January, 1937
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
in the center of the other bundle, and put a rubber band around them. The sponge can be blackened with ink. . Allow the ink to dry before using.) Lesson: These two bundles of matches are like people. One is like Christians, and the other like unsaved people. You cannot always tell Christians by their looks, but you can usually tell by their actions. Before trying to decide which of these bundles is like Christians and which is like the unsaved, let us recall the words of Christ: “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:34, 35). I will take off the rubber band which binds this first bundle together, and see what happens. The matches separate im mediately. Look! This black sponge of hate causes them to separate. What kind of people do you think they represent? “ Unsaved people.” Yes, unsaved people often seek to get away from each other as soon as possible. We will take the rubber band off the other bundle. These matches cling together tightly. No black sponge of hatred causes them to separate. Christians who have fel lowship with Christ are held together by love. When people of the world see Chris tians who have love for each other, they realize that they are disciples of Christ. Correction The Bible: Its Christ and Modernism by T. J. McCrossan mentioned on page 502 of the December, 1936, K in g ’ s B u sin ess , is an excellent cloth-bound volume, selling at $1.00 a copy. Through error, the review offered a paper binding at this price. Schroeder, ’34) and Mr. Kuhlmann’s par ents sailed November 14 from Seattle, Wash., for China, where they will be engaged in mission work operated on faith lines. Their new address is Tangshan, Ku., China. Married Ernest Crabb, ’33, and Helen N. Snyder, ’33, Nov. 2, Seattle, Wash. Cyril Heath and Winifred Smith, Nov. 6, Hollywood, Calif. John R. Petker and Margaret Campbell, Nov. 28, Ceres, Calif. Daniel J. Schirmer, ’34, and Amy Talas, ’36, Dec. 13, Hotevilla, Ariz. Born To Allen H. (’33) and Mrs. Backer (Elizabeth Renich), a daughter, Dorothy Jean, Nov. 28, Adna, Wash. T o David ( ’27) and Mrs. Doerksen (Ruth Dunn, ’33), a son, Vernon, Oct. 3, Camden, N. J. To Earle and Mrs. Ferris (Kathryn C. Smith, ’30), a daughter, Sharon Kay, Aug. 18, Los Angeles, Calif. To Kenneth and Mrs. Friant (Margaret W . Trowbridge, ’27), a son, Norman Trowbridge, July 31, Los Angeles, Calif. To Oscar T. ( ’27) and Mrs. Gillan, a FAMILY CIRCLE [ Continued from page 11]
daughter, Bonnie Dee, Aug. 17, Los An geles, Calif. T o Walter R. (’35.) and Mrs. Pauli (Lois Smith, ’35), a daughter, Elizabeth Anne, May 31, Los Angeles, Calif. To D. D. and Mrs. Turner (Faith Hol lingsworth, ’21), a daughter, Lucille Hope, Nov. 13, Los Angeles, Calif. T o Marshall P. and Mrs. Welles (Helen L. Antisdale, ’29), a son, Robert Marshall, July 10, Ventura, Calif. Dr. and Mrs. Welles are looking forward to missionary service. W ith the Lord Paul Franklin Morgan, the fifteen-months old son of Earl F. ( ’22) and Mrs. Morgan of 152 E. Fifth Ave., Escondido, Calif., entered the Saviour’s presence on Novem ber 18. Little Paul’s illness was very brief, and was due to a severe form of croup.
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