King's Business - 1937-01

January, 1937



Lesson: Here are Clara and Carrie Clothespin. While these twins look alike, they are very different. Clara looks as un­ saved people appear in the sight of God— she is blackened with sin. W e may not know when people are stained with sin, but God does. Carrie is clean. She has the red cross which speaks of Christ’s death to save sinners. When people are real Christians, that is, when they have ac­ cepted Christ as Saviour, their lives are cleansed. These twins are like people who have died and have been buried. We will put them in this little box which represents the grave. We are reminded of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “ I am the resur­ rection, and the life: he that believeth in

LearnBibleHistory M O O D Y H O M E - S T U D Y C O U R S E O N L Y $2.50 “ Great Epochs of Sacred His­ tory,” one of 15 correspon­ d e n c e c o u r s e s u n d e r th e direction o f M oody Bible In­

ration f r o m God, and it is sin that separates us f r o m Him. God sent Jesus into the world to die that those who be­ lieve in Him might live. In our story today, Jesus is show­ ing the people that He has power over death. Lesson Story:

stitute. Gives great facts of Biblical history. If you have never studied the Bible at home under experi­ enced guidance, start with this course. Only 24 lessons. Full instructions, kindly counsel. Send coupon today. M OO D Y B IB LE IN STITU TE OF CH ICAGO Dept. 4201, 153 Institute Place, Chicago, Illinois Please send me FREE liible Test. FREE illustrated Prospectus of following courses: □ Introductory Bible □ Great Epochs of Sacred History, □ Teacher Training. □ Practical Christian Work, □ Christian Evidences. □ Synthetic Bible Study, □ Scripture Memorizing, □ Mountain Peaks of Prophecy, □ Scofield Bible Course. Name .........'.................................................................................v.. Address........ .........;..............................................................* MONTROSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS offers your daughter careful and exact prep­ aration for college, supplemented by music, arts and crafts. She will be taught by an efficient, college trained, experienced Christian faculty. W e feature personal guidance study hall supervision , varied athletics w inter sports Enrollments now received for second semes­ ter, February 2, 1937. Write tos Mrs. Marion M. Stoughton, Ph.D. Headmistress, M O N T R O S E , PA., BE IT RESOLVED that during this New Year 1 shall serve my Lord more faithfully by distributing GOSPEL TRACTS Order your sample package now, and get started. Only 25c. Faith, Prayer and Tract League Dept^ KB, Muskegon Heights, Mich. incarfiation of all truth. It is not enough to believe in the truth. We must believe that He is the truth, and that apart from Him there is neither foundation for nor reality of truth. Let us allow nothing, how­ ever good, to turn our eyes from Him who is- the “way, fife truth, and the life.” A stanza from an old hymn says that Jesús Christ “burst the bars” of the grave and ’“ tore the bars away.” If a man bursts the bars of the State’s prison, all of the police force of the commonxvealth is after him to bring him back. If, on the contrary, he has served his full time, all of the power in the State cannot retain him one hour longer. Jesus Christ had to remain in the grave three days according to Scripture, but after the three days had expired, there was not enough power in heaven or in hell to retain Him another moment.. — Moody Monthly When Jesus’ Friends Stopped Crying J o h n 1 1 :1 to 12:11 Memory Verse: “ God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes” (Rev. 21:4). Appxauch: . When, the Lord Jesus was on earth, He was trying in many different ways to explain that He had come to take away death.' Death of the soul means sepa­ ™ “ “ Golden Text Illustration J o h n 11:25

Among Jesus’ dearest friends were Martha and Mary and Laza­ rus, two sisters and a brother who lived in the little town of Bethany, near to Jeru­ salem. Many times Jesus had visited them in their home. One day, when He was far from Bethany, He heard from these friends that Lazarus was very ill. Jesus’ disciples urged Him to hurry to Lazarus. They were sure that Jesus could cure him if they reached Bethany in time. They knew that Jesus had cured others who had been ill, and they thought that surely He would heai this friend. But Jesus didn’t hurry. His disciples couldn’t understand why He was so slow. At last He told them that Lazarus was dead. How sorry they felt! They hurried to Bethany. Soon Martha came to meet them. Sadly she said to Jesus: “ If thou hadst been here, my brother had not died,” Then Mary met Him and said the same thing. They didn’t know yet what Jesus was going to do. They walked to the grave with Him. When they reached the grave where Lazarus had been lying dead for four days, Jesus called to him. Then Lazarus arose and came forth and lived again. The Lord Jesus showed Himself to be the Resurrection and the Life. He has power over death to those who believe on Him, and the day is coming when all who have received Him as Saviour will live again. Objects: A magnet, two spring clothes­ pins, and a jewel box. (Remove the spring from one1of the clothespins and glue the two pieces together. Cover the magnet with white paper. Put several ink marks on the clothespin that has no spring, and a red cross on the other.) Lesson Text: John 12:20-33; 13:34, 35. Golden Text: “A new commandment I give unto y6u, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another” (John 13:34). Outline and Exposition I. T he V isit of the G reeks (1 2 :2 0 -2 6 ) T he Greeks mentioned in this passage were Gentiles who had become prose­ lytes to the Jewish religion (v. 20). In order that they might observe the stated feast day, they had come to Jerusalem. Hearing of the recent triumphal entry of the Lord, they were’ filled with a desire Object Lesson The C lothespin T wins

me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25), and of the words of Paul: “ For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first” (1 Thess. 4:16). We will let this large white magnet re­ mind us of Jesus at His coming. As the magnet comes near the box in which the twins are, Carrie arises to meet it. Clara Clothespin remains in the grave, no matter how close the magnet comes to her. Some­ thing like this will occur when Jesus comes. At that time, the bodies of those who have not been cleansed from sin through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will remain in the grave, while the men and women and boys and girls who have been cleansed by the blood of Christ “ shall rise first” and will be joined by living believers—“caught up together . . . to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thess. 4:17). Later, the bodies of un­ believers will be raised, too, but these peo­ ple will face sorrow and judgment (cf. Rev. 20:5). In which company do you choose to be? to see Him who had been so signally hon­ ored by the multitude which had acclaimed Him. The Greeks approached Philip, ask­ ing him to introduce them to Jesus (v. 21). Philip took their request to Andrew, and together the two took it to the Lord (v. 22). The Lord’s reply was, “ The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified” (v. 23). He was to be glorified, not by be­ ing applauded as a man, a great man, but by going to the cross for the sin of all men. He spoke of the corn or wheat as falling into the ground to die and to bring forth fruit (v. 24). He could not give life without dying. How contradictory this truth is to much' that is taught today! We

FEBRUARY 28, 1937 THE NEW COMMANDMENT J ohn 12:12 to 13:38

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