King's Business - 1937-06

June, 1937



There she is finding sweet Christian fel­ lowship and happy days of service and wit­ nessing for her Lord. Sometimes the Bible Woman returns from her labor clinging only to God’s assurance that “ in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Again, she may be privileged to see seed bring forth fruit, “ some a hun­ dredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.” But always there is the knowledge that though one may plant and another may water, it is God that gives the increase. “ So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.” Youth for Christ Are young people interested in following the Lord Jesus Christ? Clifford Lewis has proved through his evangelistic work in Young People’s Fellowship Clubs and the Revival Prayer Band that young men and women respond eagerly to the appeal to live a victorious Christian life. With un­ bounded energy, consecrated to Christ, this talented young Christian is being used of the Lord in a gracious way. His book, Youth on the March, has stirred large numbers of students in schools and colleges to take their stand with those who are true to Christ. “ Songlets of Joy,” a collection of new, short “songs that mean more,” contains gospel truth in pleasing musical form. “ Good News Poems” and “Mother” are other books by this young people’s author which are of great benefit in spreading the tidings of salvation to old and young. For information concerning Mr. Lewis’ writings or his evangelistic engagements, address: Revival Prayer Band, 8011 Willard Ave., Detroit, Mich. The Needed Revival In a brief and comprehensive leaflet en­ titled “The Revival We Need,” L. L. Legters ^hows from the Word of God that a revival in the body of Christ upon this earth is His will for us today. The desper­ ate need is for Spirit-filled men and women who will reveal a living Saviour to a dying world. The fullness of the Spirit is promised to those who earnestly and believ- ingly desire it, as the author of this instruc­ tive article points out from many Scripture passages. The tract may be secured in any amount for the cost of postage only by writing to the Pioneer Mission Agency, 506 Commonwealth Bldg., 1201 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Winona Lake Bible Conference The forty-third annual Winona Lake Bible Conference will begin on Wednesday, August 11, and continue for twelve days, closing on Sunday, August 22. The con­ ference will be followed by a week of evangelistic services with Dr. Harry Rim- mer as preacher, and Professor Homer Rodeheaver as leader of music. The Bible Conference at Winona Lake goes on from year to year with a steady increase in size and interest. The gathering

last year was the largest in the history of the movement. Dr. W . E. Biederwolf has been the director of the conference for many years, and together with his Bible Conference Committee has secured for this year’s pro­ gram such speakers as W . Graham Scrog- gie, Bishop Arthur J. Moore, Mark A. Matthews, Herbert W . Bieber, J. A. Huff­ man, and others. “ FA ITH ” Written by James H. McConkey Read this pamphlet seriously. You may look at Jesus here and never see His face in the glory hereafter—why? HUNTINGTON COLLEGE HUNTINGTON, INDIANA “ Where Character and Culture Blend” Courses offered — Liberal Arts, Science, Teacher Training, Voice, Pipe Organ, Orchestral Instru­ ments. Public Speaking, Journalism, Commerce, Pre-Medical, Pre-Law, Pre-Engineering, Theology, Physical Education. RATES—Tuition and Maintenance per Semester, $166.00. Special Rates to the Children of Ministers and Missionaries. SUMMER SESSION Opens June 15, 1937. FALL SEMESTER Opens September 14, 1937. For further information Address PRESIDENT, HUNTINGTON COLLEGE, Huntington, Ind. FRE! A postal brings the following items: Envelope full of Bible Stories,, including Exposure of the Evils of the Movies, Lodges, Tobacco, Christian Science and Russellism. A. D. HAMILTON, 3150 Kingsbridge Ave., New York Seven Scientific Traps Are you troubled with pests or insects on your farm or in your home? Our traps destroy these nuisances instantly and humanely. Prices moderate All traps successful, or money refunded. Write—Silver Publishing Society 423 Bessemer Bldg., Dept. K., Pittsburgh, Pa.

STORIES OF INCREASING HARVEST [Continued, from page 215]

he needed a Saviour and said he would receive Him sometime before it was too late. All during his illness, prayer had been offered for him, and as the end drew near, additional earnest intercession was made for him. One evening, when all further effort seemed useless and the worker was about to leave, almost discouraged, the patient turned and said, “ I would like to make the decision you and M r .------ wish me to.” He accepted Christ as his personal Saviour and knew he was a child of God. In two days he was with the Lord. Shortly after this man died, the Bible Woman was passing through the ward where he had been ill. As she passed the bed where he had lain, the man who had been opposite him called her and said, “ I would like to make the same decision that your friend made,” and another soul was born into the kingdom of God. Even a long- delayed surrender to the Lord Jesus had issued in a measure of fruitfulness for Him. It is not easy in modern business and professional life for a young woman to live an out-and-out Christian life. In numerous Southern California communities, college girls, nurses, and young women in business look to the weekly supper meetings of Ly­ ceum or Eteri Clubs, taught by Biola Bible Women, as a time of finding strength from God’s Word for the struggle that the Christian young woman daily faces. Other girls find Christ for the first time in these evening gatherings. An Eteri girl made a full surrender of her life to the Lord at a summer Eteri con­ ference and started out to “wholly follow the Lord.” Following long-cherished plans, she enrolled for nurses’ training, but now she entered her course with a joyful de­ termination to make her life tell definitely for God during the days of preparation for service. She soon was surprised to learn that the individuals in charge in the hos­ pital expected and insisted on full coopera­ tion in worldly things in which she could not conscientiously take part. She went to those in authority, explaining her con­ victions and reasons sweetly but firmly, and asked to be excused. But soon it became clear that she had to make her choice between pleasing God or continuing her training. It was a hard battle. Her whole life plans and ambitions seemed tottering around her. A thousand excuses crowded in upon her mind to assure her she should lay aside her convictions. She went to her knees, and when she arose, her mind was made up. She would wholly follow the Lord at any price. She packed her belongings and left the hospital. With the closing of the door, it seemed as if every cherished plan had been left behind. She did not know that the Lord was allowing the door to be closed only that He might open a far better one to her. After she had been proved faithful, He led her to another hospital where there was even an Eteri Club among the nurses.

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