January, 1937
1937, you know, and the time when we are saying “ Happy New Year” to each other. If you really want this to be a happy year, it is well not only'to make a list of these new things, but also to be sure that these new things are all youi>. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus as Saviour, all are yours. If not, dear boys and girls, begin the New Year by accepting Him as your own Saviour. The Lord Jesus loves the boys and girls. When He was here upon earth, He said: “ Suffer little children . . . to come unto me” (Matt. 19:14), and He promised: “ Him that com- eth to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37).—M. S. H. African K. Y. B. C. Members This month we are especially glad to welcome to the Know Your Bible Club thirty-eight new members from South Africa. Mrs. R. A. Miller, who sent us the list of names, tells us that except for her own two daughters, all of these new members are of at least part African de scent. Three separate languages are rep resented, for some of these children and young people have read the Gospel of John in Isixosa, some in Afrikaans, and others in English. Many of them have to borrow Bibles, and some have read with difficulty because of not having had much opportu nity to go to school. New K. Y. B. C. Members The follow ing have read through the Gospel ac cording to John and are now members o f the Know Your Bible Club: Detroit, M ich.: Donovan and Katherine East; Lillian Fredericks; Malcolm Graham, and D avid C. and Margaret W eld (M rs. Frank E. W eld, leader). Los Angeles, Calif.: Richard Dunham and Ever ett and Pamela McLendon (M rs. Frances Browning, leader). Ml. Frere, E. Griqualand, C. P., S. Africa: Dick, Effie, and Elizabeth Barnes; Beatrice, Daisy, and Sana Boti; Dinah Centani; Sara Dam on; Sara Anne D iko; Frances DuPlessis; Agnes and Joscelina Dzingw e; Bessie Fortein; Phyllis Goldsmith; An drew, Elizabeth, Margaret, and M ary Jasson; Oscarina Jojozi; Angelina M ahlanga; M iranda and Rosalinda M ahlangeni; Baliwe Maqalekane; M ercy M bew u; Winnie M hlaba; M ary Moffat and Ruth Constance M iller; Jeffrie M jalie; Maude M zim ba; Calloway Ntikinca Juliet Ntloko; W ilson Rainer; Alice Ramotloenya; Esther Shinta; Alma Sikisi; Jackson Sogoli, and Edmond and Janet Tukela (M rs. R. A. M iller, missionary). Mt. Shasta City, Calif.: Alice Codomo; Ziela Roberts; Theodore Salinas, and Anna and George Shrader (Derfelt-Eby Evagelistic Party). Port Orchard, Wash.: Martin Aaland; Delbert Beckwith; Rolan Brockoff; Clarence Copeland; George and Stuart H ill; Howard Joijes; Albert, Donald, and Lawrence Shoemaker (M rs. I. M . Sherburne, teacher). Riverton, Ore.: James Gibbs; Glenn Gilbert, Jr.; Oran and Ronald Holbrook, and Nancy Roberts (M rs. L. A. Borgard, teacher). Sedgwick, Kans.: Lois Armour. South Washington, Vt.: Alma J. Glen, and Ila M . Kezer; Earle A., Emma F., Lucy B., Marian S., Wayne A., and W inifred J. Royce (M rs. Ray A. Royce, superintendent). Thunder Hawk, S. Dak.: M ildred Fish. How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel according to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read, and a state ment to this effect, signed by parent or Sun day-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King's Business, a K. Y . B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or dubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs: Gospels, postpaid, five cents each — in quantity, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior King’s Busi ness, 55S South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.
“Now I know that you boys will want to invest the days and hours and minutes of this New Year in a way that will most please Him. There is a verse in the Bible which says we should be redeeming—buy ing up— the time, ‘for the days are evil.’ We must ‘buy up’ the time for the Lord Jesus. How shall we do this, boys?” “ By telling others about Him, by invit ing other boys to Sunday-school, by being kind . . . ” the boys suggested as the bell for dismissal rang. After a short and heartfelt prayer, and with a happy smile, Miss Anne sent them away. God had answered her New Year’s prayer sooner than she had expected. —M. S. H. Memory Work for January Have you enjoyed the memory work dur ing the past year? If you have learned all of the Scripture suggested for memory work, you have indeed hidden away in your heart much of God’s Word. During the month of January we will learn verses that tell about the most wonderful Book in the world, the Bible. Question: Who wrote the Bible? Answer: “ Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy, Ghost” (2 Pet. 1:21). Question: Is all of the Bible God’s Word? Answer: “All Scripture is given by in spiration of God, and is profitable for doc trine, for reproof, for correction, for in struction in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16). Question: Why should we study God’s Word? Answer: “ Study to show thyself ap proved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). Question: Where should one hide God’s Word? Answer: “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee” (Psa. 119:11). For Your Notebooks Many of you boys and girls of the Junior King’s Business family will be wanting to keep a notebook during the year 1937. Choose the kind and size that pleases you most. Decorate the cover with a bright picture, a Bible picture if possible, and print on the cover the title: Know Your Bible Club Notebook. Let us divide the book into twelve parts, using a part for each month in the year. On the very first page, print in large let ters this heading: January, 1937. Below this write a verse of Scripture which you choose as your year verse or motto for the year 1937. Ask the Lord Jesus to make this verse especially real to you this year. Then on the next page, make a list of all of the new things you can find in God’s Word. There are a “ new heart” and a “new name,” but I must not tell you any more now. You will want to find them for yourself. Some of these “new” things are hidden in such passages as Psalm 40; John 13 :34, 35 ; 2 Corinthians 5:14-17; Hebrews 10:19-24; 2 Peter 3:13, 14; and Revelation 3:11-13; 5:6-10; 21:1-7. January is the “ new” month of the year
A New Year’s Investment I T was the first Sunday in the New Year. Miss Anne was hurrying to Sunday-school with joy and anticipa tion. She was determined to win the boys of her Sunday-school class to the Lord Jesus. That was her one big New Year’s resolution. The faces of her Junior boys had been constantly before her as she prayed and prepared her Sunday-school lesson. True, she had taught this class for two years, but never had she asked the boys to accept the Lord Jesus as Saviour. Her great desire and new determination to win them to Christ had come as a result of a message that Dr. Towner, her pastor, had given on New Year’s Eve. As he spoke, Miss Anne realized with a start that she had never led a single person to her Saviour. “With His help, I will win at least one soul for Him this year,” she had said in her heart—and then she remem bered her Sunday-school boys. “ Oh, let me win them every one for Thee,” she fervent ly prayed. Miss Anne found her Junior boys in their places as usual. But the boys soon discov ered that their teacher was somehow dif ferent that Sunday morning, and they watched her closely. “Boys,” she began, “ suppose I should give each of you this first Sunday in the New Year, a check for the amount of $365. Your fathers would advise you to invest it, that is, to put it in a place that would be safe while your money earned .more money for you. “ But at the beginning of the New Year, God has placed in the hands of each of you, should you live throughout the year, something of more value than $365, and that treasure is 365 days. Those 365 days contain 8,760 hours or 525,600 minutes. Boys, how will you invest these precious days and hours and minutes so that at the end of the year your investment will result in gain for you? “First, you must find a ‘safe place’ in which to place your gifts—and that safe place is the Lord Jesus. Open your Bibles to 2 Timothy 1:12 and let us read together: ‘I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed [trusted] unto him against that day.’ “ The Lord Jesus came into this world as a baby, born in a manger. He lived for thirty-three years upon this earth, and then He died upon the cross of Calvary for the sins of all of us. When you accept Him as your own personal Saviour, you have indeed found that safe place. “Now let us read John 1:12: ‘But as many as received [that is, took ] him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God’ (R. V ). If you* truly receive Him, the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be sure of spending these 365 days in a way that will bring in the largest returns. Will you not take Him as your Saviour today at the be ginning of this New Year?” With scarcely a moment’s hesitation, first one and then another of the Junior boys said, “ I will.” How Miss Anne’s heart sang for joy as she bowed in prayer, com mitting each boy to his new-found Saviour I Following the prayer, Miss Anne said,.
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