King's Business - 1937-06

June, 1937



You and I are traveling to heaven where Jesus is preparing a place for Us. There is only one way for us to get there; it is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. If we accept Jesus as our Saviour, we can start on our way to heaven, and if we take Him into our lives, He will be our strength as we journey. Objects: Tw o large hearts cut from white paper, a bottle of clear water, a bottle of red ink, and two medicine droppers. (With a red pencil, write the word “ SIN” in each of the hearts.) Lesson: These two hearts are like human beings who are living today. They look clean and white when we first look at them, but if I turn them around, I think we shall see something that should not be in them. Here it is—“ SIN.” The Bible tells us: “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). What are we going to do with the sin which we find in the heart? It is there whether we look at it or not. Some people try to hide it, but the hiding of sin does not take it away. Others think that if they decide to have pure thoughts and to do good to other people, their sins will go away. We will drop a few drops of this clear water on one heart and see whether it takes away the sin. No, clean thoughts and clean actions will not take way the sin that is already in the heart. Some people join the church in the hope that their church membership will take away sin. Others give to the poor, only to find at last that their sins are still with them. There is just one way to be cleansed from sin, and that is in God’s way. When the children of Israel were in Egypt and were to be delivered from slavery there, God told them to take the blood of a lamb and to apply it to their doors in order that they might be protected on the Passover night when the first-born sons in the families of Egypt were to be killed. The Lord said: “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” The Israelites did what He had com­ manded, and of course He kept His prom­ ise and saved their sons. No one died that Passover night in the homes o f the people that had sprinkled blood above the door and at the sides of the door. That gives me an idea for the cleansing of this heart. I will drop some red ink on the sin, and we shall see what happens. You no longer can see the sin. It is covered with the red. God no longer sees the sin in our hearts when we have accepted Christ as Saviour and have allowed His blood to take away our sin. God sees only the blood of Christ. Object Lesson H earts and H umans

is to bring judgment upon themselves. The observance of the ordinances of the church is of value only as we remember their meaning. Anything less than this is mere ritualism, which God hates.

MRS. TYLEE’S BOOK “ The Challenge o f Amazon’s Indians 99 In a new, cheaper edition NOW READY 104 pages, plus 7 full pages of illustra- tions, art stock covers, thread sewed... v l v / ' ’ BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSN. 010 N. Wells St. Chicago, 111.

Golden Text Illustration D euteronomy 7:6

The first Protestant missionary to Japan, during his service in the land of the Rising Sun, was brought into touch with members of the royal house of that country. During one of his furloughs in England, he was visited in his apartment by some of the Emperor’s family who were touring through Europe. They chatted for perhaps an hour, and then left. Later in the day, another group of Japanese called. “ Oh,” one of them exclaimed, “you have been entertain­ ing royalty here today.” “What makes you think so?” the mis­ sionary queried. “Why, there is a perfume manufactured in our country for the exclusive use of our royal family. No one else is allowed to use it, and its fragrant odor is in evidence in this apartment, so that we can tell you have had members of our royal house to visit you here.” Do we who are members of the royal family of heaven leave behind fragrance which bespeaks the sweet savor of Christ— the King of glory?— H arvey F armer . Ready for the Journey E xodus 12 :l-28 Memory Verse: “ I will evil: for thou art with me” (Psa. 23:4). Approach: In our story last week, we found Moses being made ready to become the leader of the children of Israel. God

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BILHORN Folding Organs

had had to s h o w Moses that he could not, by his own pow­ er, lead the people out of the land. Now He was g o i n g to make th e p e o p l e ready and to show them that there was b u t o n e w a y b y which they might safely go.

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A half century of experience has enabled us to produce a FOLDING ORGAN with an astonishing volume of tone, suitable for camps, missions, etc. Write for catalog and prices BILHORN BROS. ORGAN CO., INC. Dept. K, 1414 McLean Ave., Chicago, IU.

Lesson Story: Pharaoh was not willing for the children of Israel to leave his land. God, through Moses, sent many plagues to disturb and punish Pharaoh for not letting the people go. But after each plague Pharaoh’s heart would become harder and harder, and he just wouldn’t let them go. At last a terrible plague was to come. The oldest son in every house was to be killed. All over the land this was to hap­ pen. It would happen to the Israelites, too, unless they did one thing. They were to take a lamb, without spot and without blemish, and kill it. Next they were to take some of its blood and sprinkle it over their door and at each side of the door. This was to be a sign, and if the sign was found on their house, death would not enter. A f­ ter they had used the blood sign, they were to cook the lamb and eat it, and it gave them strength for their journey. This was the only way that they could pass safely into the promised land.

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Placed anywhere, Daisy Fly Killer attracts and kills flies. Guaranteed effective. Neat*con­ venient— Cannot spill— Will not soil or Injureanything. Lasts all season. 20c at all dealers. Harold Somers, m c.v 150 D e Kalb Ave., Brooklyn, N . Y . a su

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