King's Business - 1945-11



For the Children W h e n J esus C am e L u k e 2:8-20

After the shepherds had found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in the manger, they told everyone whom they met that this Baby was the Promised Saviour, the Son of God. As these men returned to their flocks, they praised God for all that they had seen and heard that night. - The Lord Jesus is God’s Gift to us.j If you have received Him as your Saviour, are you remembering to tell’ others about Him? Are you like the shepherds who told all whom they met about the Saviour of the World? L ES SO N FO R D E C EM B E R 30 Christian Good Will Toward Other Races LES-SON MATERIAL: Acts 10:34-43. GOLDEN T E X T : "For the same Lord over all is rich unto ail that call upon him" (Rom. 10:12). Outline and Exposition I. T he K n ow n F acts / ( A cts 1.0:34-38) The time had come for the Gospel to go beyond the national limits ot Israel, and out to all peoples of the earth; all were now equal before God, all were in need, and all were to be given opportunity to have their need met. Peter declared that God was no respecter of persons, but that in every nation there were those acceptable to Him. This was a new idea to the Jews. Of course, we are not to infer from this that fearing God and work( ing righteousness was the way of sal­ vation, for many would be shut out if that were the case. Only by faith in Christ alone are men saved. “The word which God sent” was re­ vealed by the Lord Jesus as He went about doing good and healing those oppressed by Satan. II. T h e A postle ' s W itness (10:39-42) Peter bore witness to three great truths of the Gospel: Christ’s death by violence; His resurrection by the power of God; His coming as Judge of all mankind. Man had slain Him-1 God raised Him; man rejected Him—1- God accepted Him; man had denied Him—God had acknowledged Him. Thus the resurrection of Christ from among the dead condemns all re­ jecters of the Gospel. None will be omitted from the judgment by this One who was Himself the way of escape for all. To believe and accept these truths as a personal messagfe results in turning them Into “words, whereby thou . . . shalt be saved” (cf. Acts 11:14).


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MEMORY VERSE: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). AIM: To teach the story of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. APPROACH: Have you been won­ dering about the contents of some of the packages that are lying under your Christmas tree? Perhaps some­ one has given you some hints of what is in them, but until you really see the gift, you will keep wondering just what it is like. Last Sunday, we learned about the angel, Gabriel, who told Mary that she would have a Son who;was the Son of God. Before the Lord Jesus was born, perhaps Mary often wondered what He would look like, and if He would be just like all other baby boys. How happy her heart must have been on the first Christmas Day when God gave His Gift, the Baby Lord Jesus, to the world! LESSON STORY: As a group of shepherds were watching their flocks of sheep in the land of Palestine one night, suddenly the sky was lighted with' a strange brightness, and the an­ gel of the Lord appeared to them. The shepherds were frightened by such an unusual happening, but the angel said unto them, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all peo­ ple. For unto you is born this day in the city of David [Bethlehem] a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Quickly, a multitude of angels joined the speaker, praising God, and say­ ing, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” After the angels had left, and the night became dark and quiet again, the shepherds said one to an­ other, “Let us now go even unto Beth­ lehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.” Many babies may have been born in the town of Bethlehem that night, but the angel messenger had told the shepherds that the Lord Je­ sus would be wrapped In swaddling clothes, and that He would be lying in a manger. These words were true of no other baby. Before the angels appeared to the shepherds, Mary and Joseph had trav­ eled to Bethlehem, and had. tried to find a place in which to spend the night. All of the Inns were filled, but one innkeeper allowed them to use the stable where the cows and horses lived. One of the mangers there, where the hay was kept for the ani­ mals, became the Lord Jesus’ first bed.


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