King's Business - 1945-11


November, 1945

the Lord Jesus Christ,” realizing that He may come at any moment. The .expectation of His coming will keep US faithful in doing His will (1 John 3;2, 3). In closing, let us remember that the New Year affords us another opportunity to renew the steadfastness of our purpose for both living the Christian life and serving Christ (Eph. 4:23,24; Rom. 12:1,2). GERMANY'S PRESENT SPIRITUAL CRISIS By Martin Nicmoller CONCENTRAT ION CAM P HERO

60 S p in L IG H T SERIES Sunday n& HENRIETTA C. HEARS, Editor Presents the whole Gospel o f Christ and covers the entire Bible with a complete course o f study from Beginners through Adults. Curriculum for 15 consecutiveyears.Popular, practical, economical. Big compendium with sample lessons Free. Write today for your copy, GOSPEL LIGHT PRESS 1443* A North Vint St., Hollywood 28. CalH. Let yout Sunday School know the life- changing impact o f this proved and popular Lesson Series. Presents the whole Bible. . . closely graded. Lessons are not dated. . . no waste because useable another year with new class.


; Martin Niemoller (above) released from concentration camp, aptly portrays spir­ itual conditions of German people and the crisis which they are now facing. Only one of 18 articles in the Novem­ ber issue of THE WAY MAGAZINE. • WHAT TO DO WITH JAPAN Written by noted author. Amazing facts on how to really reach Japan. PHILIPPINE ESCAPE A. “ now it can be told” story, dramati­ cally picturing missionaries escaping from the Philippines, then in the hands ot the enemy. *• MISSIONARY PAGEANT In picture-story. Professional photo­ graphs showing color guards and repre­ sentatives in native costume of the ma­ jor countries of the world. TORREY JOHNSON KEEPS MOVING (Condensation of recent Coronet Prize - Winning Article picturing active John­ son and his work for Youth for Christ. All this and 12 more articles in the November Issue. YOURS for 15c. Better still, you can get the W AY Magazine on an 8-month trial subscription basis for only $1. Simply slip a $1 bill into an envelope, mail it right away :and you’ll get the WAY with 52 pages each month and over 18 leading articles and features. ORDER WITHIN 18 DAYS AND w e’ll send you two months extra— FR EE—10 months in all- fo r only $1. _ _ _ ______________________

FAITHFUL TO GOD'S WORD Lesson Quarterlies sought and loved by many. Cover every Department and follow the International Lesson topics. Also Leaflets and S. S. Papers. The Bible Expositor and Illuminator A full and complete Lesson Commentary. 192 pages— 3 Monthly Parts each quarter—768 pages a year. Each Lesson carefully introduced and treated verse by verse. A wide vari­ ety of valuable suggestions. All thematerial is Christ-centered. ☆ Write for Sample Lesson U nion G ospel P ress , Cleveland, Ohio

The WAY Mag­ azine, Dept. KB, 324 E. Roosevelt Rd., Wheaton, Illinois. Please send me 15 months sub. (th re e months F R E E ) for $1.50. Begin with Oc­ tober issue. En­ closing 15c for October issue.

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