King's Business - 1945-11


November, 1945


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MISSING ROW by Charlotte E. Arnold

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New, book form, containing 6 page* of multi-color suede-backed figures and stories written to two age groups (Primary-Juniors and Beginners).

PROD IG AL SON Just outI A fascinating story about the boy who ran away. (Luke 15:11-24). Four scenes: Son leaves beautiful home; son feeding the pigs; son repents and returns to his father; servant puts robe on son. No. 2E1021. C H R I STM A S Impress them with the grandeur end full meoning of Christmas. (Matt. 2:1-12, Luke 2:1-14). Four scenes: Shepherds watching flocks; Mary end Joseph at manger; shepherds at manger; wise men approaching city. No. 2El015. NOAH AND THK ARK Here's color-action a plenty... animals... roin ...people and rainbows. (Gen. 6-8). Four scenes: Noah building ark, neighbors watch; animal» entering ark; the flood; animals leaving ark as Noah offers sacrifice. No. 2E1003. FEEDING THE 5 0 0 0 Children will be amazed to see so many people fed with so little food. (Matt. 14:13-32; Mark 6:30-45; Luke 9:10-17; John 6i1-14). Four scenes: Crowd gathering on shore, diseipfes in boat; Jesus talking to crowd; boy giving lunch to Jesus; disciples distributing food to crowd. No. 2E1005. PH ILIPPIAN JA ILER Tell them better through pictures about the jail...chains,•• and the miracle of release (Acts 16:16-40). Three scenes: Girl following Paul and Silas along the road; Paul, Silas and Jailer in prison; Paul preaching to family In jailer's home. No. 2 E 1004.

M S TOE pushed open the weather-beaten u door over which horseshoe. hung the rusty ‘‘Pappy! The corn’s up and yuh missed a row!” “Naw!” Pappy’s jaw dropped. He with Ma and all the “younguns” hur­ ried out to the field. Sure enough, there was the tell-tale strip of bar­ ren ground, indicating an oversight in planting. Pappy clutched the strap of his overalls, an agony of fear in his eyes. “Jes’ seems it couldn’t be, nohow!” In the gathering du§k, the little family stood outlined against the evening sky. The lonely caw-caw of a crow echoed across the valley. Ma groped for her soiled apron and wiped her eyes. Little Jake looked up anxiously into her face. “Ma, do yuh reckon it will be me?” “How kin I tell, Jakey?” “But it will be one of us, won’t it, Ma?” insisted Jane. “One of us will shore die?” “Yep,” said Pappy dully, “one of us.” “In a year, Pappy?” “Yep, ’fore another plantin’.” Jake began to chew his stubby fin­ gernails; Pappy shoved his hands into his pockets; Ma and the other children wept despairingly. One by one, they turned, and trudged into the darkness of the hovel they called home. And in that dark­ ness and superstition, they con­ tinue to live. They have never heard of the Israelites upon whom one night fell the same dread of death. But, more tragic still, they have not been told how the blood of another ap­ plied to the doorposts of their homes saved them. | ’ They know the name of the Lord Jesus only in vile curses and in the preaching of a perverted gospel. They have not learned that Christ died for their sins and that His pre­ cious blood, applied to their hearts, can take away even the fear of death. What are we “whose souls are light­ ed with- wisdom from on high” doing for those “who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death” in our own American mission field?

EASTER New book editiont Many like to present the story of the crucifixion and resurrection through­ out the year. (Luke 23:32-56; Mark 16:1-8). Two scenes. No. 2E10I3.

# Prices do not Inclvdo Kennel For background*

17 OTHER SUEDE-GRAPHS not in book form, . No.. 2E1009 No. 2E 1.6,10 4

GOSPEL-GRAPH A series of multi-eolor, eye-catching ftonnelgraph object lessons for teaching Juniors and Inter­ mediates. Ready to $ut end back with flannel. SOWING and REAPING Plant the seed of salvation and help pupils grow spiritually through an exeiting garden project based on God's Word. Figures include: garden scene; flowers; vegetables;weeds;worms;insects,etc.No. 2EI100 CHRISTIAN'S TWO NATURES Here is a definite aid in helping boys and girls livd the victorious life. Illustrates the'conflict in a Chris­ tian's life Between "the old man" and the "new." No. 2E1106 SIN, SALVATION, JUDGMENT, and GUIDANCE Fascinating sin gremlins, bridges, ears, balances and clocks. No. 2E1105 S I each (instructions included)

Creation . . . . Isaac and the Wells. Moses... Burning, Bush Gideon's 300 . • David and the Giant David and Abigail . Elijah on Mf. Carmel Naoman . . . v ’ The Boy Samuel .

No. 2E1022 No. 2E1026 No. 2E1023 No. 2E1019 N o .^ El6l1 No. 2El 04 2 No. 2E1008 . No, ?E1067 No. 2E10Q6 No. 2E1017 No, 2E1018 Nov 2E1Q15 No' 2E1024 No. 2E1014 No. 2E1021

The Fiery Furnace . The Baby^Moses . Boy Jesus Obeying ’. Triumphal Entry , . Peter In Prison.,. . .. Good Samaritan ,i lord's Prayer i . Foreign Children . i l eo«h S C R I P T U R E P R E S S

Dept. KV- 1 I 800 N. Clark Street, Chicago 10, Illinois

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/ Please send me the following Suede-graphs and Gospel-graphs at 6 ‘for $5 or $1 each. Catalog numbers as-follows-:

/r^CLO v

S t o t e --------------------------------:—r—

City, lone . . . . . .

I 1 H e B l 99 HE BH9191191 IBI IBBfl

am also interested in receiving the new 1946 Free "Book of Helps" Catalog, f l

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