King's Business - 1937-01



January, 1937

tute of Los Angeles; 7:30 P.M ., Shoredale Chapel, Los Angeles. Mr. Overholtzer may possibly visit and speak in other cities and towns in the vicinity, such as San Ber­ nardino, Riverside, Redlands, La Verne, Compton, and Hermosa Beach. TORREY MEMORIAL BIBLE CONFERENCE [Continued from inside front cover ] 7 :30 p . m . Insolation and Isolation.—Walter L. Wilson. A ^Little Religion Is a Dangerous Thing.—Henry E. Burke. SUNDAY, JANUARY 31. “ YOUTH DAY“ 11:00 a . m . The Responsibility o f the Church to Youth and the Responsibility of Youth to the Church.—Paul W. Rood. 2 ;30 p . m . The Problems of Modern Young Peorde and Their Solution.—Don Hillis. The Challenge o f the Twentieth Cen­ tury to Christian Young People.— Samuel H. Sutherland. 7:30 p . m . What Will Happen When Present- Day Youth Captures the World?— Paul W. Rood. AROUND THE KING’ S TABLE ■ [Continued from page S] children are without protection. What will be the final outcome we do not know. The church which he spurned will no doubt save them from a horrible fate. “ How you may feel I do not know, but I feel very strongly. And yet I love Mr. A., for his children were and are close to my heart. Is this the kind of faith our Saviour calls us to demonstrate? If it is, then I, a minister of the gospel, am. a poor example of His Spirit. “ Pray for this dear family.” We well understand the heartache of the man of God who writes so sympathetically concerning this tragic case. It is obvious that the father is a precious child of God who desires to go all the way with the Lord. It is also obvious that he has been misguided. Mr. A. and his wife were called to be home missionaries and were wonderfully used and blessed of God in this service. It was God’s plan that they should continue in this service. Satan, wishing to destroy the testimony and min­ istry of this good man, and not being able to attack his faith or conduct, diverted him from his God-given home ministry by urg­ ing him to go to the foreign field unpre­ pared—tragedy ensued. In this experi­ ence we have a strong illustration of the value and wisdom of Christian counsel. Christian friends advised against going. No missionary board would have advised or allowed this man to take his family to Africa, or to go alone. God never leads us to do anything that is contrary to the Bible, and seldom will He direct us to do that which is contrary to the consensus of opinion of a group of consecrated, instructed, and praying Chris­ tians. May this sad story keep no one from going all the way with the Lord, but may it lead every one to ascertain the perfect will of God by searching the Scriptures, praying through, exercising sanctified com­ mon sense, and securing the advice of ma­ ture, spiritual Christians..

Girls' Query Corner

Conducted by M yr tle E. S cott

Questions for answer in this corner should be sent to Miss Scott, S961 Dicks St., West Hollywood, Calif., and a stamped envelope should be enclosed for reply. No name will appear with the questions chosen for publication.

Dear Miss Scott: A friend of mine presented me with a copy of T he K ing ’ s B usiness . Your articles have been especially helpful, for I do want to live for my Lord whom I love. Please tell me, am I radical? Should a Christian long to attend movies? Should a Christian take part in tap or toe-dancing at school? Please tell me, should a true Christian have interest in and participate in skating, attending such places as the popu­ lar skating rinks where the most vulgar jazz and dance music is presented, and where ungodly people are found? I have resented the attitude of some professing Christians who have said, “ It is not wrong to skate; we must have exercise.” T o be sure, skating is not wrong. But to me the wrong is found in the atmosphere created by the company while there. When I have attended minor places of pleasure where the people have been ungodly, I have at times “ lost out” spiritually. When the Bible tells us “ be ye separate,” where shall we draw the line?* Cannot Psalm 1:1 be applied in this instance? It is not easy for a young Christian to be ridiculed by professing Christians because she desires to “ play safe.”—P erplexed . My dear "Perplexed” : It is a joy, in days like these, to find be­ lievers who are following whole-heartedly after the Lord. Because of the general worldliness and indifference of the profess­ ing church, the fragrance of such a life, walking the path of separation with God, must ascend to the throne as “ an odor of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well­ pleasing to God” (Phil. 4:18). Surely, separation is the normal (though unfortu­ nately not the usual) attitude of the Chris­ tian who has received such a wonderful salvation. If we love Christ, the things He loves will so fill our lives that we will have no taste or desire for the world. Many there are who witness by their walk that though they are God’s lambs they still possess a goat’s appetite. They are like the children of Israel who, in their wilderness experience, cried out for the leeks, cucumbers, onions, and garlic of Egypt. Egypt in Scripture symbolizes “the world” that is opposed to God. When the children of Israel had entered Canaan, we do not hear them again longing for the pleasures of Egypt. There are many be­ lievers who never go further than the wil­ derness experience. For every Christian who will go all the way with God, there is the experience of victory and soul-satis­ faction in the living, risen Christ who dwells within. “ If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above.”

Since we live to please God rather than men, why should it concern us when the world or when professing Christians ridi­ cule? Yes, the words of Psalm 1 are as ap­ plicable today in directing the steps of the godly as they were in the time of David. There are some things that are not essen­ tially wrong in themselves, things which we cannot catalog as wrong for the lives of all Christians. In these matters each Christian must decide for herself what God’s will is for her life, and the place for this decision tb be made is on her knees. “When in doubt, don’t,” is a safe rule by which to go if one desires to please her Lord in all things. Paul’s two rules given in 1 Corinthians 8:13 and 10:31 can be ap­ plied to every problem which arises with regard to separation, and they will be suffi­ cient to enable us to know God’s answer to the question. We must be careful, however, not to al­ low a critical or self-righteous attitude to come into our hearts. We cannot decide for others, any more than they can decide for us, how the Holy Spirit shall lead in matters about which the Bible does not give specific teaching. This we do know, that anything is sin that hinders our spiritual walk or experience. When the Christian young woman is in the condition where the Spirit can direct her, He will lead her into all truth. We need always to obtain direc­ tions for our daily walk from God, and not from the ideas or standards of others about us. God has called us to be a peculiar peo­ ple. Never be afraid of making a mistake in trying to walk close to Him in the straight and narrow way. ' EVANGELISTIC NOTICES [Continued from page 13] J. I rvin O verholtzer , General Director of the Child Evangelism Fellowship, is scheduled for meetings in Southern Cali­ fornia churches as follows: Dec. 30—7:30 P.M ., Christian and Missionary Alliance Tabernacle, San Diego; Dec. 31—8:00 P.M., Alhambra Union Fundamental Church, Al­ hambra; Jan. 2—2:00 p . m ., Calvary Bap­ tist Church, Los Angeles; Jan. 3—11:00 A.M ., Calvary Church, Santa Ana; 2:30 p . m ., Methodist Church, Santa Ana, Calif., and 7 :30 p . m ., First Brethren Church, Long Beach; Jan. 5— 11:00 A.M ., Bethany Com­ munity Church, Sierra Madre; Jan. 6— 8:30 A.M., Bible Institute of Los Angeles; 2:30 and 7:30 p . m ., Lake Avenue Congre­ gational Church, Pasadena; Jan. 7—6:30 p . m ., Evening School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles; Jan. 8—8:30 a . m ., Bible Institute of Los Angeles; Jan. 10—2:30 p . m ., Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles, and 7:30 p . m ., Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church, Pasadena; Jan. 11—8:00 A.M ., Bible Insti-

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