King's Business - 1960-04

One of These Needs YOU! Answer the Appeal of a Little Child —. -mumm...

^ ^ i e C o i n ^ ^ Robert A . Cook Vice President, Scripture Press Foundation

"The KING 'S BUSINESS was a re­ gular visitor in our home during the

days w h e n I was growing up. F r e q ue n t l y bundles of the magazine would be ordered, and distributed t o friends. In later years, I watch­ ed with mature

appreciation the progress of this ministry. During the time my sister was editor of the magazine, and often since that time, I have prais­ ed the Lord for the clear and un­ wavering stand the KING 'S BUSI­ NESS has maintained on the Word of God and the essentials of our Christian faith/7

W ILL YOU SPONSOR A KOREAN ORPHAN FOR EIGHT DOLLARS A MONTH ! TRY IT AN D SEE W HAT JOY IT W ILL BRING YOU. Y o u m a y select you r ow n ch ild from the pictures above and becom e a sponsor of one of these dear Korean O rphan children. (Y o u m a y seek a friend to be a co-sponsor w ith you— $ 4 e a ch ). Y o u m a y w rite and send parcels to h im an y tim e yo u w ish. H e w ill answ er and send yo u a picture of h im se lf w ith the cloth in g on, toys in han d , etc. M y ! W h a t jo y this brings! E very d ay these ch il­ dren are tau gh t the B ible, sing Christian songs, earnestly pray. E very ch ild is led to receive Christ as his personal Saviour. T h e y a ll attend church, Sunday School and other services. A ll staff m em bers are earnest Christians. FROM A GANG OF BEGGARS N um b e r 1C, Lee W o n II, cannot rem em ber h is parents at all. H e w as found b egg in g in the m ark et w ith a g a n g of beggar boys. N o w he is a changed boy in our L ittle L am b ’s O rphanage in Seoul. H e loves to tell of his past as a beg­ ga r and the change that has taken p lace in his life since he learned of Christ and H is salvation. E ach ch ild is w a itin g to have an Am erican or C anad ian “ D a d d y and M om - m ie” ! For o n ly $ 8 a m on th— just 2 6 pennies a d ay— you or you r Sunday School, B ib le Class, Junior C hurch, Ladies Group, etc., w ill h elp b rin g Christ to you r chosen bo y or girl and train h im to be a Christian leader in Korea. T h is $ 8 provides a ll the needs of the ch ild , in clu d in g school tuition w h ich is not free in Korea. T h e E S E A is ca rin g fo r over 3 00 0 orphans, w a r w idow s and children of lepers. M a n y m ore are in desperate need , hom eless, cold and h u n g ry . H e lp us take in m a n y m ore off the streets into our 4 2 H om es. W r ite or phone N O W ! I----------------------------------------------------CLIP AND MAIL TODAY------------------------------------------------------ , | | YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. My choice is Number ....... ..... ...................... If this child has already been “ adopted,” I agree to support another whom you will select. With God’s help I will send $8 a month. Please let me have my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I may continue as long as I wish. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. | I □ 1 cannot “ adopt” a child but want to help by giving $______________ ___ _________________........ □ !’lease send me further information. I Name__— .................................................................................................................................. ................................... I Address.............—...— — ____ ..... ......--------------------- ....... __________________ ______ __ ______ ____ City ......—... ________________________ ____ Zone______ State. ______ _____________...._________ Gifts of any amount are welcome and, as well as sponsoring, are income tax deductible. THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. ^ o r ^ tio n * | Dept. K-4, 4848 North Leonard Drive, Chicago 31, Illinois, Telephone: GLadstone 6-6181 . THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 4 8 4 8 North Leonard Drive, Chicago 3 1 , Illinois

Oswald J . Smith Founder, The Peoples Church

"During most of the years of my ministry the KING 'S BUSINESS has

come to me re­ gularly and I have always ap­ preciated it. As soon as it ar- r i v e s I go through it very carefully. It has been a great blessing and I

appreciate its ministry more than I can say. I have had the privilege of writing for it from time to time and so my articles have appeared in it. It is one of the outstanding magazines of this generation. Its various features are interesting, in­ spiring and instructive, and I am glad to have it coming to my desk." Theodore H . Epp Director, Back to the Bible Broadcast "Fifty years of publication in the religious field which sees so

many promising p a p e r s and magazines fade a w a y with a short time is an enviable record. It is, without question, due to God's blessing on the wealth

of Bible truth and other vital in­ formation that has characterized the KING 'S B U S I N E S S down through the years. We trust that, should the Lord tarry, the magazine will have an increasingly wide min­ istry, both at home and abroad."


APRIL, 1960

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