The Yaqui Gospel of John is at the printers . . . The little group of believ­ ers have experienced some difficult times in these past months, but finally they are going ahead with b u i l d i n g a new church.” Stephen and Joan (Brickenden ’47) Erickson, India: “A t last we have a car — a 1947 DeSoto four-door sedan. The other prayer request also has been an­ swered: the need for a capable Indian Christian to help in the village preaching. Just a few days ago we learned of a young Kanarese man who recently graduated from a good Bible School out here and is not definitely settled in any work as yet. W e believe that he may be the one the Lord has for our area. Please continue to pray with us about it . . . A t present we are enjoying our annual time of spiritual and physical refreshing in the beautiful Nilgiri Hills . . . W e enjoy the privilege we have up here of hearing the Word of God preached in English at the nearby Church. There is also a special convention each year for the benefit of the many mis­ sionaries who come from all parts of India to these hills at this season. W ill you uphold us in prayer and trust God for souls in India.” Fred ’50 and Dorothea Janie Acord, Arabia: “The Lord has been blessing us in a wonderful way. The greetings in Arabic upon meeting were “Christ is Risen,” and the reply “True, He is Risen.” How won­ derful to see and know that He had risen in the hearts and lives of these assembled Arabs and Somalis. W e had two Arab Christians from Muscat in Oman with us on that occasion. There is a church with 20 believers in that remote part of this dark­ ened land, and how it rejoiced our hearts to know the truth was going out there. Don Hillis ’32, Director of Orient Cru­ sades, recently has published two new books: “Tips on How to be Tops” and “ If America Elects a Catholic President.” These timely and “vitally important books sell for 50c each or five for $2.00,” says Don. Address your requests to him at Orient Crusades, 2313 West Ninth, Los Angeles 6, California. Elmer '4 7 and Gloria (Johnson '42) Frieke, West Pakistan: “ I have returned from our Mission field council in India, where we left the work six years ago. It is a joy to hear of the progress in some places: one outstanding area has a strong little church, a caste convert from another area has gone on with the Lord, in the last year the wife and 22-year old son of the village leader received Christ as well as a Muslim man and his wife. Here we have finished our three months Bible school course and plan to begin another in Janu­ ary. Pray for these students. Our S.S. has grown and we are reaching more teen­ agers.”

JOIN THE A.E.C.C. If you have been called to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and are in either denominational or undenominational work, you are invited to become a member of this fast growing ministerial organization. License or ordination credentials issued to members. Your inquiry invited. AMERICAN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 192 N. CLARK ST. CHICAGO 1, ILL. HONGKONG

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Largest in the West 545 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 11742 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, Calif. POplar 6-2479

THE LITTLE GIANT HOTOMATIC Gas Water Heater No. 3 Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in temperature. Inexpensive, too. Write for free folder. Dept. KB-22 LITTLE GIANT MFG. CO. 907 7th Street Orange, Texas

C H R I Q T I A N I I | | GREETING CARDS As n SP ECIAL IN TRO DU CTO R Y OFFER we will send one box of 16 Scripture Text “ tall-type” folders for All- Occnslon plus a box of 14 “ square-type” Get-Well Scrip­ ture folders, postpaid for $1. Order blank describing dozens of other items will be enclosed. Your Church, Missionary Society. School, any other group or you your­ self can easily make profits up to 100% selling our high quality merchandise. G ET S TA R TED . Send $1.00 today. SHEPHERD'S TOWN GREETING CARDS, Inc. Box 134, Shepherdstown, Penna.


The Door to 25,000,000 Chinese outside the Mainland The Colony that has the largest dis­ placed personnel with the greatest amount of suffering per square mile in the world The Bible Institute of Los Angeles in a great ministry Dr. Charles A. Roberts, Supt. EVANGELISM — Services in three dif­ ferent centers. M ED ICAL — A doctor and nursing staff treating over 1,500 a month. BOOK ROOM— Downtown distribution point for Bibles and literature, Chinese 1,300 underprivileged children. NURSERY — Tiny tots of refugee par­ ents seeking love and home and work. Daily program caring for health, meals and instruction. Gospel antidote to communist propaganda. In operation early 1960. For complete information and gifts write: The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Hongkong Department 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California and English. SCHOOLS — Christian education for

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Buses to take 115 on outings Country foothill setting where the redwoods meet the ocean Write Monte Vista Christian School Watsonville, Santa Cruz County California Phone: PArkway 2-0385

- C f f S l U l - Member Mission I.F.M.A. Pray for our Radio and Bible School ministry. Write for free literature 107 North Hale Wheaton, lllino

Reach Children!

6 pages — 3 colors 50 for $1.00 postpaid 1000 for $17.50 postpaid C H U R C H P R E S S Box 551 Glondole, California



TROUBLE L — a tract for i h BOYS A N D d G IR L S ^ f l



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