King's Business - 1945-11



in. R evealing P atriotism (1 P et . 2:13-17)

Patriotism is manifested by obedi­ ence to constituted authority and will silence the ignorant. The Christian obeys the civil laws not only a* a good citizen of his country, but as a servant of God who has ordained all authority that exists. He exhibits his patriotism by respecting all human beings as those created in the image of his God; by loving the believers one with them; by fearing the Father as Supreme Ruler above all authority; and by honoring national leaders as representatives on earth of the real authority in Heaven. The true patriot is the true Christian who lives unto God. Points and Problems 1. "Ye are the salt of the earth" (Matt. 5:13). Salt is a preservative. Furthermore, it is necessary to life. Without a certain amount of salt as found in vegetables, etc., death ivould most surely follow. It is also a sea.; soning, without which food would be insipid. It whets the appetite. Christians perform the same func­ tion in the spiritual world. Without their life and testimony, the world has nothing to keep it from decay and death. Their witness should be of such a character as to appeal to those who have spiritual need. Elisha cast salt into the impure water and it be­ came sweet (2 Ki. 2:21). So the fol­ lowers of Christ, having the life of Christ in them, are to sweeten the life of this world. 2. "Let your light so shine before men" (Matt. 5:16). Many are trying to make a light in the world by their own deeds, gifts and personalities. They are doomed to. failure. The only light which is sufficient to guide men aright is the Lord Jesus Christ who desires to live in the hearts of His followers by His Spirit. He will shine out through their lives if they will let Him. Each Christian has the re­ sponsibility of keeping the reflector of his soul clean so that the light of Christ thus may shine forth unhin­ dered. 3. "Be ye therefore perfect, even a* your Father in heaven is perfect" (Matt. 5:48). It is clear from such words as these that the Sermon on the Mount is not a way of salvation. It was given for those, already believers whose Father is God. Only those whc are born again have power to attain unto the perfection here set forth. It Christ, every believer is already pos sessed of a perfect standing with Got (1 Cor. 2:6; Phil. 3:15)i. In anothfti sense he must progress in •perfection until the day when he shall beholc Christ in person and be transformée into His perfect likeness (1 John 3:2)

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“ Lord, help me to accomplish the greatest possible good in the shortest possible time.” — Lyman Stewart.



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