King's Business - 1945-11



LANTERN SLIDES Your, snapshots, films or slides can be re­ produced by me on beautifully colored glass ¡slides 2"x2'/ (35mm) or 2/4"x4". I receive repeat orders from the largest auditorium in this city. Lowest reasonable rates to missionaries and Christian workers. Phone CLeveland 66129 or send stamped addressed envelope. (No lists at present). C. WHITFIELD SIMS 6176 Myosotis St. Los Angeles 42, Calif. BARGAIN IN MUSIC "SONGS OF GRACE NO. 1" 64 Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartettes, Choruses, and other Specials "SONGS OF GRACE NO. 2" 75 Solos, Duets, Choruses, and other Specials, 30c each, 2 for 50c, 4 for $1.00 GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 13, Calif.

By Natalie Romans The anniversary of Mrs. Lyman Stewart’s twenty-fiive years of ministry as director occasions a review of this valuable work among women and girls. Q N OCTOBER 10, 1920, a greatly be- loved and wonderfully gifted serv­

Eteri Clubs operate in all parts of California, in Arizona and in South America. Recently one was organized in Anchorage, Alaska. The son of a former member of an early Eteri Club was stationed in Alaska, and, seeing the great need for Christian work among young women, especially those in the Armed Services, he prevailed upon his mother to form an Eteri Club there, which has been wonder­ fully blessed of the Lord. Euodia Clubs Another division of the Bible Wom­ en’s work that has been successful is the classes for junior high and high school girls, called Euodia Clubs. The dramatic account of unusual conver­ sions, definite calls to Christian work, and the reclamation of young Chris­ tians who had wandered away from the Lord, reads like a page from a modern Book of the Acts. Many young women are in missionary work at home and abroad because of decisions they made in their youth at Euodia Club gatherings. A notable case is that of an attractive girl, who, while preparing to be a professional toe- dancer, was saved in a Euodia Club. After graduating from the Bible Insti­ tute, she went to China where she has done missionary work for seven years. From one Euodia Club alone more than twenty missionaries have gone to the foreign field. One girl, converted in a junior high Euodia Club, led her whole family to the Lord; she is now a missionary in India. Another young woman, a "born leader” but very worldly, accepted Christ in a Euodia class, trained for Christian work, and is now an outstanding leader among young people on the Pacific Coast. Adult Bible Classes Not only does the Bible Women’s work consist of classes among girls and young wopnen, but a staff of Bible teachers are busily engaged each week in teaching adult Bible classes in homes. Many of the members of these week-day Bible classes are young mothers who eagerly avail themselves of the opportunity to study the Word of God, not only for their own help, but that they might be able to rear their children in the fear and admoni­ tion of the Lord. Other members of

ant of the Lord, Mrs. T. C. Horton, af­ fectionately known to hundreds of girls and young women as “Mother Horton,” went to be with the Lord. Under God, she had been the first to gather a group of women into an or­ ganization which developed into the Bi­ ble Women of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. On Monday prior to her death, at the regular morning meeting of the Bible Women, Mrs. Horton had presented and installed her successor, Mrs. Lyman Stewart. She had walked with God in a close and precious fel­ lowship, and that He guided her in making this choice of one to follow her as director of this important work has been proven again and again in the ensuing twenty-five years. Only the Lord Himself knew the potentiali­ ties of this work which He began with one obedient servant of His and has carried on through other consecrated workers. In the days of “Mother Horton,” the foundation of the Bible Women’s work was laid true and deep. From the be­ ginning, it has b e e n a completely Christ-centered program for girls and women from high school age to adults. Always in every class, an earnest evan­ gelistic effort is made. There is but one textbook: the Word of God. The Holy Spirit has owned and used this ministry in a marked way, and, dur­ ing the last twenty-five years, He has miraculously enlarged and extended every department. Much of this suc­ cess is due to the faithful, capable and spiritual leadership of Mrs. Lyman Stewart, who has just completed twen­ ty-five years as director of the Bible Women. Lyceum— Eteri Clubs In the early days of the Bible Wom­ en’s work, the Lyceum Club, a Bible study and Christian fellowship club for business girls, was founded. For thir­ ty-five years, it has met every Tues­ day night in the Lyceum club rooms at the Bible Institute, and has been a veritable lighthouse, sending its rays of blessing to the far corners of earth. More than one hundred missionaries have gone out either from the Lyceum Club, or from one of its thirty-seven sister organizations, named Eteri Clubs, for college and business girls.

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We carry one of the largest stocks west of the Mississippi River. Also religious and temperance books. Write, phone, or call Mutual 3820 RELIGIOUS BOOK SHOP 352 So. Spring St. Los Angeles 13, Calif. Spread God's Work! s r t lQ • Thousands being reached In these end days with our appealing ^ Gospel messages. The harvest is white— Investigate these aids for personal evangeliz­ ing. Send 25c for big sample packet o f cards and tracts . • . appealing, convicting. Easily distributed; eagerly sought. Also postcards and tract-casting supplies. W rite today. F aith . P rayer a T ract L eague , muskegonhts .. mich .


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