King's Business - 1937-06



June, 1937

were willing to follow the devil and let him use their beauty. Look at this diamond pint See how it sparkles I But, I am sorry to say, it, too, refuses to follow the magnet. I can hear it saying, “ I’m too bright to follow the mag­ net.” Some people think that they are too smart and clever to follow ' God and be used by Him. He might want them to go to the mission field, and they consider themselves too talented to give their time to ignorant heathen. Here is a common-looking crooked brass pin. It, too, refuses to follow the magnet. Perhaps it is saying, “ I’m too common—no need for me to follow the magnet.” God uses common people who will follow Him. Notice how this little straight pin jumps to the magnet and follows it. It reminds me of the children of Israel in Egypt. They had to be willing to follow God’s man, Moses, before God delivered them from bondage. When they were willing to fol­ low, God led them over mountains, through the Red Sea, and across deserts. Let’s fol­ low our Leader and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, and receive His blessing.

If You W ere a Missionary In Egypt What would you do about your boy’s education? Like other mis­ sionaries you would find that this is one of your greatest problems—where to secure faith-strengthening Christian influences for him and sound preparation for college. One such father, a medical missionary provement in him in every way, and that in Egypt, has just written about his son: he has had a real religious experience. "First let me try and express my * ou. W t 1U, realize with what fear Is my gratitude to you for what you are doing 1 started my boy off to face Amer- for my boy at Stony Brook School. My lea, but all my fears have been put wife tells me that she sees a great im- aside." Could you wish any better"influence than that thrown about your boy? Although Stony Brook enrolls each year a number of sons of missionaries, the great majority of the students come from the United States. There is a place in the School, so far as the limited enrollment permits, for any fine boy, be his father business man. lawyer, doctor, engineer, salesman, banker, minister, or missionary. Write about your boy—his educational and spiritual problems—to the Headmaster who has had much wide experience with boys. tonyJirookJchool Please mention King’s Business Frank E. Gaebelein, Lift. D., Headmaster , Stony Brook, Long Island, N. Y.

[ Continued from page 219] Did you know that pins are like people? I brought several with me this morning. Some are very beautiful, while others are quite common. This magnet wants to lead these pins. We will see what happens. The magnet comes near the gold pin to lead it, but it remains motionless. The gold pin says, “ I’m too good to let the magnet lead me.” Did you ever hear of people who thought they were too good to let God lead them? Next the magnet comes to the silver pin, but it, too, remains still. I think it is saying, “ I’m too beautiful to follow the magnet.” I have known of those who thought they were too beautiful to follow God, but they

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JULY 18, 1937 GOD ENCOURAGES A LEADER E x o d u s 3:13 t o 6:1

II. T im id it y O v e r c o m e (4:10-12)

. Lesson Text: Ex. 3:13-16; 4:10-16; 5:1. Golden T ext: “ The Lord will give strength unto his people” (Psa. 29:11).

Following another objection and the Lord’s answer to it (cf. 4:1-9), Moses sug­ gested that his lack of fluent speech would prohibit his going to Pharaoh. It would' seem that a dread of the consequences of his act in killing the Egyptian many years earlier persisted in crushing Moses’ spirit and caused him to seek every avenue to escape leadership. But he was dealing with the God of patience who could bear with His child and wait for that child to gain courage and the desire to fulfill the assigned mission. Theoretically, Moses recognized that he was the Lord’s servant, but for all practical purposes, he denied that relationship when he raised his ob­ jections. If he was indeed God’s servant, * BLACKBOARD LESSON

Outline and Exposition I. H esitancy O vercome (3:13-16) M oses feared that the people would not believe him when he would tell them that God had sent him. He asked the Lord what he should reply when they questioned him concerning the name of the One who commissioned him (v. 13). The Lord’s answer to Moses’ question forms one of the great revelations of Scripture (vs. 14, 15). God is the “ I AM ”—the ever-living, all-powerful One But it is only believers who will accept this name of God; when He is thus de­ scribed to unbelievers, they are inclined to respond with malice and cruelty (cf. John 8:58, 59). Our Lord Jesus rightfully as­ sumed this title, “ I AM .” He declared “ I am that bread of life” (John 6:48), and even “the life” itself (John 14:6). God directed Moses to go to the Israelites and to tell them that the Lord had visited them and had seen that which was done to them in Egypt (cf. v. 16). In obedience to this instruction, Moses would find de­ liverance from his hesitancy.

FIFTEEN THOUSAND! 14 Evangelistic Chalk Talks. Rasy to draw. Soul-winning. For Teach­ ers, Pastors, Evangelists. "Worth a dollar," only 25c. 81 •'Beauti­ ful Hymns" for Children, 10c. Both postpaid. Order today!


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