King's Business - 1937-06

June, 1937



school teacher found a sponsor for us. We were given a room and a big blackboard. Before I could recover from astonishment, we had the first meeting. “The members of this ‘Christian Fellow­ ship Club’ for the deaf and hard-of-hear- ing are working to bring their friends to the Lord. We invite them to the morning Bible class and to our Sunday evening meetings, and we talk to them personally about their great need for salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. “But our hearts are sad because so many thousand deaf are hopelessly lost in sin. Many belong to cults which promise that their hearing will return. There is such a great need for Christian workers among the deaf! There are so few who take time to explain the gospel to them, and they are hungry for the Word of God. A few of my deaf friends have pledged themselves to this cause. “ How often I have envied other people who had real work to do for the Lord Jesus Christ! And now, through Euodia, I, too, have found a way to serve Him.” Eliza waited expectantly for the arrival of the Bible Woman who came to the County Farm*each week to hold a gospel service. Her honest black face, always aglow with love for her Master, had a special eagerness in it today as she, waited. In her hand she carefully guarded four nickels wrapped in cellophane paper. They had been given to her for a Christmas pres­ ent and had brought her great joy, for were they not the answer to her longing to have something to give to the King in re­ membrance of His birthday? She laid them triumphantly in the hand of the worker with the request that the Bible Woman take them to her Missionary Society to be sent to carry the gospel to those who have never heard of the Lord Jesus. The worker hesitated. “You need this, Eliza, for yourself,” she said. “You get hungry for cakes and sweets which this twenty cents would buy. Is it not all you have ?” “ Oh, yes,” smiled Eliza, “but I don’t want anything. I have a good bed and food here and clothing to wear. What more do I need? I have wanted so much to do something for the Lord; He has done so much for me.” And thus her all went into the Lord’s treasury, and as He looked on, did He not say, “ She of her want did cast in all that she had, even all. her living” ? Surely He is multiplying and blessing her gift as she looks abroad toward those who lack Him. He had been visited regularly by a Christian minister and a Biola Bible Woman during his three years in a sani­ tarium. The two workers had shown the young man many kindnesses, but he was not a Christian and would permit no one to speak at any length on the subject of his soul’s need. He gradually grew worse, finally becoming critically ill. The workers spoke very earnestly to him. He admitted [Continued on page 237]

Girls' Query Corner

Conducted, by M yr tle E. S cott

Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scott, 8961 Dicks St., West Hollywood, Calif., and a stamped envelope should be enclosed for reply. No name will appear with the questions chosen for publication. Dear Miss Scott:

has a right to our fellowship. He brings a heart-searching message in Proverbs 1:24: “ I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded.” What a picture of our loving God as He longs for fellowship with His people! The godly prophet said to the peo­ ple of Israel: “ God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you” (1 Sam. 12:23). When we fail in the ministry of intercession, we sin against the Lord; we fail to give the thing that should be devoted to Him. There are other things we may be withholding from the Lord. Perhaps it is our testimony. Christ said: “Ye shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts 1:8). Perhaps it is money. “Will a man rob God?” (Mai. 3:8). Failure in money matters will bring defeat today just as surely as it did in the time of Joshua. My dear girl, do not play at the matter of living a Christian life! It is the most important thing in all the world. “ God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). He is ready to give you a life of power, faith, and rich blessing if you will let Him, and if you are willing to pay the price. Faith will grow with each victory you win. You cannot be indifferent to the victory in small things which you should win today, if you would come forth more than conqueror in the greater things. Remember that if you fail, others will suffer, too, as they did in Achan’s case. Oh, do not rest content with less than God’s best for you! “ Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you” (Jas. 4:8). When He really has first place in your heart, you will find your life transformed. STORIES OF INCREASING HARVEST [

I have been a Christian several years but do not feel like a very successful one. God is not as real to me as He seems to be to some, and there is much defeat in ‘ my life. I make high resolves now and then—espe­ cially at the first of the year, and have some wonderful experiences with the Lord. But soon I find myself doing the same things I did before, things that I know a Christian should not do; and I fail in the things I know I should do, such as reading my Bible and praying daily. I read of lives of won­ derful faith and attainment, and I should like to live such a life, but it seems only a dream and far from reality. I have found much help in reading your answers to other girls’ letters. Could you help me in my problem? Sincerely, A R eader . Dear Reader: There are too many defeats in the lives of Christians. It is very easy to get used to them and to take them for granted. We need to get the truths of Romans 6 into our hearts and to remember that in Christ’s death for us on Calvary and in His mighty resurrection, God has made provision for our present victory over sin. His word is this: “ Sin shall not have dominion over you” (Rom. 6:14). Our part is to take our place with Christ in both His death and His resurrection life, by an act of the will placing our trust solely upon Him who died in our stead and rose again (vs. 4-11). Then we are to "yield” ourselves “ unto God, as those that are alive from the dead” (v. 13). Whenever defeat comes, we need, as did. Joshua after the defeat at Ai (Josh. 7), to get on our faces before God, weeping over the failure and thinking of the reproach it brings to the name of our Lord. Our heavenly Father would then point out to us, as He did to Joshua, the sin that brought the defeat, and it could become a stepping-stone to victory. Oh, that you might have such a passion for holiness, for a life that shall merit God’s “Well done,” that your soul shall shrink from anything that would displease Him! Read all of Joshua 7 prayerfully, asking your Father to show you whether there are in your life the same things that caused Israel to fail—self-confidence, failure to ask counsel of God, and unconfessed sin. That chapter will help you to realize what an awful thing sin is. Achan’s sin was that of taking something that was devoted to God and hiding it in his tent for himself. May it be that you are guilty of the same sin in failing to take needed time for prayer and your Bible? God desires and

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