King's Business - 1945-11


November, 1945

ROPHECYMONTHLY Official Handbook of Compact Yital Information Published by

these classes are older women who for the first time in their busy lives have leisure to enjoy Bible study. They receive great blessing for their own hearts, and pass that blessing on to friends and neighbors. Women far and near depend upon the prayer circle of these adult classes to pray through on matters vital to their lives and service, and many definite answers to prayer are reported, especially in the salvation of husbands, other loved ones, and friends. Knotty church problems have been solved and a host of other kinds of requests have been answered. Hospital and Sanitarium Work ■Still another branch of Bible Women is concerned with hospital and sani­ tarium work. One full-time worker de­ votes herself to this kind of visitation and assists the families of those who are ill. She directs teams of young people who go to the wards of the General Hospital to sing Gospel to the patients, and arranges for meet­ ings for convalescents. A major part of her work is personal soul-winning, going from room to room, from bed to bed, seeking to lead the sick ones to the Lord, to bring backsliders back into fellowship, and to lead still others to a deeper .. Christian experience. Since hearts are often more tender because of their physical afflictions, a real work of grace is done. Where suffer­ ing has had the opposite effect, and hearts are hard and bitter, the task is more difficult. The Bible woman must be led by the Holy Spirit to quote ex­ actly trie right Scripture verse, to leave the most effective tract or book­ let, or to say the word in season. In many cases, anxiety for the welfare of ■their families is the cause of such strain that' the patients do not re­ gain health and strength. Then it is the task of the Bible woman to call at the home, to make necessary arrange­ ments for the care of the family, or to do anything needed to set the suffer­ er’s mind at rest, and to hold the fam­ ily together, until the patient’s return. A similar ministry among the sick, the poor and afflicted, is carried on by a Bible woman at the Rancho Los Amigos, the County Farm. Here a weekly Bible class and visitation in the wards and rooms are conducted. A pathetic group assembles in the chapel—many in wheelchairs, some so paralyzed that only with the great- ■est difficulty they recite a verse of Scripture or give a halting testimony for Christ. Sonietimes the joy of the Lord shining through their eyes is their only response to the message. In addition, this ministry includes in­ numerable little errands, and deeds of kindness, on the part of the Bible woman, which help the unsaved and the backslider to see the practical working of Christianity; and' to cheer

BooksWanted! An appeal from a staff member of Wycliffe Translators, Inc. “Of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh” (Eccl. 12:12). These words of wise Solomon very aptly describe the task of the Wy­ cliffe Bible Translators, Inc. We en­ joy our work and realize its impor­ tance in the evangelization of the world, but we are often weary. And we are handicapped by lack of ade­ quate reference books. Hence this ap­ peal to all Christians everywhere to " . . . bring (or send) the books . . (2 Tim. 4:13). We need exegetical and expository commentaries, diction­ aries, concordances, thesauri, a n d other volumes of a reference nature. You may not be called to be a Bi­ ble translator, but you can enable those engaged in this work to do a better job for the Lord. Let your old books work for you! We are responsible, under God, for the FIRST PUBLICATION of the Word of God in a thousand and more lan­ guages. Nearly two thousand years since Calvary, less than half of the people of earth have heard the Gos­ pel of' salvation, and language bar­ riers are one of the greatest hind­ rances to its dissemination. If you have any books of this de­ scription please write: Mr. H. V. Lemley, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Apartado 2975, Mexico, D. F., Mexico. Postage for books to Mexico is five cents per pound, and twenty-two pounds is the limit for one package. God will bless you for your interest and gifts. and help the unfortunate one, who though living close to the Lord, is obliged to spend his life in a chari­ table institution. A Bright Future The Bible Women have had a good and blessed past, and they face a more glorious future, if the Lord de­ lays His coming. Fields are opening up, already white to harvest. There is n o limit to the possibilities for future extension of the work. God has in­ deed set their feet in a large room, with great opportunities of service all about them. As they celebrate another anniversary, they unite in praise to God for the heartening and blessed fact that they are co-laborers together with Him—channels through whom His power and grace and love may reach a needy world.

AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, INC. Read by prophetic students the world around because there’s point and punch in every conviction-laden sentence and a sane presentation of facts and Scrip­ ture. When you see a sample copy, you’ll be sold on it. In U.S. $1 yr.; Foreign $1.15 4 mo. trial Free Sample Copy on Request Address PROPHECY, Box BB, Sta. Eagle Rock, Los Angeles 41, Calif. GOSPEL SOUND FILMS (16mm motion pictures with sound) Scripture visualized films are helping pastors and evangelists attain a more effective ministry. They can do the same for you. What the Films Are Doing— g‘ei£ln! revivals; leading children, young people and adults to the Lord Jesus Christ; increasing inter­ est and attendance in church and Sunday School. Cf»» Preview Service— K you have not rree rrevie service geen a ScriptIire Visualized film but have access to a 16mm. sound projector, you may easily see one. Write us about our convenient preview service. Projection Equipment— £’tethT.o^d Dr™ jector and screen most suitable for your needs, at reasonable prices. Write us for particulars. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS 325 W. Huron St. Chicago 10, III.

IT’S EASY TO SELL 1946 MESSENGER Scàifxiun» CaUndoAt, Today— religious thinking is deepening—and Messenger Religious Calendars are aid­ ing the good cause. You can


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