King's Business - 1937-06

June, 1937



some things which could not be learned from the wisdom of Egypt (Acts 7:30). The last forty years were spent in active service. So it was eighty years, two-thirds of his lifetime, that Moses passed in prep­ aration—two years for every year of serv­ ice. According to some notions current to­ day, Moses should have been retired on a pension ten years before he was ready to begin his work. Young men who become impatient with a few years of preparation for the ministry should study the life of Moses. 2. In this incident of the burning bush, there is a very clear identification between God and the Angel of the Lord. In dis­ cussing this point I shall use the name “Jehovah” wherever “Lord” appears in the King James Version. Exodus 3:2 declares that “ the Angel of Jehovah appeared” to Moses in the midst of the burning bush. Then verse 4 records the fact that when "Jehovah” saw that Moses turned aside to see the great sight, “ God called unto him out of the midst of the bush.” And in verse 6 this Speaker in the bush declares of Himself: “ I am the God of thy father.” Thus it appears that “ God,” “Jehovah,” and “the Angel of Jehovah” are one. Judg­ ing from other Old Testament passages, the only distinction seems to be as follows: Whereas the names “ God” and “Jehovah” are applied to the entire Godhead, the phrase “the Angel of Jehovah” is applied only to the Second Person of the Godhead, who in the Old Testament theophanies ap­ pears as the visible manifestation of the Godhead. After the permanent incarnation of the Son of God, He is no longer called “the Angel of Jehovah.” Some few years ago, in the south of Eng­ land, three men who were traveling were interested in the entrance of a stranger just as the train was starting. His bag and sword-case indicated that he was a mili­ tary man, and after a moment he said, “ That was a close shave. I’ve come from Gibraltar, and specially wanted to catch this connection.” Said one of the other men, “ I am glad you have joined us, for we have been warmly discussing the compara­ tive merits of Napoleon and Wellington. We should like your opinion as a military man, as to which of these was the greater general strategically. We are of the opinion that Wellington was the greater.” With considerable skill and graciousness, the stranger proved that strategically Nap­ oleon held the first place. “AhI then who won Waterloo?” was the rejoiner. In quiet and reverent voice the stranger said, “ God won Waterloo.” The speaker was General Sir John French .—British Weekly. How God Answered His People’s Prayer E xodus 2:1-22; 3:1-12 Memory Verse: “My heart trusted in him, and I am helped” (Psa. 28:7). Approach: Last week our story was about Golden Text Illustration E xodus 3:10

how the Israelites called upon the Lord to help them. You remember what a hard

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time they were hav­ ing. Today we are to find out how God a n s w e r e d their prayer for help. He answered that prayer by sending them a leader to take them away from the land of Egypt, to the land that God had pro­ mised to Abraham

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and Isaac and Jacob many years before. Lesson Story: One day, in Egypt, a little baby was born in the home of an Israelite father and mother. Now one of the wicked ways that Pharaoh, the king, had planned so that there would not be so many Israel­ ites was to have his soldiers go about and kill all of the little boy babies. You see, he didn’t want the boy babies to grow up. He was afraid they might be soldiers who would fight against his country. When this baby was born, you can imagine how the mother thought and thought of a plan for hiding him so that the soldiers wouldn’t find him. I am sure that in her helplessness, she prayed to God for wisdom. And God heard her and put in her mind a very good plan for saving her baby. I know that you know the story about how the little baby Moses was saved from harm. Will you help me tell the story? Yes, that is the story of how Moses was saved to be the leader of the children of Israel. No one thought when people saw him as a little baby that he was to lead a great nation out of Egypt. Few people thought when the Son of God came into the world as a baby that He was the Sav­ iour sent from God to bring His people back to Him. But we know He was, don’t we? Objects: A gold breastpin, a silver tie pin, a pin with real ,or imitation diamonds, a crooked brass pin, a straight pin, and a magnet. (Make sure that the magnet will attract none but the straight pin.) Lesson: Did you boys and girls every play “ Follow the Leader” ? You can have a great deal of fup if you follow the lead­ er. But I have heard boys and girls say, “I don’t want to follow him. All of you follow me.” [ Continued on page 222] Object Lesson F ollow the L eader

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Dr. Wm. G. Sfuder of the Extension Department of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Will Conduct a SIX-DAY Mid-West Bible Conference at the Des Plaines Camp Grounds, Des Plaines, 111. Sunday, July 4 to Friday, July 9 Bev. SPEAKERS: McCarrell, One of America’s Outstanding Soul-Winners n . w n S 1' Fujton, Pastor, Belden Ave. Baptist Church l»r. W . D. Herrstrom, Nationally known Author, Traveler, Radio Preacher Bible Teacher and Evangelist — and others— For farther information: ■ W ‘ G- Stnd*r- Marquette Road Baptist Church, 1501 W . Marquette Road, Chicago, hl « . w . _ . . „

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