Aspen Art Museum Summer Magazine 2023

2135 LT (Linear Time) 1377,Pi–B CT (Carbon Time)

Smoothing . . .

Ping confirmed . . .

Smoothing . . .

Welcome to the Altamira Cave Complex (ACC)!

Before entering, note that the Complex is self-sealing and sensitive to pings, whether conscious, subconscious, unconscious or physical. All visitors, regardless of waking state, activate an instant host glare corresponding to the language, physiognomy and position of their Biotic Tag. Your Biotic Tag ping triggered this set. Due to Halley’s Comet, only dream state visits are allowed at this time. Your Dream State Entry Permit Request is approved. Since your source is positioned in the extreme of Orion Spur, epigenetic recording is possible.

Altamira Cave Complex does not auto-record.

Use self.

The following questions will help orient your Biotic Tag.

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