King's Business - 1937-06

June, 1937



love and friendship? Jesus said: “ Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” The Lord Jesus actually made that supreme sac­ rifice for us, the objects of His infinite mercy and grace. Can such divine love be reciprocated? Never; it surpasses finite comprehension. As Christians, however, we can accept the terms of this friend­ ship, for the Lord said: “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” The ,,v>hatsoever>’ that He commands would appear to embrace a vast responsi­ bility which we are incapable of fulfilling, but He foresaw our helplessness and pro­ vided commensurate power. In answer to our cry of weakness, He replies: “ I have chosen you . . . that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” Truly He is the “ Available Friend,” for in Him dwell all power, might, and knowledge; and He has placed these at our disposal! “ He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” “ Friendship with Jesus, Fellowship divine; Oh, what blessed, sweet communion! Jesus is a Friend of mine!” Helps for the Leader I. R eal F riendship Zinzendorf, when a boy, used to write little notes to the Saviour and throw them out of the window, hoping that He would find them. Later in life, so strong was his faith in the friendship of Christ and in his own need of that friendship as a daily solace that once, when traveling, he sent back his companion that he might converse more freely with the Lord, with whom he spoke audibly. So do we all need friendly converse with Him, our soul’s love. “ He alone is a thousand companions; He alone is a world of friends. That man never knew what it was to be familiar with God who complains of the want of friends when God is with him.”— A ustin P helps . II. A n A biding F riend A prize was offered some years ago for the best definition of a friend, and this was the one which received the prize: “ A friend is the person who comes in when every other person has gone out.” That is the kind of friend Christ is. And He says, “ I have called you friends.” What a privilege! — S elected . I I I . . T he D earest F riend A gentleman, visiting a friend for the first time, had not long been seated when the little daughter brought out her birthday book. Turning over the leaves from Janu­ ary 1, he read the names of many of her friends. When he came to December 25, he found one line carefully written: “Dear Jesus Christ.” “But, Mary,” said the gentleman, “ this is only for the names of your friends.” Looking up into his face, her face flush­ ing with joy, she quietly replied, “Why, Jesus is my very best and dearest Friend, and that is the nicest birthday of all the year.”—G. B. F. H a l l o c k .

of the “ inner circle” who heard His tender farewell message which, though sad, is fraught with joy and comfort. After telling His disciples that He was going back to the Father, the Lord Jesus promised a Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who would strengthen their hearts and reveal eternal truths to them. Then, in that most beautiful imagery of the vine and its branches, He described the unity of the believers with Him. No closer relationship can be imagined; believers are dependent upon Him for their life and growth. Could a branch bear grapes if it were severed from the vine in which it has life? More impossible is spiritual fruit apart from the Lord Jesus Christ. The new name which the Lord bestowed upon His disciples is suggestive of the fel­ lowship that He desired to have with be­ lievers, for He declared: “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant know- eth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.” Friendship with the Son of God! What an unspeakable privilege and honor! Love, not duty, was to be the incentive of the new obedience for which the Lord Jesus yearned. He declared that He was revealing all that His Father had made known unto Him. The blessings of such a friendship are innumerable, and the Lord Jesus offers them without reservation to any who will accept them. There is both mockery and tragedy in any claim of “friendship with Jesus” that is not based upon the Lord’s own Saviour- hood. How could the Holy One possibly have fellowship with an unrepentant sin­ ner? T o receive Christ’s friendship, we must receive Him as Saviour, realizing that Christ “ bare our sins in his own body on the tree” (1 Pet. 2:24). How can one prove the sincerity of his

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BRING------THE BOOKS (2 Tim. 4:13) CHRISTIAN LAYMEN, have you books on prophecy, missions, story telling, or other subjects— books that the Lord would have you bring or send to Biola that each student we send forth may be “a workman that needeth not to be ashamed” ? PASTORS, bring or send your extra books in the fields of Doctrine, Theology, Church History, Homiletics, also Greek and Hebrew— books that will prove of inestimable value to students heeding the injunction, ‘‘Preach the word . . . in season, out of season,” and yet who may say with Job, “My doctrine is pure.” FORMER STUDENTS, in grateful recognition of what Biola means to you, send books, or gifts for the purchase of books so sorely needed, that present-day students may be “ thoroughly furnished unto all good works." j CHRISTIAN PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, DENTISTS, bring or send to “ 558” the medical books which you are no longer using, particularly those relating to tropical diseases, that missionary students may be helped to carry out Christ’s command to “ cleanse the leper, heal the sick.” BRING OR SEND BOOKS AND GIFTS— DO IT NOW (Mark package for “Librarian,” 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles)

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