King's Business - 1937-06

June, 1937



B IO LA BIBLE W O M E N • Pictured here with Paul W. Rood, President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and with Mrs. Lyman Stewart (at right of Dr. Rood in picture], are the Institute's Bible Women, a devoted band of Christian women who are engaged in Bible teaching and personal work among high-school girls, business young women, and older women, and in hospital and county farm visitation. Twelve of these are full-time workers, receiving a very modest salary. All the rest, and about a dozen more who do not appear in the picture, are volun­ teers, teaching only one or two classes each a week. Figures are cold things, and therefore the one who brings this story of the Bible Women has emphasized human interest incidents concerning results in individual lives. However, readers will be interested also in a few figures recorded for the month of March. It was a short month, due to the fact that the workers had a week's holiday at the Easter season, and yet 458 classes and meet­ ings were held, with a total attendance of 9,945— an average attendance of almost 22. There were one hundred conversions. Nineteen backsliders returned to the fold, and thirty-eight lives were surrendered to the Lord. The Bible Women bear witness that all the praise belongs to Him.

Stories of Increasing Harvest By MRS. LYMAN STEWART* Los Angeles, California

S ICK in both body and soul, tired of sin, and having no hope, a teen-age girl determined to “ end it all” by committing suicide. She obtained a bottle of poison, but before she had a chance to take it, she idly picked up an old copy of T h e K in g ’ s B usiness , and her eye fell on the “ Girls’ Query Corner.” There a girl’s question had been prayerfully answered out of the rich Christian experi­ ence of a Biola Bible Woman who continually contacts hundreds of girls and young women in her weekly Bible classes. Reading the answer that had met another girl’s need, the despairing one wondered whether there could be any satisfactory solution to her own problem. The maga­ zine was one that had been lying about the house for several years* She did not know whether or not the address given would still reach the Director of the “ Corner,” but she decided to make an attempt. She wrote a letter saying that if she did not receive an answer by a certain date, she would take the poison, for that faint hope of spiritual help seemed all that was left her. A reply soon came, and be­ fore many weeks the angels in heaven were rejoicing over another soul that had turned from darkness to light. Such a transformation was wrought in this girl’s life that her acquaintances marveled. From the very first, the Holy Spirit taught her the deeper things of God. Hungrily, she studied her Bible and took correspondence Bible courses from the Bible Institute and elsewhere. Christian friends were raised up and health returned to her. Tw o years have passed. Her letters are filled with the joy of the Lord and of service for Him. She has become a zealous soul-winner, and people of all walks of life are finding the Lord through her radiant testimony and faithful inter­ cession. The life that once seemed so empty and useless has become so filled with blessing that the overflow is bringing refreshing to thirsty lives all about. Joyfully *Director of Bible Women, Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

this redeemed one is able to say with conviction that God is able to meet the deepest need and set the sinner free. • It was prayer meeting night. A certain high-school girl, the president of her Euodia Club, had much home work on her studies facing her. Should she go to prayer meet­ ing? As a Christian she must not do poor work in school; yet she knew the danger of becoming “ too busy” to take time for fellowship with the Lord. After prayer for guidance, she decided to go to the meeting. The next day was the time for the regular Euodia meeting. In many localities, high-school and junior-high- school girls are able to invite their chums and acquaintances to go with them for a Euodia Club meeting after school in a private home near the school grounds. Perhaps they are a bit tired after a day in the classroom, but the Lord many times rewards with sweet surprises both the girls and the Bible Women who are their teachers. As this club president entered the meeting place, she received word that the teacher was ill and had requested that she, as president, take charge and conduct a praise and prayer meeting. She immediately followed the sug­ gestion. Then, having freshly in her mind the message given by her pastor the evening before, she passed it on to the Euodia Club girls, and had the joy of seeing two of the girls accept Christ as their Saviour. How wonderfully God rewarded her for putting Him first! This girl is hoping to take special training for further Christian service. • Just to satisfy her friends, a high-school girl visited the Euodia Club. Trusting Christ as her Saviour as a result of the club meetings, she longed to give her life in work for Him, but the fact that she was partially deaf closed [Continued on page 215]

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