King's Business - 1937-01


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A N N U A L M E E T I N G The World's Christian Fundamentals Association at the

The Speakers

LOUIS S. BAUMAN Pastor, First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif. HENRY E. BURKE Evangelist, Chicago, 111. RICHARD E. DAY Pastor, Hamilton Square Baptist Church, San Francisco, Califë PETER DEYNEKA Executive Secretary, Russian Gospel Asso­ ciation, Chicago, 111. WALTER E. EDMONDS Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Glen­ dale, Calif. HOMER W. GRIMES Pastor, First Baptist Church, Bisbee, Ariz. ARNOLD GRUNIGEN, JR. President, San Francisco Bay Region Chris­ tian Business Men’s Committee, San Fran- I cisco, Calif. CARL C. HARWOOD Evangelist, Denver, Colo. C. B. HEDSTROM Chairman, Christian Business Men’s Com­ mittee, Chicago, 111. B. J. HEETDERKS Physician, Bozeman, Mont. DON HILLIS I Extension Worker, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. N. A. JEPSON , , ^ President, Christian Business Men s Com­ mittee, Seattle, Wash. GUSTAF F. JOHNSON Pastor, Swedish Tabernacle, Minneapolis, Minn. J. D. MAITLAN KIRWAN I . General Secretary, British Syrian Mission. ROY L. LAURIN I I R Pastor, San Gabriel Union Church, ban Gabriel, Calif. R. G. LE TOURNEAU President, R. G. Le Tourneau, Inc., Peoria, 111 . CLIFFORD E. LEWIS Evangelist, Cleveland, Tenn. FRANK A. MILLER I I H H Children’s Evangelist, Los Angeles, Calif. TOM OLSON Evangelist, Upland, Calif. 1 WILLIAM E. PIETSCH I I 1 Evangelist, President, Independent Funda­ mental Churches of America, Los Angeles, Calif. CHARLES F. PIHLSTROM Pastor, Swedish Mission Tabernacle, Los Angeles, Calif. CLIFTON E. RASH H H H E 9 H Pastor, First Federated Church, Des Moines, Iowa. W. B. RILEY I I ¿ I Pastor, First Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minn., and President, Northwestern Bible School, Minneapolis, Minn. PAUL W. ROOD ~ President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, . Los Angeles, Calif. BRITTON ROSS Evangelist, Glendale, Calif. A. A. SMITH Pastor, Gospel Center Tabernacle, Tampa, Fla., and President, Florida Christian Fun­ damentals Association. MRS. LYMAN STEWART . Director, Bible Women of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. WILLIAM G. STUDER Pastor, Marquette Road Bible Church, Chi­ cago, 111. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND Secretary, Extension Department, Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Calif. LOUIS T. TALBOT Pastor, Church of the Open Door, Los An­ geles, Calif., and Vice-President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. PAUL VORONAEFF Russian Evangelist, New York, N. Y. CLAIRE WEIERMULLER Extension Worker, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and Director of Christian Educa­ tion, Immanuel Baptist Church, Pasadena, Calif. WALTER L. WILSON Physician, Bible Teacher, Kansas City, Kans. JOHN C. WINSTON Co-Director, The Belgian Gospel Mission, Philadelphia, Pa. Both the annual meeting of the World’s Chris­ tian Fundamentals Association and the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference are represented by the above list of speakers. In a few instances, speakers will be heard at both conferences. •$*




Executive Secretary

Theme: “ Is the Kingdom at Hand?”

4 :00 p . m . The Immediate Prophetic Outlook in Europe.—John C. Winston. 7 :30 p . m . A Bird’s-Eye View of the Seven Dis­ pensations.—Louis S. Bauman. Stereopticon Lecture on Outstanding Scenes in the Life of. our Lord.— Tom Olson. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20. “ THE CHURCH AND THE KINGDOM” 8 :30 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 9 :30 a . m . When and Why Was the Church Founded?—A. A. Smith. 10:30 a . m . What Is the Difference Between Christendom and the True Church ? —Gustaf F. Johnson. 2 :00 p . m . What Is the Mystery Which from the Beginning of the World Has Been Hid in God and Was Revealed to and Through Paul?—Clifton E. Rash. 3 :00 p . m . What Will Characterize the Church in the End of Time?—Gustaf F. Johnson. 4 :00 p . m . Uncle Sam at the Mourner’s Bench. HE— William G. Studer. 7 :30 p . m . Is Modernism the Predicted Apostasy ? —W. B. Riley. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21. “ THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST AND THE KINGDOM” 8 :30 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 9:30 a . m . Why Must Christ Come Again?—W. B. Riley. 10 :30 a . m . Are There Two Aspects to the Return of the Lord?—Louis S. Bauman. 2 :00 p . m . What Will Happen When Christ R e­ turns ?—Clifton E. Rash. 3 :00 p . m . What Takes Place on Earth After the Rapture of the Church ?—Gustaf F. Johnson. [Continued on page 39] 10 :30 a . m . How to Reach Boys and Girls.—Frank A. Miller. 2 :00 p . m . H ow to Hold the Subject.—Walter L. Wilson. 3 :00 p . m . Evangelizing the 27,000,000 Children of America.—Claire Weiermuller. 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :30 p . m . Blood on Our Hands, or Our Responsi­ bility for Souls.—Gustaf F. Johnson. THURSDAY, JANUARY 28. “ MASS EVANGELISM DAY” 8 :30 a . m . Prayer Hour. 9 :30 a . m . How to Find the Passage Quickly.— Walter L. Wilson. 10:30 a . m . Unsaved Boys and Girls Reachable Now.—Carl C. Harwood. 2 :00 p . m . Conserving the Results of an Evan­ gelistic Campaign.—Henry E. Burke. 3 :00 p . m . Memorial Service: Lyman and Milton Stewart.—Walter E. Edmonds. T. C. Horton and R. A. Torrey.— Mrs. Lyman Stewart. 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7:30 p . m . Why Pray, When You Can Worry? —Walter L. Wilson. FRIDAY, JANUARY 29. “ PERSONAL EVANGELISM DAY” 8 :30 a . m . Prayer Hour. 9:30 a . m . H ow to Use the Correct Passage.— Walter L. Wilson. 10:30 a . m . Evangelize or Fossilize.—Britton Ross. 2:00 p . m . Sunrise in Syria.—J. D. Maitlan Kir- wan. 3 :00 p . m . How to Become a Fisher of Men.— Walter L. Wilson. 4 :00 p . m . H ow to Have a Perennial Revival.— Charles F. Pihlstrom. [Continued on page 14?


‘"CHRIST AND THE KINGDOM” 11:00 a . m . Christ as Prophet.—Louis T. Talbot. 2 :30 P.M. Christ as Priest.—W. B. Riley. 7 :30 P.M. Christ as King.—W. B. Riley. MONDAY, JANUARY 18. “ THE BIBLE AND THE KINGDOM” 8 :30 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 9 :30 a . m . The Infallible Bible, Our Supreme Authority.—W. B. Riley. 10:30 a . m . The Place of Christ in the Word and His Attitude Toward the Word.-2?“ Richard E. Day. 2 :00 p . m . Why We Should Study Prophecy.-v William E. Pietsch. 3 :00 p . m . How to Study the Bible.—Richard E. Day. 4 :00 p . m . Why We Should Study Doctrine.—Roy L. Laurin. 7 :30 p . m . Seven Reasons for Believing That the Bible is the Inerrant Word of God.— W. B. Riley. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19. “ DISPENSATIONALISM AND THE KINGDOM” 8 :30 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 9:30 a . m . I s Dispensationalism in the Bible?— ’ Louis S. Bauman. 10:30 a . m . Are There Three Dispensations De­ scribed in the Book of Genesis ?-^ Homer Grimes. 2 :00 p . m . What Is the Difference-Between “the Dispensation of the Law and the Dispensation of Grace?—Tom Olson. 3 :00 p . m . What Is the Difference Between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?—W. B. Riley.


Prayer Hour. How to Depend on the Spirit.— Walter L. Wilson. Mordecai’s Challenge to Esther.—Gus­ taf F. Johnson. What Can Laymen Do to Evangelize the Cities of America ?—C. B. Hed- strom. The Challenge of the Home Mission Field to the Laity.—B. J. Heetderks. Surprise Hour. Round Table Discussion.—N. A. Jep- son. God’s Challenge to the Laymen of America.—R. G. Le Tourneau.

8 :30 a . m . 9:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 2 :00 p . m .

3 :00 p . m . 4 :00 p . m .

7 :30 p . m .



8:30 a . m . Prayer Hour. 9 :30 a . m . How to Open the Subject.—Walter L. Wilson. 10:30 a . m . How Can a Layman Function Effect­ ively?—C. B. Hedstrom. 2 :00 p . m . The Christian Layman and Steward­ ship.—Arnold Grunigen, Jr. 3 :00 p . m . The Revival We Need and the Lay­ man’s Responsibility.—R. G. Le Tour­ neau. 4 :00 p . m . Round Table Discussion.—N. A. Jep- son. 7:30 p . m . The Present Crisis and How to Meet It.—Gustaf F. Johnson.



8 :30 a . m . Prayer Hour. 9 :30 a . m . How to Diagnose the Case.—Walter L. Wilson.

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Ages-Old Battle Between Jacob and Esau,” will give revealing in- formauon on the present conflict between the Tews and the Arabs in Palestine. N B | *itles of other articles are: “Angels of Light for the Last Days, Is Mussolini ‘ The Man"?’’ and “ Our Prophetic Stars.” Do not miss this series.

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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

January« 1937


PAUL W. ROOD, Editor - M ildred M . C ook , Managing Editor H. S. R isley , Circulation Manager

Official Organ of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

“ TO THE JEW FIRST“ This is the bedrock upon which we predicate the Jewish Mission appeal to every Bible - believing soul. “ To the Jew first“ is as basic in Missions as faith in Christ is basic in Salvation. Every January brings to us an increasing number of gifts “ To the Jew first.“ And many letters tell us, “ Thank you so much for calling my attention to my duty and privilege. I want to start the New Year right.“ Think it over, for some day you too will join this blessed host and you too will say, “ I want to preach God’s Gospel in God’s way—-to the Jew first.” Our work merits your every confidence. Our field is not only the 2,000,000 Jews of New York, not only the 4,000,000 Jews of America, but, under divine im­ pulse, we are at grips with the problem of reaching a world Jewry with the Gospel testimony. In America, branches are maintained in the larger cities as the Lord gives us means and workers. Abroad, the Lord is wonderfully blessing our own Stations in Paris, in Warsaw, and in Jerusalem. And through affiliated missions and mis­ sionaries, our Yiddish publications are being distributed in other important Jewish centers of the world. Your help and prayers are al­ ways needed. “ THE CHOSEN PEOPLE” , loved by many Bible students for its helpful informa­ tion on Prophecy and the Jews, is sent to all contributors.

S h e $ I W e T a m i i # S t a n i n e Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood” —R ev . 1 :5.

Motto :


January, 1937

Number 1


Around the King’s Table— Paul W . R o o d ...................................... 4 The Set Face— Richard Ellsworth Day . ............................................. 6 The Continuing Influence of Torrey’s Ministry— Albert G. Johnson 7 The Perspective of This Particular New Year— R. E. Neighbour 8 The Death Struggle of Tw o Tyrannies— Louis S. Bauman . • , 10 Bible Institute Family C i r c l e ..................................................................... 11 W orld ’s Christian Fundamentals A s s o c ia tio n ..............................................13 Evangelistic N o tice s ..................................................... ....... . . , 13 Girls’ Query Corner— M yrtle E. Scott . . 1., . . . . 14 Junior King’s Business— Martha S. H o o k e r ..............................................15 International Lesson C om m e n t a r y ............................................................. 17 Notes on Christian Endeavor —Mary G. Goodner . . . . 28 Daily Devotional Readings ............................................................................ 31 Our Literature T a b l e ................................................................................... 38

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American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc., 31 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Here is my offering, $________ ..... MTo the Jew First.” May the Lord bless this gift for Israel’s salvation.


<*> ! *iand *or|the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b) To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men and women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Chriitian wort (d) To act as the official organ of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Incorpomld. < e ) T o m ^ Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming Mwa^or fo™d»tioMtofnClS»tl«ne?«nh.I‘raCtlCal U,e- (0 T° emph“ M ta gtrong-

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558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, California

January, 1937


Around the King's Table


(Jas. 5 :8 ). The fact that we are expecting Christ to come at any time should cause us to separate ourselves from all known evil and to live a life of prayer. Remem­ bering His coming, we will be zealous for the glory of our Lord and will seek to win as many as possible for Christ before the rapture of the true church. Certainly it is possible that Christ may come this year. Let us live and work as if we really believed in this possibility. If we do, we will not be selfish, vindictive, unkind, and jealous, but we will be unselfish, forgiving, kind, and magnanimous in our attitude toward one another. If this truth of the imminent return o f the Lord grips our hearts, we will be awake when others are asleep, spiritual when others are carnal, victorious when others are defeated, and optimistic when others are pessimistic. “ And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3 :3 ). the attitude of the leaders— and it is undeniably the atti­ tude of many in the movement— the appellation was not unsuited to the case. Even when due allowance has been made for this phraseology as belonging to newspaper par­ lance, the keynote of the movement is all too apparent to those who have observed the emphasis of the work as a whole. It was stated in the local paper that there was to be no preaching on heaven or hell, and a speaker was quoted as saying that evangelism was to be taken out of the hands of the “ queer folks.” Undoubtedly there are some “ queer folks” engaged in religious work. Certainly a Christian worker should be well balanced and should refrain from anything that will bring the cause of Christ into disrepute. The Scripturally instructed Christian will avoid all extremes in manner and dress and will conduct himself in a way that will command the respect of all right-thinking people. One receives the impression, however, that the “ stream­ lined revival” speaker is not thinking of those who write caustic anonymous letters and do other things that reveal a warped mind. It seems likely that in his objection to “ queer folks” the spokesman of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America is referring to those who are not in harmony with “ streamlined revivals.” If our surmise is correct, old-fashioned believers in apostolic and New Testament Christianity are classified as “ queer.” A “ streamlined revival” is not characterized by apostolic preaching that emphasizes the substitionary death of Christ and His resurrection. There is nothing in this modern view of revival that is offensive to the natural man. “ The preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolish­ ness,” says the Apostle Paul (1 Cor. 1 :18 ). The “ stream­ lined revival” preacher does not preach as Christ preached. The Lord Jesus Christ preached on sin, repentance, judg­ ment, and hell. No other person mentioned in the Bible said as much about hell as did Jesus. Christ and the Streamlined Revival When the Preaching Mission came to Chicago, a prominent daily paper referred to the movement as a “ streamlined re­ vival.” If the paper rightly interpreted

An examination of world conditions at tjje beginning of the new year reveals

On the

f ° v turmoil everywhere. The Orient is of a New Year seetbing with unrest. Asserting herself as one of the great world powers, Japan is rapidly extend­ ing her sphere of influence and will eventually dominate the races of the Far East. There is a rising tide of nation­ alism in that region, and the white man will undoubtedly be driven out in the not distant future. Europe is on the brink of another war. Communism and Fascism are the two forces that must clash sooner or later. The civil war in Spain may be the spark that will kindle a general European conflagration. Russia is the best prepared for war of all the nations in the earth. While the emissaries of Russian Communism are spread­ ing propaganda against preparedness in other nations, Russia is armed to the teeth. It is significant that though secular and religious periodicals in this country are con­ cerned about the menace of Fascism, they have, generally speaking, little or nothing to say about the menace of Communism. Can it be that these periodicals are controlled — or at least greatly influenced— by disciples of Karl Marx and Lenin? W e hold no brief for Fascism, but it would encourage supporters of constitutional government if editors and leaders would declare themselves in a way that would not give aid and comfort to Communists. In the United States, the overwhelming victory for the New Deal indicates that the plan of members of the so- called “ brain trust” to repudiate our cherished national principles has met with the enthusiastic approval of the voters. During the next few years we can expect that attempts will be made to reconstruct the Supreme Court and to curtail the freedom of the press and to centralize power. In every realm it is going according to the W ord of God. “ How are things going in St. Louis?” was the question asked of a well-known pastor in that city. “ According to the W ord of God,” was the answer. “ Yes,” said the questioner, “ on your corner it’s going according to the W ord of God.” “ It is going according to the W ord of God on every corner in St. Louis,” was the significant rejoinder. Yes, the immediate outlook for the world is dark. But we know that Christ is coming and that with His return a glorious day will dawn. It is natural that we ask our­ selves the question, W ill Christ come back this year? W e do not know. Certainly it is true that Scripture-promised signs are multiplying on every hand and that the stage is set for the enactment of the final scene of the drama of “ man’s day.” It will be well for us if we as Christians make all of our plans tentative and put over them, “ subject to change without notice,” because we are subject to change without notice. During these confused days, the “ blessed hope” should have a very practical effect on us as Christians. W e should “ love his appearing” (2 Tim . 4 :8 ) and “ comfort one another” (1 Thess. 4 :18 ) with this truth. W e should be patient, “ for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh”


January, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Sunday-school and Christian Endeavor, and I assisted in their meetings by preaching at regular appointments. “ M r. A . fell heir to about $2,400.00. He at once resur­ rected his lifetime dream of being a missionary in Africa, gathered all of his belongings together, took his wife and family with him into the heart of Africa. The ship on which they took passage burned at sea destroying every­ thing which they had gathered for health and comfort in Africa. They continued the journey, having no medical supplies and no mosquito netting, so much needed in that region. The burning of the ship at sea they regarded as the work of the devil endeavoring to frustrate their purpose. “ The people of my congregation helped him substan­ tially, at the same time strongly urging him against going, and especially against taking his helpless family (the young­ est being nearly four years of. age and his wife being almost an invalid). But he said that he would rather rear his children in dark Africa than in heathen America. Our doctors, good Christian men, acquainted him with the dangers of tropical diseases especially to one ignorant of health measures and not well equipped to fight them. W e urged him to go out under some- denominational board, but he persisted that church boards were modernistic and therefore he preferred to work alone. “ What happened in Africa? Mrs. A. died of black water fever. Mr. A. is now sick with dysentery. The four [ Continued on page 14] Secretary Countries F ROM every section of the Union, from Canada, and from several foreign countries, letters come to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles from grateful members of Biola’s World-W ide Prayer Circle. Here is one from Denmark: “ Personally, I feel more than ever the need of con­ stant intercession, and it is my desire to give more of my time to prayer. Joyfully I pray for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Its material need has in this way become a spiritual blessing to me. Let us encourage one another to pray, so that we may build a wall of prayer about the Bible Institute as Nehemiah encouraged the people to build the wall in his day.” As the new year dawns, the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles counts among its most valued possessions the loyalty of thousands of Christians who have covenanted— as did the friend in Denmark— to pray at least one hour a week for Biola. By their intercession, these friends are building an impregnable “ wall of prayer.” W ill Y O U join the “ builders” ? If you will send a postal card to the Secretary, Miss Christina J. Braskamp, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif., saying sim­ ply, “ I should like to join the Biola Prayer Circle,” in­ formation will be sent to you which will lead to rich spiritual blessing in your own life. Miss Braskamp and other Christian friends will be glad also to join you in prayer for any requests which you may care to write. Biola's World-Wide Prayer Circle Building a Wall o f Prayer Biola Prayer Helpers Represent 42 States of the Union, Canada, and Foreign Christina J. Braskamp,

apostles would not be acceptable preachers in a “ stream­ lined revival.” Jonathan Edwards, Charles Finney, and all others who have been used of the Holy Spirit to bring people under deep, pungent conviction of sin would have been considered “ queer” and persona non grata by the Federal Council of Churches. “ Streamlined revivals” remind one of Proverbs 14:12: “ There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Soft-spoken preachers who say, “ You must, repent as it were, and be converted in a measure, pr you will be damned to some extent,” will never get a sinner under conviction. The only kind of preaching that will bring souls to Christ is a positive, dynamic preaching on the exceeding sinfulness of sin and the lost condition of man apart from Christ, on the absolute necessity of a supernatural experience of the new birth in order to escape hell and get to heaven, and that it is only through the shed blood of Christ that man can be saved. What we need is not a superficial, soulish, man-made “ streamlined revival,” but an old-fashioned, heaven-sent, prayed-down, Holy Ghost revival that will stir Christians to pray, sacrifice, and work for the salvation of the lost. God give us a genuine revival! Jeremiah did not say: “ Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for a ‘streamlined revival,’ ” but Jeremiah did say : “ Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls” (Jer. 6 :16 ). That is what God said, but the modernists said: “ W e will not walk therein.” Let us seek the old paths and walk in the good way! Faith and Faith occupies a prominent place in the Presumption Word of God. Christ emphasized the importance of faith. He prayed that Pe­ ter’s faith would not fail. That is His prayer for us today as He functions as High Priest at the right hand of the Father. W e break down in the realm of faith before we break down in any other realm. It was the Lord who said: “ Have faith in God” (Mk . 11:22), or, as Hudson Taylor translates it: “ Reckon on God’s faithfulness.” Satan is the author of skepticism and doubt. When he fails in undermining and shaking the faith of a child of God, he seeks to push that individual into presumption. The road that leads to glory is a narrow one and there are ditches on either side into which the adversary seeks to shove us. On the one side is the ditch of modernism, on the other, the ditch of fanaticism. W e have need of being well-balanced, possessing a sense of proportion in these critical days. One of our primary needs is to possess and use some sanctified common sense. The occasion for this homily is found in a letter received from a pastor whose heart is stirred because an earnest, sincere Christian has been misguided. W e insert the letter, eliminating the names of those who are involved: “ Perhaps you will be interested in the case of M r. A. I have such strong feelings concerning the subject that it is difficult to trust myself to write the facts without inject­ ing my own emotions. These are the' facts as I have them. “ M r. A. and his wife and four children lived in L. City and were true home missionaries. Their work was that of organizing country Sunday-schools and doing mis­ sionary work in out-of-the-way communities. Their lives were truly blessed. Although they professed to believe that the organized church on earth was ‘rotten’ to the core, and preferred to work independently rather than affiliate with it, our church worked with them and gave them every assistance. I baptized their children, teaching them in


January, l$37

f H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

The Set Face By RICHARD ELLSWORTH DAY * San Francisco, California

“ For the Lord God will help me; there­ fore shall I not be confounded: therefore have 1 set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed” (Isa. 50:7). “ I made up my mind to declare the whole counsel of G od ” — Reuben Archer Torrey. second that always occurs to me in connection with another esteemed Knight of the Faith— “ an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile.” But if last evening God gave to one of His angels a section designed to set forth the excellence of Reuben Archer Torrey, my own soul stands convinced that this section would be Ezekiel 3:1-18. Read it, my friend, and you will see R. A . Torrey rising up squarely in the midst thereof. I cannot repress a smile of delight as I muse over those Spirit-given sentences. I can hear the Holy One of Israel saying to our beloved one: “ Son of man, . . . eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel.” And I can see our good friend described by the Word, “ So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll.” And once again the voice of the Holy One says unto him: “ Son of man, . . . eat, and fill thyself with this roll that I give thee.” And I do no violence to this man whom we love, in sug­ gesting that these are his own words: “ Then did I eat it ; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness.” That commission which the Holy One gave to the ancient prophet is identically the one which came to Torrey. “ And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words unto them.” • • • The unusual Light which bathed the world in the days of Moody was commencing to die away as Torrey ap­ proached his full maturity— precisely those days that Moody himself foresaw. German Plague in the shape of Higher Criticism was beginning, even before Moody died, to extend its loathsomeness into every area of the church’s conscious life; into its Bible school literature, its young people’s helps, its theological seminaries, yea boldly speak­ ing out in the pulpit. By the grace of God, Moody’s un-

Reuben Archer Torrey

F o r one who is accustomed to capture men in a phrase, there is always a long period of waiting and watching while the memorabilia is being analyzed and eval­ uated—waiting and watching for the inevitable expression that vividly will set forth the one with whom he is deal­ ing. Sometimes this encysting clause will come down into consciousness without trying; and sometimes it is attained only after weeks of meditation. “ The Shadow of the Broad Brim” did not suggest itself until after months of analysis; but “ Bush Aglow” came without trying, even while the pages of The Broad Brim were under preparation. I would fear to attach to the sainted memory of Dr. Torrey a phrase that might be apt to abide through the years. I know how dangerous phrase-making is; but some­ how, as in the case of “ Bush Aglow” a title came without trying. I have for months sensed a phrase which seems most faithfully to portray Dr. Torrey. It is the one used several times in Scripture— “ The Set Face.” It might be that after the complete memorabilia of this beloved brother could lie before me for months, the appropriateness of an­ other title would seize upon me. But I very much doubt it. From first to last, after this man had thoroughly “ found himself in Christ,” in the language of Ezekiel 3 :8, 9, the eternal God made his face strong against the countenance of an unbelieving w orld ; and as an adamant harder than flint did the Holy One make his forehead . Over against the unbeliefs and infidelities of his age, the Spirit gave him a spirit of fearlessness. He was never dismayed at their looks though the people among whom he lived was as a rebellious house. For many years I have secretly fitted a passage of Scrip­ ture that would describe my dear friends. I have one for Paul W . Rood, and some day I may tell it. There is a *PastOr, Hamilton Square Baptist Church.


January, 1937


usual fervor was able to hold it off from taking arrogant force until after his death. This is Moody’s estimate as to what was to happen: “ Thirty years ago people did not question the gospel. They believed that the Lord Jesus Christ, by dying on the cross, had done something for them. And my work was to bring them to a decision to do what they already knew they ought to do. But all is different now. The question mark is being raised every­ where. There is need for teachers who shall begin at, the beginning and show the people what the gospel is.” Thus Moody foresaw the condition into which the church was to slip very quickly after his death. He did not have to face the full backwash of these dismal decades from 1900 to 1920 — but R. A . Torrey did! If any one who evaluates has felt regret that the love note so prom­ inent in Moody was somewhat missing in Torrey, let him remember that the hand of God raised up Moody for a believing period; and the same divine hand raised up T o r­ rey for an unbelieving age. Let no one fancy that this term, “ The Set Face,” is one of deprecation. The One whom Torrey most loved, and toward whom the full warmth of his devotional life con­ stantly moved, received this same caption from the Holy Spirit, writing in Isaiah 50 :7 : “ For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.” If any friend of Dr. Torrey feels that this is a severe title, my own heart responds that if this Valiant of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were alive at this moment, he himself would esteem it to be a crown of glory; and perhaps would object that he is un­ worthy of it since it belonged only to his King. •• • • The wonderful part about one’s falling dead in love with the King, as Torrey did, is that so many things he admires in the King begin slowly to reappear in his own \Continued on page 36]

The Continuing Influence of Torrey's Ministry By ALBERT G . JOHNSON * Portland, Oregon D r . T orrey ’ s first visit to Liverpool was, as I see it now, a link in the chain of God’s providences in my life. I was then a young Christian, in the tender and formative years of my Christian experience. The meetings were held in the Tournament Hall, a massive structure, ideal for the throngs that attended the meetings nightly for several weeks. The masses literally poured in, and the great hall, seating many thousands, was often filled long before the meeting began. Charles M . Alexander was then at the height of his career as an evangelistic singer. W ell do I recall his platform presence and resonant voice. Dr. Torrey’s method of evangelism was free from tricks. He captivated the British public by his liquid logic, Bib­ lical soundness, and transparent sincerity. He was deeply in earnest, and he made others conscious of that fact. The legitimate emotional appeal of preaching was never di­ vorced from an informed intelligence. The conversions of the Moody and Torrey campaigns were not spurious.' Many of the pillars in the churches of Great Britain today were converted to Christ in the Moody-Sankey and Tor- rey-Alexander campaigns. Dr. Torrey was stern, yet withal gentle. He was in­ tolerant of sham and superficiality. I remember vividly one of the famous question hours, always a feature of his campaigns. On this occasion, some one asked him, “Where was the soul of Lazarus during the days between his death and the rising from the dead ?” Dr. Torrey had correctly appraised the spirit o f the questioner, from the content of his letter, and after reading the question, he promptly and solemnly replied in words to this effect: “ When I am dead and buried four days, if you will come around and ask me, I will tell you,” and he went on with the next question. Secure in his knowledge of God, he met the organized opposition of the secular societies which distributed their atheistic literature at the doors of the great halls where he preached, by openly challenging them to present the fruits of their philosophies and doctrines. The well-known British atheist, Blatchford, was then in the height of his power and influence. The Clarion, the organ of the atheists, which Blatchford edited, and one of his skeptical books, God and M y Neighbor, were much in evidence in those days, and many of the youth of England were led astray. Torrey’s coming seemed providentially timed to meet this propaganda in Great Britain. It is a well-known fact that a number of the confessed atheists were won to Christ through Torrey’s ministry. I knew one such skeptic who became a veritable firebrand for Christ. T orrey ’ s A fternoon B ible R eadings One of the features of the Torrey-Alexander campaigns in Britain was the custom of holding afternoon Bible read­ ings. Christians would gather with Bibles and notebooks, and Dr. Torrey would bring out the treasures new and old. It was in one of those meetings that I met the crisis [ Continued on page 36] * Minister, Hinson Memorial Baptist Church ,

Hostetler-Skinner Studios Richard Ellsworth Day (left) and President Paul W. Rood of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles meet in Dr. Rood's library to examine some of the books written by Reuben Archer Torrey, books which reveal the inner character of the man of "The Set Face." As the beloved and honored Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in the years from 19 12 to I924, Dr. Torrey, whose birthday anniversary is January 28, and whose portrait appears -in the center of this picture, left an imprint upon the life of Biola which can never be erased. Dr. Day is the biographer who in "The Shadow of the Broad Brim"—the story of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and in "Bush Aglow"—the account of the soul-struggles of Dwight L. Moody, has caught and revealed the secret of the Lord's power in the lives of these men. All who know these two popular works by Dr. Day are eager for his interpretation of Dr. Torrey.

January, 1937



The Perspective of Th is Particular By R. E. NEIGHBOUR Elyria, Ohio

Illustrations by Ransom >D. Marvin

T HERE are usually two outstanding appeals of any New Year’s Day. There is, first of all, the retro­ spective— the review of the past year which is about to enter into the “ yellow leaf” ; and secondly, there is the perspective— the hopes and anticipations which the new year presents. It is as if one had been playing a great organ, approach­ ing a somewhat somber and disappointing finale; then suddenly, he ceases, and after but a pause, with a new vigor and with a startling emphasis, he strikes another and a new chord, a chord vibrant with a questioning expectancy. The average individual who gazes along the vista of a new year is motivated by selfish ambitions. He thinks of a new year as another opportunity for enriching himself. Putting the failures and the achievements of the past year behind him, he thinks of “ making good” in a new oppor­ tunity. Some people think of January first as being the time to start anew. They think that a new book, with clean white pages, awaits a new record about to be writ­ ten, a new life about to be lived. Others think of Decem­ ber thirty-first as the time when their past, especially its sins and failures, is automatically ushered into oblivion, never to be remembered again. The new year to them is a kind of new heart, all cleansed, and somehow panoplied to live a new life. W e write to urge for a different method of facing this particular new year, 1937. There are abundant reasons for obtaining a different kind of perspective . It is in con­ templation of the ever-increasing imminency of the Lord’s return that we speak of the present new year. W e do not say the Lord will come for His saints this year. W e do say that the world and the church alike are anticipating some great change, and that that event may be the rapture of believers (1 Thess. 4 :19 ). T h e W orld ’ s P erspective The world is facing a perspective that presents dark

them and wonder when the nations will be trembling^ in the throes of war— a war that will turn the world upside down, and make her Edens a howling wilderness. This new year dawns with nations arming themselves with every new death-dealing, fire-devouring, famine- deluging device that tends to make the earth desolate. While frantically striving for peace, the nations are actu­ ally preparing for such a war as the world has never known. Human language fails to describe the day of dark­ ness and gloom which, somberlike, threatens the world. The W ord of God describes the “ last day” armies in their maddened fury in Joel 2:4-11. The world is hastening toward its own greatest, self-engendered catastrophe: a war that will blacken the pages of human progress, a war that will write “ Ichabod”— “ the glory is departed”— on all of man’s twentieth-century achievements. W e do not say that these things will occur in the year which is now dawning; but we do believe that in 1937 the world will make tremendous strides toward their ful­ fillment. W e make this assertion by virtue of the feverish steps toward war which have been taken in the years just past, and in view of the fact that there is a wide and almost universal dread of some fateful climax in world events. T he P erspective of t h e C h u r c h The church is facing a perspective full of glory. Toward a great goal the saints are hastening, and their hope may know fruition in 1937. The perspective of the believer includes the rapture of the saints.

Watchman, what of the night? When shines the morning star? How long until the light Shall break across the bar? The watchman said,

“The night draws on apace, but soon will dawn the day; Thy God is pledged to thee to drive the shades away: Lift up thy head.”

As we consider the possibility of our up-going during the year 1937, we find that this very ex­ pectancy stirs the hearts of multi­ plied thousands of saints through­ out the world. Last New Year’s Day many hearts were up-looking; today many additional faces are turned heavenward. This new year may usher the saints into a grand and glorious new era. Therefore, Until the day break, and the shadows flee, Let me ever watching be: Watching till the night is past, Watching while the shadows last; Watching till the break of day, Till the shadows flee away. Let others do as they may; for our part we are determined to live

forebodings. There is no need to deny the present unrest revealing itself throughout the world. On every hand there is a restless looking ahead toward those things which are about to come upon the earth. As men look, their hearts are failing them for fear. They are dreading some vague but fitful world-shock. They lift their eyes upward and wonder when the powers of the heavens may be shaken; they look far around [To many groups of Christians at home and on foreign fields, Dr. Neigh­ bour’s nvork as Bible teacher and con­ ference speaker has brought comfort and inspiration. His devotional poems, several of vohich are embodied in this article, are a further phase of his min­ istry .—E ditor .]


January, 1937

New YearS-1937


this new year, looking for the any-moment breaking of a blessed and eternal “ New Year.” H ow S h o u l d W e S erve D u r in g T h is P artic ­ u l a r Y e a r ? What effect upon our daily round should the per­ spective of the possible sec­ ond coming of our Lord have in this particular new year? W e remember the method by which a certain preacher sought to rebuke premille- narians. He said, in effect, “ If I believed as they do, I would build myself a little

The morning dawns in glory, and the night Wraps up its somber garments in its flight; My soul awakes from dreaming, And my eyes Survey God's sunburst beaming From the skies. I seem to hear Thee saying, "Soon the night Of earth will pass forever, and the light Of glory will be breaking Wondrous fair, Eternal morn be waking Over there."

saints, and thus enable them to prepare to greet the Lord at His coming to the Mount of Olives.


Thus, the perspective of the year 1937 should cause us to press every nerve in service toward others, inas­ much as our last warning word may soon be given. In our gifts also, and in our prayers, we now dare not falter. How S h o u l d W e L ive D u r in g T h is P a r t ic u l a r Y e a r ? There is no stronger incentive to holy living, and to heart readiness with lamps trimmed and burning, than the cry, “ Behold, the bridegroom cometh.” It was when they heard this cry the virgins arose to trim their lamps. There is tragedy in the word that “ they all slumbered and slept.” Shall we, like the evil and indifferent servant of Matthew 24:48, begin to eat and to drink with the drunken, saying that our Lord delayeth His coming? God forbid! Let us “ abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming” (1 John 2 :28 ). If the pen of the writer were the only pen that acclaimed the fact that our Lord, even now, seems to be standing at the Father’s right hand, ready to hasten downward, and to speak the word that will bring forth the bodies of the dead in Christ, and call the living to ascend together with them to meet Him in the air, the reader might question the immediacy of the event. But we are sure that many, very many of the sanest and most Scriptural students of prophecy, will be sounding forth a like call, with ours, at this particular New Year’s tide. Christ may not come within twelve months, and yet a mul­ titude of fulfillments of God’s W ord indicates that Christ will surely come ere much more of man’s day is allowed to pass. “ ’Tis not for long I’ll be away,” ’Twas this I heard the Master say; “ ’Tis but a little while, and then I will be coming back again.”

nest on the top of the wall of Jerusalem, and sit there with folded hands, with upturned eyes, awaiting the day of His coming.” Our Lord, to the contrary, sent two shining ones to speak to the disciples who, upon the Mount of Olives, stood gazing up into heaven. Those shining ones said: “ Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come again in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” . W e insist that the increasing imminency of Christ’s return issues no call to saints to become stargazers. How then does it affect the expectant heart? The imminence of Christ’s return gives an increasing zeal for the salvation of the lost. As the signs of the times multiply, true believers become the more zealous for souls. There is no place or time for lethargy when Christians are convinced that the advent is near. T o the contrary, there is just time for one more loud shout of warning to the unsaved, “ Behold, the bridegroom cometh.” The imminence of Christ’s .return imparts an earnest exhortation to carnal saints. Beyond a doubt the possible rapture of the saints during 1937 stirs us to a renewed ministry in behalf of all believers. W e must do all in our power to present them without rebuke at His coming. It 'is written: “ And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assem­ bling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Heb. 10:24, 25). The imminence of Christ’s return inculcates a renewed missionary endeavor. There are the millions of unevange­ lized men, women and children. They must, if possible, have the privilege of hearing the good news of redemption before Christ returns; otherwise the church is truant to her task. Shall we leave out the Jews in our missionary service? By no means! Whether they hear, or forbear, we must let them know that our Christ is their Messiah. Even if they choose to reject our message and refuse our Christ, our word may be remembered by them after the rapture of the

His “ little while” is almost past; His absence can’t much longer last; His shout, e’en now, I almost hear; His coming back is drawing near. When strikes the hour, He will not stay; He’ll come to take us up, away; The day and hour we “ dinna ken,” . But this we know, He’ll come again.

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