King's Business - 1945-11

November, 1945


with no transformations—not even one.” We wish that there would be raised up in our classrooms men of courage who would dare to stand before their pupils and unequivocally enunciate the truth that the scientific world, as a whole, by no means accepts the theory of evolution. It is only fair to the young scholar, with his eager, seeking intellect, that this hypothesis be reviewed honestly, in the light of the philosophy of life which naturally follows its acceptance. It should be pointed out that, evolution is anti-God and anti-Christian, and that moral breakdown inevitably results from concurrence with this teaching. ★ ★ The Whisky Ads T TP and down the highways and byways of our fair land are color­ ful billboards; plastered with adver­ tising paid for by the brewing and distilling interests. Really, one can learn a great deal from these ads, that is, if he is naive enough. For in­ stance, it may be inferred from their statements that no one ever really gets drunk from their product. Oh, no! it merely widens one’s enjoyment of life and strengthens the bonds of good fellowship. Of course, it is im­ plied, that all the people, and particu­ larly all the good people of the land, indulge in liquor, and indulge very fre­ quently. To be sure, the stuff is non­ fattening (unless you drink it!) and we are assured that it promotes good digestion and lengthens life Itself. How often we have wished that this abominable and filthy stuff could be depicted in its grim reality. We would like to portray on a billboard the drunkard with his bloated face, his bleary eyes, his disreputable clothes, and his hopeless bondage. It would be well, too, to show the true condition of the girl who drinks—not the picture of a bright-eyed, high-spirited, healthy and happy young woman—but as the soiled, diseased, and debauched speci­ men of humanity she really is. The billboards do not tell the truth, but the Word of God does, and therein is stated clearly that the end of these things is death. Here is a field for honest educators. If they will take the time and trouble to point out to young people the lies of the liquor ads, their effort will pay big dividends. ★ ★ The Real Kagawa TJflTH the close of the war against Japan, the figure of Toyohiko Kagawa again comes into the lime­ light. Of course, his activities and utterances for the past few years have been hidden from view by the veil of

A Great Book /''tNLY occasionally through the years does there appear a book ol such magnitude as “Therefore Stand” by Dr. Wilbur M. Smith, which has come off the press within the last few months. Our spirits have been lifted and pur minds refreshed by this volume. ? In his preface, \f)r. Smith expresses his desire that his book be used of God to kindle within the hearts of many young men fires of courage and determination to press thè battle for Christ. To this high and. noble pur­ pose, the, pages ; which follow cer­ tainly measure up. He sets forth with remarkable clarity, and emphatic fi­ nality, the great beliefs of the Chris­ tian faith and authenticates his state­ ments with proofs from recognized authorities. In the opinion of many, this book should be required reading for all young people' training ‘for Christian service as well as for all leaders of evangelical Christianity. Surely, God has inspired this work, dhd He will use it to challenge, edify and strengthen the Church of Christ. This book may be secured from the Biola. Book Room, 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif, for $3.00. ★ ★ i Let’s Get the Record Straight jpvNE of the most t r a g i c things about today’s educational system is the unfair practice on the part of the professors Who take advantage of the ignorance of the untaught pupil. Too often the student is assured that now “all scientists agree” that the theory of evolution is no longer "considered a mere hypothesis, but is rated as an established branch of science. Nothing could be farther from the truth! As a matter of. actual fact, there has never been unanimity: of opinion among scientists with respect to this man-made explanation for the won­ ders of creation. Today, in the scien­ tific world, the opposition, to evolution iS stronger than ever; not a few of those who were neutral in their opin­ ion have cóme over into the camp of those who teach that evolution is both unscientific and untenable. We quote from a few authorities: , G. Barry O’ Toole (Zoologist): “We shall endeavor to show that evolution has long since degenerated into a dogma, which is believed in spite of the facts, and not on account of them.” Maurice Thomas (Zoologist and Entomologist): “The whole' animal kingdom rises up against the trans- formist conception.” Arthur P. Kelley (Botanist): “Evolu­ tion cannot exist for a moment with- o u t demonstrable transformations. But- botanical phenomena provide us

censorship, but now, once more, he is being interviewed, and press notices are following his movements. There seems to be no doubt but that Kagawa was pro-Japanese during the war and completely subservient to the military clique in control. Now that MacArthur is in the saddle in Japan, Kagawa comes bowing and scraping, and offering explanations for his war-time activities. The future will reveal the truth about this matter, but' we are concerned that it be under­ stood that this man and his modern­ istic teachings on Christ and Chris­ tianity have never been acceptable to the evangelical conservatives of this country. He was paraded by the Fed­ eral Council of Churches and by liber­ al leaders who claimed for him the ostentatious title of “The greatest Christian since Jesus Christ.” This only bolstered the conservative con­ tention that this Japanese, with all of his so-called Christian trappings, knows almost nothing of the simple basic truths of the Gospel which are the common knowledge of all born- again believers. Nor is this merely an opinion: during his years of world- touring, the publications from Kaga- wa’s pen proved conclusively that he was ignorant of Christ and the mean­ ing of His death. Kagawa’s wartime record is but another example of the chameleonic character of those who are Christian in name only, and who so easily fool the liberal intelligent­ sia. ★ ★ They are at it Again A C OMP L A I N T from servicemen abroad sheds light upon the un­ derhanded workings of some of the powers' that be. In a great number of “PX” depots, the amount of drinks supplied is in the ratio of one soft drink to fifteen beers. We quote from one soldier in Italy: “We got our ‘PX’ rations today and there was one bottle of ‘coke’ per man. Bottled in Italy, it is rather poor. In comparison, ea'ch man received 15 bottles of beer brewed in the States.” A Naval Chap­ lain writes: “We are back in the States for repairs. Recently, we went to a large supply depot. The f i r s t thing we took aboard was cases' of beer. I have men who never drank before they entered the Navy . . . They drink now primarily because it is beer or thirst. How come?” The matter is too involved to be discussed fully in this article. It looks" like an­ other secret attack by the entrenched wet forces. The alcohol consumption in this country has reached such proportions as to alarm every Christian and every decent person. With thousands of servicemen returning daily . . . the situation grows more serious. There must be prayer—and work.

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