King's Business - 1937-01

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THAN A MAGAZINE” THE KING'S BUSINESS is not published for profit. It is concerned with the busi­ ness of the King. Its pages, conceived and assembled in prayer, seek above all else to fulfill, under the direction of the King Himself, its purpose as stated on the Contents page of every issue. TO MISSIONARIES— This magazine will be a welcome gift to those who spend lonely years in far-away lands, longing for spiritual food and up-to-the-minute messages. As a special feature for read- M W distant lands, THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS prints its Sunday-school and C. E. material far enough in advance so that they reach distant subscribers before the material is out of date. TO. YOUNG PEOPLE — Those who are active m C. E. societies will welcome the excellent helps to be found in Notes on Christian Endeavor. The Girls* Query Corner, conducted by a lover of girls, has given help and encouragement to many a perplexed or discouraged young woman. b TO TEACHERS— The International Sun­ day School Lesson Commentary furnishes an exposition by a student of the Word a treatment of the lesson for children! by a teacher who loves and understands little ones, object lessons, pithy com ­ ments on problems raised by the lesson, and apt illustrations.

FOR THOSE WHO SEND THE KING'S BUSINESS TO OTHERS. T HE KING S BUSINESS is a popular gift. Thousands of copies are mailed by us monthly for Christian stewards who use this practical method of greeting their friends, and of assisting missionaries and shut-ins as well as of serving in this ministry to those who would otherwise be unable to take the magazine. Scores of letters received each month prove that this is a fruitful service greatly blessed of God. . , Th,e. management of this magazine is deeply interested in making possible the widest distribution of THE KING*S BUSINESS. With this object in view, it i, will­ ing to furnish the magazine at the lowest possible price to those who will cooperate by subscribing for groups of friends. During the winter of 1935-36, special inducements for such Club Subscrip­ tions were offered— reducing the price in clubs of ten and more as low as 50c per annual subscription. Once more it is possible, for a limited time, to offer this FEBRUARY 2^ pnce' THE CLUB-°F-TEN OFFER HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO BFCI n T t o A * vP' e n alc ot!ler *upplie* wil1 he mailed upon request— but don't wait. DEAillN 1UUAY. Be first in your community. ADDRESS CIRCULATION MANAGER TH E K IN G 'S BU S IN ESS 4> 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA

Ì M H h I H Ï EK ,E ? T? APP1EAR IN THE 1 0 3 7 KEVO*S BUSINESS Dr. Louis S. Bauman, the nationally known student of proDhecv

Ages-Old Battle Between Jacob and Esau,” will give revealing in- formauon on the present conflict between the Tews and the Arabs in Palestine. N B | *itles of other articles are: “Angels of Light for the Last Days, Is Mussolini ‘ The Man"?’’ and “ Our Prophetic Stars.” Do not miss this series.

I w M i T he K ing ' s B usiness on “The Fulfillment rf Scripture Prophecy in the Light of Current Events” have appeared 1937T C r lrT lw W‘ £?“ tnJ?ute * ®ost interesting series to the 1937 K ings B usiness . The first of these articles, “ Our Befoaaed and Befuddled World,” will appear in an early issue. Next, “ The

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