King's Business - 1945-11


November, 1945

Points and Problems 1. "And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city" (v. 3). Why did every one have to go to his own city t° be taxed? It was because the emperor so ordered it. One man had assumed the mastery of the world. There was no appeal from his com­ mand. High and low, rich and poor, all must obey. Even expectant moth­ ers like Mary were required to make that wearisome journey of some sixty miles in compliance with the emper­ or’s decree. It was a dark hour in the world’s history, a time of despotism and oppression. But from God’s standpoint it was the right hour for the entrance into the world of the true Master of Life. Every providence was working in harmony for the ac­ complishment of this advent. 2. "She brought forth . . . wrapped him in swaddling clothes . . . laid him in a manger" (v, 7). Here is a picture of lowliness and loneliness. In this hour of woman’s greatest need for aid and sympathy, it is apparent that Mary was obliged to eare for her­ self. That there were none to help is but a part of the humiliation connect­ ed with our Lord’s incarnation.

LESSON FOR DECEMBER 23 The Message of Christmas to the World LESSON MATERIAL: Luke 2:1-14. GOLDEN T E X T : "Glory to God In the highest, and on earth peace, good will to­ ward men" (Luke 2:14). Outline and Exposition j l T he P rovidence of G od (L uke 2:1-6) By decree of Augustus Caesar, a registration .for the purpose of tax­ ation was.ordered by the Roman Em­ pire. As soon as the prophecy of Micah 5:2 was fulfilled, this design fell through, and the complete taxing of the nation did not come until ten years later. Men, without being aware of what they were doing, fulfilled His Word. Even thrones are under God’s control and political events are governed by Him. . . All the people of each area went to their own city or village to register. Had Joseph and Mary delayed going, or sought to evade this decree, God’s Word would have failed. In obedience to the constituted authority t h e y went as directed and were at the ap­ pointed place and time for the- birth of Chris* II. T he B irth of G hrist (2:6, 7) m fulfillment of the promise, this first-born Son of Mary was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin human mother. By natural generation, there were at least four boys and two girls born to Mary (cf. Mark 6:1-3). Jesus’ birth was in a very humble place; the lowly surroundings did not suggest the advent of a king. The great numbers- of people gathered in the city for the taxation were re­ sponsible for the fact that the inns were so crowded. No place but a manger could be found to shelter the Saviour of the world. III. T he M essage oe the A ngel T - ' (2:8-14) It is fitting that Shepherds should have been the first to receive the message of the birth of the Saviour, who was the Shepherd of Israel (v. 8, 9). They were instructed as to the identifying marks and told where to find Him. The Christmas message was “good tidings” because it declared the love of God for me,.; it was a joyful message because it proclaimed His salvation; it was a missionary mess­ age because it was meant for “ all people.” No wonder that the Heaven­ ly host burst forth in a paean of praise to God because of the birth of this One!

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CURE FOR INSOMNIA Instead o f counting sheep when unable to sleep, why not count your blessings? The numbers will run so hi gh, you will f a l l asleep from sheer ex­ haustion.

3. "She brought forth her firstborn son" Cv. 7), Jesus was Mary’s child. Later she had other children (Mark 6:1-3). There is no evidence for the claim of some that Mary refused to bear other children because she was the mother of the Messiah. There is a wider meaning to this expression, her “firstborn son.” It has to do with Jesus’ importance and heirship. In Scripture, the firstborn is not neces­ sarily the one first born. Sometimes the one first born was set aside and his rights given to another, as in the cases of Isaac, Esau and Jacob, Reu­ ben and Joseph, etc. “And so Adam and all his race are set to one side as unfit to retain authority over the world in order that Christ, the Sec­ ond Man, the Lord from Heaven, may be acknowledged as the Firstborn,” writes Dr. Ironside. In the New Tes­ tament, Christ is called the “firstborn of creation,” “firstborn from the dead,” “firstborn among many breth­ ren.”

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