King's Business - 1937-01



January, 1937

BOOKS PERILS OF THE LATTER DAYS By Louis Patmont This excellent book on Signs of the Times deals with Communism, Socialism, the Apostasy, False Christs, Phenomenal Signs and the in­ evitable Armageddon. Favorably reviewed by Moody Monthly and- others. Beautiful cloth binding. 176 pages. $1.00. LET’ S GO FISHING wd M e


Iowa Christian Fundamentals Association

sociation, has been busy the past three months organizing and speaking at various regional Bible conferences in the United States and Canada. A State Association was organized in North Dakota in October with a large at­ tendance and interest manifested by the Christian people of that area. The confer­ ence was held at Jamestown, N. Dak., arid at the organizational meeting A. E. Bow­ man of Jamestown was elected President of the State Association; E. A. Bushey was made Secretary, and William A. Weyher- ute, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Jamestown, N. Dak., was elected Vice-Pres­ ident. Twenty-one vice-presidents were appointed as leaders of the twenty-one dis­ tricts in the state. A conference will be held monthly in these twenty-one districts. At Fort William and Port Arthur, Ont., Can., on November 4, 5 and 6, Mr. Carlson spoke at a regional conference held in both cities, and an organization was formulated with a great deal of interest manifested, several hundred being in attendance. E. E. Loft of the First Presbyterian Church of Virginia, Minn., was one of the speakers with Mr. Carlson, and James Austin, sup­ ply pastor of the Hope Congregational Church at Superior, Wis., was song leader and soloist. Services were held in St. An­ drews Presbyterian Church in Fort William and the First Presbyterian Church at Port Arthur. Officers of the conference organ­ ization formed at Fort William and Port Arthur are D. A. Corbett, Chairman; Judge McKay, Vice-President; Miss E. Forseyth, Secretary, and William Lowe, Treasurer. During the next several months Mr. Carlson will organize conferences in the following Minnesota localities: Faribault, Little Falls, Virginia, Mankato, and Crooks- ton. EVANGELISTIC NOTICES H omer W . G rimes , pastor of the First Baptist Church of Bisbee, Ariz., recently closed a fruitful revival campaign with the First Baptist Church of Tucson, Ariz., of which R. S. Beal is pastor. During the two weeks, seventy-seven souls professed faith in Christ, and of this number twenty have been baptized, with others planning to take this step later. Large numbers of young people consecrated themselves to the Saviour for His service. C arl C. H arwood , assisted by Jesse Roy Jones, has just closed a series of meetings with the Church of the Open Bible, Ama­ rillo, Tex., of which H. A. Somerville is pastor. This series of meetings was held in commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the church. Radio services, 10 o’clock Bible studies at the church, children’s ses­ sions in the afternoon, and the evening gospel meetings filled the evangelistic party’s schedule. Many backsliders were reclaimed, members were added to the church, and there were seventy-seven de­ cisions for Christ. [Continued on page 14]

Recent word has come from churches ac­ tively interested in the Iowa Christian Fun­ damentals Association. Gilbert McKeeman of Des Moines, Iowa, is serving the Sum­ merset Baptist Church, Summerset, Iowa. William Warden of Cumberland, Iowa, has taken the pastorate of the Gospel Baptist Church at Oelwein, Iowa. The Fundamen­ tal Baptist Church of Des Moines, Iowa, of which Guy H. Fish is pastor, recently observed its first anniversary as an organ­ ized church. A short time ago, a lot and a cottage were purchased for a permanent location, and the house has been remodeled for a temporary place of worship. A Sun­ day-school enrollment of about seventy-five persons is being maintained. Drake Uni­ versity is located only five blocks away, and the church has a unique opportunity for testimony to Christ. Ohio Christian Fundamental? Association The first annual meeting of the Ohio Christian Fundamentals Association was held November 16 to 19 at the Goss Memo­ rial Reformed Church, Akron, Ohio. Speak­ ers on the conference program were Peter Deyneka, Chicago, 111.; T. Richard Dun­ ham, Findlay, Ohio; H. Earl Eavey, Xenia, Ohio; Don Falkenberg, Columbus, Ohio; A. C. Feigert, Van Wert, Ohio; W . D. Herrstrom, Findlay, Ohio; J. A. Levengood, New Bedford, Ohio; Alva J. McClain, Ashland, Ohio; Fred Mitchell, Toledo, Ohio; Paul W . Rood, Los Angeles, Calif.; H. H. Savage, Pontiac, M ich.; B. H. Shad- duck, Damascus, Ohio; George Soerheide, Cleveland, Ohio; William E. Troup, Akron, Ohio; Max Wertheimer, Ada, Ohio; L. fi. Ziemer, Toledo, Ohio. The music was in charge of Douglas Hine, Cleveland, Ohio, and Herbert Wolfe, Manchester, Ohio. William E. Troup is pastor of the church that entertained the conference. The sweep of Fundamentalism in the state of Ohio during the past two or three years has been remarkable. Large numbers of pastors are now preaching premillennial truth, who a few years ago ridiculed it. Newly elected officers of the Ohio Asso­ ciation are as follows: T . Richard Dun­ ham, P. O. Box 388, Findlay, Ohio; Presi­ dent; Don R. Falkenberg, First Vice-Presi­ dent; Fred Mitchell, Second Vice-Presi­ dent; William E. Troup, 2237 Eleventh St. S. W., Akron, Ohio, Executive Secre­ tary; A. J. Levengood, Bible Conference Superintendent; A. C. Feigert, Bible Study Superintendent; Mrs. Max Wertheimer. Superintendent of Young People’s work, and Parley Haffy, Treasurer. For their next annual meeting, members of the Ohio Association plan to gather in October of 1937 at the Central Presbyterian Church of Columbus, Ohio. Regional Bible Conferences Alvin O. Carlson, First Presbyterian Church, Superior, Wis., Regional Chairman of the World’s Christian Fundamentals As­

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