King's Business - 1945-11


November, 1945-

manifested. Lowering Christian stan­ dards means a loss of influence. Christians are "the light of the world” as well. Without them, the world would be in utter spiritual darkness. Hence, the Lord Says, “Let your light so shine before men that t h e y may ... glorify your’ F a t h e r which is in heaven.” By putting God first, the light in this world is main­ tained/ ■ II. R evealing M aturity (M att . 5:43-48). By bidding His disciples to return blessing for cursing, and to do good to those hating them, the Lord was presenting a supernatural way of life. The only retaliation the world knows is “an eye for an eye,” and "a tooth for a tooth." To render good for evil is God’s method of dealing with wrongdoing. Mission, was c o n v e r t e d through reading a little tract in his father’s library when he was fifteen years old. Care­ lessly, he p i c k e d it up to i while a w a y the time, but, eighty miles awayj his mother was praying for his salvation. 1 Before he laid it down, he was 1 rejoicing in the knowledge of sins forgiven! When we think of the stupendous work of the mission he founded, we mar­ vel that God s h o u l d have used s u c h a little thing to bring it all about! ■ — The Lord Jesus’ bade His followers love their enemies, for by so doing they would manifest His character and that of His Father who loves both just and unjust men. To love “them that love you” is no more than ordin­ ary publicans do; to love one’s en­ emies is of God. The believer who ex­ presses this type of love is spiritually, mature, or “perfect as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” No Christian in his oWn strength can ex­ perience or exhibi' this love; the Holy Spirit alone ca- produce it in the heart of the child of God. ------- ---------------*------ - J. Hudson Taylor, of the g r e a t Chin

if What are you doing with the other mine pennies? After you have given (to God.that which He asks you to (give, are you using the rest of your money for things which do not please Him? To show your love for the Saviour, you attend Sunday School and church; what do you do with the rest of your time? Is it used for Satan, or for God? vGod’s Word says, “All things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee” (1 Chron. 29:14). Every penny that we have, every minute of the day, and every (talent we possess really belong to ¡God. These are His gifts to,us. Some (Christian boys and girls are stealing (from God by using these gifts for ; Satan. Those who love money,- their talents, and themselves, |more . than they love God are grieving Him. LESSON STORY: One day as the Lord Jesus was going from one city to another, a rich young ruler ran to Him, knelt at His feet, and asked, »“-Good Master, what shall-I do to in- rherit eternal life?” Firsts Jesus told him that he must keep the .command­ ments that God had. given, to the Jewish people. The young man said that he had obeyed these command- .iments since he was a child. As the Lord Jesus looked into the young man’s heart, He- loved him; but He knew that his answer was not true. One of the commandments said, “Thou shalt have rto other, gods be­ fore me” (Ex. 20:3); Because the rich young r u l e r loved his money more than he loved God, Jesus-said that he must sell all that he owned, give the money to the poor, and then come and follow Him. When the ruler heard this, he went away sorrowful, Still caring more for his’money than ”he did for1Gbd. All that Christians, possess, belongs Itp. God, and if they truly love Him (with all their hearts, they , will use all their possessions to glorify and please Him.. , , LESSON FOR DECEMBER 9 The Christian’s Place in the Life of the Nation LESSON MATERIAL: Matt. 5-1-16, 43- 48: 1 Pet. 2:13-17. GOLDEN T E X T : “ Blessed Is the nation whose. God Is the Lord” (Psa. .33:12). Outline and Exposition I. R e v e a l in g C h a r a c t e r ■ ( M a t t . 5:13-16). . Salt is a preservative element; be­ lievers are “the salt of the earth.” It “is their presehce which preserves ‘the ' world from utter corruption; without them, the cdsspooi hidden Under the veneer of civilization would soon be

Use it this year in your Sunday School teaching and you too will say, “ IT ’S THE BEST,” as thou- sandS'have . “ / have used them all and yours is the most practi­ c a l , i s a com­ mon expressionof seasonedteachers.

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