King's Business - 1937-06

June, 1937



Christ as their personal Saviour are not only to be delivered from the bondage of Satan, the world, and the flesh, but are also to be brought into the better land, even the “Father’s house.” And before they reach the “ Father’s house,” there is practical deliverance to true holiness. Many Christ­ ians continue to speak only of that from which they have been delivered, instead of dwelling upon that into which the deliv­ erance brings them. The negative side of the matter, however wonderful, cannot be compared with the positive, that to which God would bring His own. God will never rest until His complete purpose is fulfilled and all of His own are conformed to the image of His Son (cf. Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18). Moses was to be the agent whom God would use in bringing His people out of Egypt (vs. 9, 10). God’s purpose concern­ ing His people did not center in the fact that the Israelites were better than the Egyptians (both groups were idolaters) but in that Israel had been chosen sovereignly by God to be His special people. As the human agent in the divine deliverance, Moses was promoted from the task of tend­ ing sheep to the position of leading more than 2,000,000 people out of bondage and though the wilderness. The honor for Moses lay in the fact that he would be the representative and agent of God, and the responsibility which Moses faced is indi­ cated in the words of the Lord: “ Come now . . . I will send thee . . . that thou mayest bring forth my people” (Ex. 3:10). God had already said, " I am come down to deliver them,” and now He speaks to Moses saying,” . . . that thou mayest bring forth my people.” In a similar manner, the Christian today stands in the place and stead of the Lord; that is, he is the repre­ sentative and agent of the Lord, with the responsibility to do what the Lord wills (cf. John 14:12-14; 17:18; 20:21; 2 Cor. 5:19-21). III. T he P ower of G od (11,12) Possibly the objections Moses offered were prompted by a sense of his own weak­ ness; but he should have realized that as God’s agent he would have God’s power. Christians should never allow themselves to be tricked into thinking of their own insufficiency when they go about their Father’s business. God is better acquainted with their weakness than they are. And after He has spoken any word of command, the Christian who demurs displays a spe­ cies of false humility. The words, “ cer­ tainly I will be with thee,” should have been enough for Moses—as they should be enough for the Christian today. The divine preparation of Moses for the chosen leader of God’s people is deeply interesting. His entire lifetime covered the space of 120 years (Deut. 34:7), and it is divided into three distinct periods of forty years each. For forty years Moses lived and learned in the royal household of Egypt (Acts 7:23). The next forty years Moses spent in comparative isolation in the land of Midian while God taught him Points and Problems 1.

L E T T E R F R OM DR . ROR JONES Well-Known Evangelist and Founder and President o f the BOB JONES COLLEGE, CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE My dear Friends: In my evangelistic work, which has taken me into every state in the union and into many foreign lands, I have met hundreds of young people reared in godly homes who went off to college believing the Bible from cover to cover and came out of college with wrecked faith and blighted morals. I, therefore, felt that it was my duty to build a college having *as high standards as any other educational institution and standing with- out apology for the faith of our fathers and for the authority of the Bible. The modernists say that young people do not want “ the old time religion.” The modernists are wrong. Modernists do not want young people to have “ the old time religion.” The student body of the Bob Jones College at Cleveland, Tennessee, is composed of the highest type young people in the world. They come from the best homes in all parts of the United States and from foreign lands. They are moral, intelligent, healthy and happy. They believe in God, in prayer, and in the Bible as the Word of God. The Bob Jones College is training real, orthodox Christian leaders—lawyers, physicians, teachers, ministers, business men, business women, etc. If you are inter­ ested in a college with high educational standards which puts first things first, write for literature to the Bob Jones College, Cleveland, Tennessee. Sincerely yours, BOB JONES P S. Remember, the Bob Jones College gives Voice, Plano, Speech, Violin, and Pipe Organ without additional cost.

Moses witnessed an astonishing sight— a bush that burned but was not consumed. The unconsumed but flaming bush was a figure, bad Moses known it, of his own people whom he would lead out of the furnace of Egypt into their promised land. It is still a figure of Israel as that people passes through the centuries, ever ablaze but never consumed, until at last the na­ tion will be brought to its destined place in the world. As Moses turned aside, the Lord spoke from the burning bush (vs. 4,5). The presence of the Lord made holy the very ground upon which Moses' stood. It is not the presence or absence of things that makes persons or places holy, but it is the nearness of a Person, the Holy God, that imparts holiness. II. T he P urpose of the L ord (7-10) The Lord declared He was familiar with all the distress of His people in Egypt (v. 7). He had seen their afflictions, even though, up to that time, He was appar­ ently taking no action for their relief. He had heard their cry, despite the fact that as far as the record is concerned, they had not directed their cry unto Him. And He knew their sorrows, though they might think them unknown to any one except themselves. Whatever appearances may be and however alone the sufferers may be in the midst of their distresses, they can be assured that their condition is not hidden from God. Moses was plainly told that God had come down to deliver His people (v. 8). Not only would He take them out of Egypt —away from their distresses—but He would also take them to a good land, a land flowing with milk and honey. The work of bringing them out was only a part of the Lord’s purpose concerning them; they would be brought in to their own land. And by the same token, those who accept

BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED By WILLIAM L. PETTINGILL 429 pages; Including Table of Contents, Scripture Index and Subject Index Cloth $1.00; Paper 50 cents; postpaid Send for full list of Author's works JUST A WORD INCORPORATED Wilmington Delaware

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A Popular Method of Imparting Bible Knowledge to Groups of Boys and Girls, or Mixed Groups of Ail Ages ENJOYABLE PASTIME FOR HOME, SCHOOL, AND CAMP Three to Fifteen May Play — Simple Rules Prevail GOODENOUGH & WOGLOM CO. 296 Broadway Dept. 21 New York. N. Y. RaiseMoney For Your Class Sell “ ADPENCO” School Name Pencils. Hundreds of Teachers have profited by this easy means of raising funds. 8PECIAL OFFER, 144 high quality regular five- cent pencils, each equipped with gilt tip and red rubber eraser Imprinted with your 8chool Name for $2.80 post­ paid. You sell for $7.20. Your profit $4.46. Send name of Church or Sunday School today with money or­ der for sample gross. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ADVERTISING PENCIL CO. Walbrook 51 Baltimore, Maryland South America's favorite drink. SEND $1 for 20 ozs. postpaid . AGENTS WANTED PAN AMERICAN TEA CO. 2704 S. Vermont LOS ANGELES K I L L S A N T S FOR lO c HOUSEWIVES — Master Ant Killer rids your home of ants in 24 hours. Money back guaran­ tee. Sold at stores. JONES PRODUCTS CO, Milwaukee, Wis. Jk A JA i p B i A harmless, non-habit-forming I beverage, something like tea. ■ ▼ ^

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