“ In Re: Carter Hick ”
1. Name and year admitted to Bar: Carter Hick. 2005.
2. Areas you practice in: Pretty much all personal injury, with some civil rights and employment law mixed in from time to time.
3. I became a lawyer because . . . . idealistic notions of a vague concept called “ justice. ”
4. The hardest part of being a lawyer is . . . finding “ justice ” . . . and staying healthy, friendly and optimistic during the process.
5. I would give this advice to a first - year law student: Don ’ t try too hard. As Yoda instructs, “ there is no ‘ try ’, only ‘ do. ’” In other words, stop worrying. Just show up (consistently). Do good work (consistently). Communicate and treat others with kindness and respect. The path will naturally unfold from there.
6. Traits I admire in other attorneys: Professional integrity. Preparedness. Ability to communicate. Treating others with kindness and respect.
7. If I were not practicing law, I would be . . . farming full time and participating full time in rebuilding local and regional food economies / food systems.
8. What is the first thing you will do when you retire? I don ’ t subscribe to the state of mind this question assumes! I am doing now all the things I want to do. When I find there are other things I want to do, I will do those things, too! What is this retirement thing? Sounds like an excuse for something? 9. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future? Why? Probably the past in order to see and learn some of the skills we have lost as human Beings due to the industrial revolution and the advent of our “ tech no - logic al ” society.
10. What words of wisdom would you pass on to your childhood self? Don ’ t let fear drive your decision making. Always follow your heart.
11. What words of wisdom would you give to a young lawyer new to the profession? See answer to number 5, above, with one edit. “ Do good [legal] work (consistently). ”
Brief synopsis of Carter Hick, his personal life, work life, and any special awards or activities.
I am a human Being. I started my legal career with the AGO, Labor & Industries Division. From there I worked with a local firm for about 10 years before opening Carter Hick, PLLC, in 2016. In addition to representing the people, I also like to clothe the people and feed the people. What ’ s that you say? Well, I like to make my own clothing / make clothing for others, and I currently grow food on multiple acres for myself and for others (heritage grains and heirloom legumes). Additional activities of interest include breathing, stretching, walking, cycling, surfing, and food (not necessarily in that order).
Contact information (email and work phone):
carter@carterhick.com 360 - 943 - 7744
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